"Aloha Means Get Lost" - Eric Poohina (2010)


News we can’t use.

Before the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, we had about a hundred newspaper periodicals managed and edited by Hawaiians. My family had their own news agency, and the editor was Joseph Kalani’opu’u Nawahi.

After the American invasion, the racist white missionary party that suppressed Queen Lili’uokalani and the Hawaiian people had all the news agencies shut down, except the Honolulu Advertiser. For over a hundred
years, Honolulu only had two newspaper agencies, the Honolulu Advertiser
and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

Today, we have the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, a poor excuse for entertainment, sports and a tourist news agency. Hardly articles [are included] with Hawaiian cultural meaning. All the articles are based on
American settler entertainment, sports and tourist news.

I predict that unless the Honolulu Star-Advertiser boards of directors change the present “American Mickey Mouse” format, it’s all over for them. The sooner the Honolulu Star-Advertiser shuts down, the
better for Hawaii.

Aloha means get lost!

Eric Po’ohina



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year ago


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