Alodio Titles Are Owned by the Royal Families, Kanaka Maoli, Which Means the U.S.A./U.S. Government/U.S. Navy Dept Et. Als Owns Nothing In the Hawaiian archipelago

                                                                                        by Amelia Gora (2016)

Kamehameha III's speech of 1851 reveals that there are two (2) types of conveyances:  ALODIO to the subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Royal Families/Kanaka Maoli and FEE SIMPLE to Aliens.   

The following is Kamehameha III's Speech:

Amelia Gora's photo.

The following are the early transactions recorded at the Bureau of Conveyances:

Lease  - Grantor J. Dudoit to United States Navy Department Date:  5/7/1849  Liber 9/9 = pc land, stone building, wharf, Honolulu, Oahu

Note:  J.Dudoit was a French /foreigner who was conveyed only Fee Simple, less than Alodio.

1893 - Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned by pirates, pillagers, conspirators, treasonous persons who were part of the voted in part of the Kingdom of Hawaii government and called themselves the Provisional government.  They were planners, conspirators who worked with the United States in premeditation activities against the Queen, the Royal Families, and subjects.

Note:  Queen Liliuokalani documented that they were neither de facto nor de jure government but an entity.

Discussion of turning the Provisional government into a Republic was made in the habeas corpus case of SHELDON, the Kuokoa newsman who published the near accurate version of the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.  

Reference:  HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1893, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

1899 -  The United States of America became two governments:  The United States and the American Empire.

Reference:  PEACOCK vs. the Republic of Hawaii, HAWAII REPORTS (1899), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

1900 -  The United States  Army, Navy, and Federal Officials helped to develop the Territorial government.

No Land Transactions to the United States Navy Department, United States of America recorded until 1901:

Deed - Oahu Railway & Land Company to the United States of America Date:  12/6/1901 Liber 231/75 =635 acres, Halawa, Oahu

Note:  Oahu Railway & Land Company was an  American/ Foreign Company who was conveyed only Fee Simple, less than Alodio.  The Alodio Titles belongs to Grace Kamaikui, and Mataio Kekuanaoa's heirs, descendants.

Deed  = Oahu Sugar Co. Ltd to the United States of America  Date:  12/16/1901, Liber 231 /78  Interest in 23 acres land on Ford Island, Oahu.

Note:  Oahu Sugar Co. Ltd was an American/ Foreign Company who was conveyed only Fee Simple, less than Alodio.  The Alodio Titles belongs to Kamehameha IV, Miriam Kekauonohi, et. als.

Deed = Oahu Sugar Co. Ltd to the United States of America Date:  12/16/1901, Liber 235/22 in re:  deed of 23 acres, Ford Island.

Deed =  Oahu Sugar Co. Ltd. was an American/ Foreign Company Date:  3/26/1902, Liber 231/305 in re:  interest in 24 l/2 ac. land, Ford Island.

Par/Rel.  Bishop & Co. Trs was a treasonous company which conveyed to the United States of America Date:  3/27/1902, Liber 231/306 portion of land, Oahu

Decree of Court - Bishop, Bernice Pauahi Estate of by Judge to United States of America, Date:  12/23/1901, Liber 235/268  in re proceedings, Pearl Harbor

Note:  Pirated Estate whose Trustees claimed to be the heirs had only a Fee Simple interest when Bernice Pauahi Bishop died in 1884.  Fee Simple was conveyed to a Alien government the United States of America.  The Trustees were treasonous persons who participated in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.

Many other Deeds, Agreements, Judgements, Plan recorded.


More Fee Simple, Less than Alodio Owners:

A repost, Purpose to see the associations of the U.S. President Bush, Judges, etc. affiliation/association:
Edited by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of
Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal
Person not subject to the laws (2005)
Based on the ‘upper class’ ‘overlapping memberships’ claim provided by author of the book WHO RULES AMERICA NOW by G. William Domhoff (1983), the following are some of the clubs that are affiliated as shown in the PACIFIC CLUB, Members Roster & Handbook 1999-2000. Political people, Bankers, Attorneys, Judges, Corporation heads, Consulates, etc. are documented members.
The 1999-2000 Pacific Club book is helpful to researchers everywhere because:
It was purchased as a ‘Collectors Item’ for $1 at a second-hand store,
The Pacific Club has its’ basis in the Kingdom of Hawaii since 1851,
It allows many, including researchers, to review the direct connections (Political people, bankers, attorneys, judges, corporate heads, consulates, etc.) affecting our Kingdom of Hawaii, the connections to the entity/the Provisional government/Republic of Hawaii/Territory of Hawaii/State of Hawaii, the bankers, the businessmen, the consulates involved in the perpetuation of fraud, deceit, deviance in Hawaii today,
It can be used as an information base for many researchers in Hawaii, the U.S. and the World.
Other Affiliated Clubs and International Reciprocal Clubs of the Pacific Club formerly the Mess, and the British Club are listed below:
The Adelaide Club, Adelaide, Australia
Akron City Club, Akron, Ohio, U.S.
Algonquin Club of Boston, Boston, U.S.
The American Club in China, Taipei, Taiwan
The American Club of Hong Kong, Central, Hong Kong
American Club of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Arid Club, Inc., Boise, Idaho, U.S.
Arizona Club, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.
Arizona Club, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.
Arlington Club, Portland, Oregon, U.S.
The Athenaeum Club, Melbourne, Australia
The Bankers Club, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Bankers Club, San Francisco, California, U.S.
The Bankers Club, Taipei, Taiwan
Beijing American Club, Beijing, China
Bellevue Club, Bellevue, Washington, U.S.
The Berkeley City Club, Berkeley, California, U.S.
The Bohemian Club
‘People of the upper class often belong to clubs in several cities, creating a nationwide pattern of overlapping memberships.’
The Bohemian Club of San Francisco, “is also the most unusual and widely known club of the upper class. Its annual two-week encampment in its 2,700 acre Bohemian Grove 75 miles north of San Francisco brings together the social elite, celebrities, and government officials for relaxation and entertainment. A description of this gathering provides the best possible insight into the role of clubs in uniting the upper class.”
The club purchased the huge forest retreat in the 1890s and called it the Bohemian Grove. During the last two weeks in nearly non-raining northern California July, members/Bohemians and their guests numbering anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 camp out. Most of the men stay for the weekends only and return home and jobs during this period. “During their stay the campers are treated to plays, symphonies, concerts, lectures, and political commentaries by entertainers, musicians, scholars, and government officials.” Some of their activities include trapshooting, paddling a canoe, swimming, visiting the Grove art gallery, and taking guided tours into the mountain forest’s outer fringe. “But a stay at the Bohemian Grove is mostly a time for relaxation and drinking in the modest lodges, bunkhouses, and even teepees that fit unobtrusively into the landscape along the two or three macadam roads that join the few “developed” acres within the Grove. It is like a summer camp for the power elite and their entertainers.”
Ten (10) to thirty (30) male members gather in little camps. Approximately 120 camps has a name: Sons of Toil, Cave Man, Mandalay, Toyland, Owl’s Nest, Hill Camp Lost Angels. The Bohemian chorus call theirs camp Aviary. Some special drinks, brunches, or luncheon camps invite members from other camps. “The camps are a fraternity system within the larger fraternity.”
Traditional plays such as “the High Jinx and the Low Jinx” are part of the events. Every year since 1880, the Cremation of Care opening ceremony is celebrated. “This ceremony takes place at the base of a 40-foot Owl Shrine constructed out of poured concrete and made even more resplendent by the mottled forest mosses that cover much of it. The Owl Shrine is only one of many owl symbols and insignias to be found in the Grove and the downtown clubhouse, for the owl was adopted early in the club’s history as its mascot or totem animal.”
“The opening ceremony is called the Cremation of Care because it involves the burning of an effigy named Dull Care, who symbolizes the burdens and responsibilities that these busy Bohemians now wish to shed temporarily. More than 60 Bohemians take part in the ceremony as priests, acolytes, torch bearers, brazier bearers, boatmen and woodland voices. After many flowery speeches and a long conversation with Dull Care, the high priest lights the fire with the flame from the Lamp of Fellowship, located on the “Altar of Bohemia” at the base of the shrine. The ceremony, which has the same initiatory functions as those of any fraternal or tribal group, ends with fireworks, shouting, and the playing of “There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight.” The attempt to create a sense of cohesion and solidarity among the assembled is complete.”
“As the case of the Bohemian Grove and its symbolic ceremonies rather dramatically illustrate, there seems to be a great deal of truth to the earlier-cited suggestion by Crane Brinton that clubs may have the function within the upper class that the clan or brotherhood has in tribal societies. With their restrictive membership policies, initiatory rituals, private ceremonials, and great emphasis on tradition, clubs carry on the heritage of primitive secret societies. They create within their members an attitude of prideful exclusiveness that contributes greatly to an in-group feeling and a sense of fraternity within the upper class.”
Former President Ronald Reagan and his Vice-President Bush, father of current President George W. Bush, did not report that they were members of the Bohemian Club in WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA 1980-1981. Many Bohemians omit this information.
Members and Guests at the Bohemian Grove 1970 and 1980 gathering included 29% of the 800 top corporations, 20 of the top 25 largest banks were represented.
“The companies with the most directors present tended to be located on the West Coast, with Bank of America (10), Southern Pacific (9), Wells Fargo (9), and Pacific Gas and Electric (6) leading the way. However, such New york-based banks as Citicorp (6), Chase Manhattan (5) and Baners Trust (5) were among 11 companies with 5 or more directors present in 1980.”
Reference: WHO RULES AMERICA NOW? (1983) by G. William Domhoff,
Simon & Schuster, Inc.
The Brisbane Club, Brisbane, Australia
Brocket Hall Golf Club, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, England
Capital Club of London, London, England
The Century Club, Osaka, Japan
Chang An Club, Beijing, China
The Christchurch Club, Christchurch, New Zealand
City Club of Dalian, Dalian, China
The City Club of the Palm Beaches, North Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.
The City Club of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Columbia Club, Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.
The Commerce Club, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
The Commonwealth Club, Canberra, Australia
Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.
Cypress Lakes Golf & Country Club, Sydney, Australia
Dallas City Club, Dallas, Texas, U.S.
Denver Club, Denver, Colorado, U.S.
Emeralda Golf & Country Club, Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Fort Canning Country Club, Singapore, Singapore
Gading Raya Padang Golf & Club, Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Genesee Valley Club, Rochester, New York, U.S.
Guangzhou Luhu Golf & Country Club, Guangzhou, China
The Halifax Club, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
The Heritage Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Hilo Yacht Club, Hilo, Hawaii
The Houston Club, Houston, Texas, U.S.
Imperial Country Club, Jakarta West, Indonesia
Jakarta American Club, Jakarta, Indonesia
Karuehaad Sports Club, Pakkred Nonthaburi, Thailand
Kobe Club, Kobe, Japan
The Lake club, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Lotos Club, New York, New York, U.S.
The Macau Golf & Country Club, Macau, Macau
The Manila Club, Inc., Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
Manila Polo Club, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
Manitoba Club, 194 Broadway, Winnipeg, Canada
The Melbourne Club, Melbourne, Australia
Mercantile Athletic Club, Jakarta, Indonesia
Mercantile Athletic Club, Tainan, Taiwan
The Mercantile Club, Jakarta, Indonesia
The Mercantile Club, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Metropolitan Club, San Francisco, California, U.S.
The Miami City Club, Miami, Florida, U.S.
Mimosa Golf & Country Club, Clarkfield, Philippines
Minneapolis Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.
The Nassau Club, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.
New York Athletic Club, New York, New York, U.S.
The Northern Club, Auckland, New Zealand
The Olympic Club, San Francisco, California, U.S.
Ontario Club, Toronto, Canada
The Pacific Club, Newport Beach, California, U.S.
Palm Resort Golf & Country Club, Johor Darul Takzim
Petroleum Club, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, U.S.
Pinetree Town & Country Club, Singapore, Singapore
Queen City Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.
The Rainier Club, Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Rideau Club, Ottawa, Canada
The Riviera Golf & Country Club, Cavite, Philippines
The Royal Northern and University Club, Aberdeen, Scotland
St. James’s Club of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sarasota University Club, Sarasota, Florida, U.S.
Seoul Club, Seoul, Korea
Shanghai American Club, Shanghai, China
Singapore Polo Club, Singapore, Singapore
The Sloane Club, London, England
The Sutter Club, Sacramento, Sacramento, California, U.S.
The Tanglin Club, Singapore, Singapore
Tasmanian Club, Hobart, Australia
Terminal City Club, Vancouver, Canada
Tokyo American Club, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Capital Club, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
The Tower Club, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Union Club, Sydney, Australia
Union Club of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Union Club of British Columbia, Victoria, B.C.
Union League Club of chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
United Oxford & Cambridge University Club, London, England
The University Club, Denver, Colorado, U.S.
The University Club, Washington, D.C.
The University Club Atop Symphony Towers, San Diego, California, U.S.
The University Club of Albany, Albany, New York, U.S.
The University Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
The University Club of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
The Vancouver Club, Vancouver, Canada
Vietnam Golf & Country Club, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Washington Athletic Club, Washington, U.S.
The Weld Club, Perth W.A., Australia
World Trade Center Club Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
The World Trade Club, San Francisco, California, U.S.
The following are examples of 1999-2000 members of the Pacific Club, Honolulu, Hawaii:
Political people/Corporate: Hawaii Pacific University – President – Chatt G. Wright;
Chaminade University of Honolulu – President - Dr. Mary C. Wesselkamper;
Straub Clinic & Hospital – President/CEO Dr. Blake E. Waterhouse;
University of Hawaii at Manoa –Hawaii Institute of Geophysics & Planetology Professor – Dr. Daniel S. Watanabe;
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. Vice Pres & CIO Charles F. Wall;
Former Governor John Waihee – Atty at Law: Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand;
The Castle Group, Inc. – Chairman & CEO Rick S. Wall
Amfac, Inc. – Chairman Emeritus Henry A. Walker, Jr.
University of Hawaii – Dept of Psychology AssProf Dr. Kelly M. Vitousek;
The Queen’s Medical Center – President & CEO – Arthur A. Ushijima;
Persis Corporation – Chairman/CEO Thurston Twigg-Smith;
Persis Corporation, Curator, Persis Art Collection Sharon C. Twigg-Smith;
Aston Hotels & Resorts – Sr. vice Pres Jane B. Tatibouet;
Aston Hotel & Resorts – Sales Manager, Northeast Cecily B. Tatibouet;
State of hawaii – Ret. Aileen N. Sylva;
State of Haawaii – Department of Education Asst. Superintendent Alfred K. Suga;
Grace Pacific Corp. Chairman – Richard Dwayne Steele;
Sorensen Pacific Broadcasting, Inc. Agana, Guam –Chairman- Rex W. Sorensen;
Ossipoff Snyder & Rowland Architects, Inc. President – Sidney E. Snyder, Jr.;
Hawaii Preparatory Acadeny – Dir. Public Relations – Frederick Y. Smith
Tesoro Petroleum Corporation – San Antonio, Texas – VP-Corporate Relations Andrea L. Simpson;
First Hawaiian Bank Sr Vice Pres & Div Mgr – Sharon Shiroma-Brown;
BMW of Honolulu – Pres-Damon J. Shelly;
Foreign Non-Res – Montreal, Quebec, Canada – JEH Pierre Senecal;
Punahou School Pres. Dr James K. Scott;
Schuler Homes, Inc. Principal – James K. Schuler;
Title Guaranty of Hawaii, Inc. – Pres – Michael A. Pietsch;
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. –Chairman Emeritus – Robert J. Pfeiffer;
The Queen Emma Foundation – Chairman of the board and CEO Robert C. Oshiro;
St. Timothy-s Episcopal Church Reverend Vincent O’Neill;
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific – Pres/CEO William D. O’Connor;
Sears Roebuck & Co. Ret. John Francis Nielsen;
Castle & Cooke, Inc. – Sr Vice Pres, Ret. John F. Murphy;
The Queen’s Medical Center – VP Patient Support & Community Rel/Corp Sec Karen K. Muranaka;
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. Financial Vpres & CFO Robert F. Mougeot;
East-West Center Pres Charles Edward Morrison;
University of Hawaii Exec Admin/Pres (former) Dr. Kenneth P. Mortimer
Kualoa Ranch, Inc – Pres John M. Morgan;
Kualoa Ranch, Inc Chairman Francis S. Morgan;
Kaneohe Ranch – Chief Exec Officer Randolph G. Moore
Castle & Cooke Hawaii Wallace S. Miyahira;
The Marianists – Provincial – Fr. John Russi;
Maui Land & Pineapple Co. Inc. Exec Vpres/Finance – Paul Joseph Myer;
State of Hawaii – Deputy Prosecutor Caroline M. Mee;
Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute – Kapiolani Medical Center – Director – Dr. Philip I. McNameee;
Straub Clinic Surgeon – Dr. George O. McPheeters;
Chairman & Professor of Surgery – Univ of Hawaii – John A. burns School of Medicine;
The Queen’s Medical Center VP Finance – Rix Maurer, III
Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. Pres & Chief Exec Officer – Thomas F. Malone;
C. Brewer & Co., Inc. Exec Vpres & CFO Kent T. Lucien;
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. Vpres-Admin Peter C. Lewis;
BHP Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from Houston Texas Group Mgr Lewis N. Levy;
BHP Hawaii Inc. Vpres Faye W. Kurren;
Leahi Hospital Pres & Medical Director Dr. John H.C. Kim FACP,FACE;
St. Andrew’s Priory School – Headmaster Emeritus (Ret.) The Rev. David K. Kennedy;
Hon Police Dept – Ret. Francis A. Keala;
Tax Foundation of Hawaii Pres Lowell L. Kalapa;
Cathedral of St. Andrew Canon Pastor Rev. Frances Kay Johnson;
Kapiolani Health Sr. Vpres John P. Jeffries;
U.S. Federal Government Rear Admiral, USN Ret & Engineer Rear Adm Henry J. Johnson;
U.S. Federal Government Col, USAF Ret. Larry C. Johnson;
reply by
amelia gora
(544 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
10/14/2006 (21:20)

I feel good delete edit reply top
U.S. Federal Government Col, USAF Ret. Larry C. Johnson;
Armed Service YMCA – Exec Dir Selby W. Jacobs;
Theo H Davies & Co., Ltd. Pres & CEO Martin Jaskot;
Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. Vpres, Ag Group John W. Hoxie, Jr.;
Guam Cable TV – Asst Gen Mgr Bryan Lee Holmes
Guam Cable TV Pres Lee M. Holmes;
Tesoro Hawaii Corp – Mgr Environmental Affairs Emerg. Preparedness F. David Hoffman, Jr.;
Hawaii Pacific University- Sr Vpres – Lloyd J. Hochberg, Sr.;
Queen’s International Corporation – Pres & CEO Vivian Ho;
Hawaii Medical Service Association/HMSA Exec Vpres Bernard AKS Ho;
State of Hawaii Lt Gov (former) The Hon Mazie Hirono;
Hawaii Medical Service Association Pres Robert P. Hiam;
Heftel Broadcasting Corp. Owner – Cecil Heftel;
Detroit College of Law at Michigan State Univ. Dean – Jeremy T. Harrison;
City and County of Honolulu Mayor (former) The Hon. Jeremy Harris;
Queen’s Health Systems Pres & CEO Richard L. Griffith;
Goodenow Investigations -Owner- Steve Goodenow;
U.S. Federal Government – US Customs – Chief Inspector Creighton W. Goldsmith;
HMSA Exec Vpres/Chief Operating Officer Michael A. Gold;
Honolulu Advertiser Editor James L. Gatti;
Pacific Resources, Inc. – Chairman Emeritus James F. Gary;
Hawaiian Airlines Inc. Exec Vpres and Chief Financial Officer John L. Garibaldi;
Star Markets, Ltd. Chairman of the Board-Chief Exec Officer John H. Fujieki;
Marriott Lodging International President – Washington,D.C. – Edwin D. Fuller;
State of Hawaii Office of the Governor – Exec Asst to Gov/Int & Nat. Affairs Brenda L. Foster;
Hawaii Tourism Authority- Chief Exec Officer Robert J. Fishman;
Roman Catholic Church of Hawaii – Volunteer CEO – Bishop Joseph A. Ferrario;
Honolulu City Council –Vice Chair and Chairman & CEO, The Borthwick Comp/SCI – Dr. John Henry Felix;
Gentry Homes, Ltd. – Pres/CEO Norman Dyer;
Dawson Eddy Communications – Journalist/Media Consultant-Donne Dawson Eddy;
Amfac Land Company, Ltd. Pres. Tamara G. Edwards; Honolulu Academy of Arts – Director – George R. Ellis;
The Episcopal Church in Hawaii – Planned Giving Officer – Frank G. Embree;
Episcopal Church of Hawaii – ret. The Rev. Canon John P. Engelcke;
Honolulu Academy of Arts – Director- George R. Ellis;
Bishop Museum – Pres Director & CEO – Dr. W. Donald Duckworth (former)
Deltennium Group, Inc., Annapolis, Maryland- Chairman & CEO Gerald M. Czarnecki;
St. Andrew’s Cathedral Dean – Rev. Peter Courtney;
Oahu Transit Service, Inc. Pres and Gen Mgr James E. Cowen;
United States Government – Capt. USN (Retired) Francis Crawford, Jr.;
Hawaiian Electric Industries – Pres & CEO – Robert F. Clarke;
Hawaii Medical Services Assoc (HMSA) Sr Vice Pres Cliff Kennedy Cisco;
1st Presbyterian Church of Honolulu – Pastor- The Rev. Dr. Dan Chun
Gentry Homes, Ltd. – Vice Pres of Finance Scott A. Choi;
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. – Vice-President – Meredith J. Ching;
State of Hawaii Maemae Elementary – English as a Second Language teacher – Corinne W. L. Ching;
Cheney Brooks & Co – Chairman Emeritus – Aaron M. Chaney;
Episcopal Church in Hawaii – Bishop – Richard S.O. Chang;
Dillingham Corp. (ret.) Elverton R. champion;
Hawaiian Airlines – Pres & CEO Paul J. Casey;
Hawaiian Resources Co., Ltd. Pres. Peter W. Cannon;
Polynesian Adventure Tours, Inc.-Pres- Michael A. Carr;
Oceanic Cablevision-President- Don E. Carroll;
C. Brewer and Company, Limited – John W.A. Buyers;
Roman Catholic Church – Business Manager – William L. Burton, Jr.
Maui Electric Company, Ltd. – Pres- William A. Bonnett;
Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaii, Inc. – Realtor- Robin Park Boolukos;
NCR Corp. San Francisco, California – Region Director- Charles L. Bowes;
Schuler Homes, Inc. – Financial Analyst – Catherine M. Bidwell;
Budget Rent A Car-Regional Dir of Human Resources- Joan M. Bickson;
Kikai Construction Co.- Pres/Gen Contractor Ted L. Birklland;
United States Government- U.S.Army Procurement Analyst-Hq. USARPAC LTC. Jesse E. Blackwell;
American Red Cross – Chief Exec Office – Kathryn Bennett;
Inter Island Petroleum, Inc – Pres. Brian J. Barbata;
Star Seigle Communications, Inc. – Pres & CEO/Partner John W. Bates;
Hawthorn Realty Group from Chicago, Illinois – CEO-Real Estate Joseph S. Beale;
Maryknoll Schools – President – Michael E. Baker;
Sheridan Corporations from Denver, CA – President – William T. Atkins;
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific – Dr. thomas Au;
Systems International, Inc., Tokyo Japan – Chairman- Thomas Y. Arai;
Kuakini Radiology Group, Inc. – Radiologist/Partner – Dr. Howard K. Arimoto;
Hawaiian Airlines – VP Gen Counsel & Corp. Secty- Lyn Flanigan Anzai;
Hallmark Cards, Inc. – Int’l Div – Regional Sales Vpres – Far East- William W. Anderson;
State of Hawaii – Department of Health – Director – Dr. Bruce S. Anderson;
YMCA of Honolulu – President- Donald V. Anderson;
RobertRose Interiors, Inc. – Pres. – Rose Marie Alvaro;
Linn Sol Interiors – Principal/Owner Linn Sol Alber;
The Cox Office, New York, New York – Ret. Christian H. Aall;
Adams Design, Inc. – Pres/Owner – Jack E. Adams;
John H. Connors Insurance – Agent/Assoc VPres
Gladys K.A. Brandt (dec.), Honorary Emeritus
Bankers: Bank of Hawaii –VP Thomas C Zimmerman;
Hawaiian Trust – VP David G. Zerfoss;
Coldwell Banker Commercial, Pacific – President Chris A. Wagner;
Bank of Hawaii – Corporate Ntional Division- Exec Vpres James C. Tollefson;
Robinson Estate – Trustee and Manager William Rhett Taber
CitiBank –NewYork, New York- Retired – Henry M. Sperry;
Bank of Hawaii Exec Vice Pres Ronald J. Schmid;
Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd. – Ret. Chairman Peter E. Russell;
Robinson Investment Corp. Pres- Mark A. Robinson, II;
GE Capital Hawaii – Pres. David J. Porteus;
Mark A. Robinson Trusts – Trustee William W. Paty, Jr.
City Bank Sr Vice Pres & Chief Lending Officer Clifford K. Ogata;
Pacific Century Trust, a Division of Bank of Hawaii Sr Vpres Michael A. O’Brien;
First Hawaiian Bank – Maite, Guam – Vice Pres Christopher S. Murphy;
Hawaii National Bank, Sr Exec/Vice Pres Ernest T. Murata
The Chase Manhattan Private Bank – Vpres & Relationship Mgr Robin S. Midkiff;
Bank of Hawaii, Agana, Guam – Thomas P. Michels;
Merrill Lynch – First Vice Pres – Jonathan McRoberts;
The Estate of James Campbell Chief Operating Officer Stephen MacMillan;
Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate-Maui Campus Principal Cordelia D. MacLaughlin;
Bank of Hawaii – Kahului, Maui, County Branch Sr Vpres/Regional Mgr. Maui Michael H. Lyons, II;
Hawaii National Bank Pres & Chairman of the Board Kan Jung Luke;
First Hawaiian Bank Sr Vpres & General Auditor George H. Lumsden;
The Estate of James Campbell Trustee Thomas C. Leppert;
First Hawaiian Bank Exec Vpres John W. Landgraf;
Merrill Lynch, Inc. VP Financial Consultant Kenan J. Knieriem;
First Hawaiian Bank Vpres George R. Kellerman
Bank of Hawaii Chairman & CEO Lawrence M. Johnson;
Bank of Hawaii VP & Dir of GovAffairs Alexander D. Jamile;
Central Pacific Bank Exec vPres Austin Y. Imamura;
First Hawaiian Bank Exec Vpres/General Counsel Thomas P. Huber;
Kapiolani Health Foundation – Pres and CEO Donna M. Howard;
Campbell Estate Trustee David A. Heenan;
Estate of Samuel Mills Damon Trustee David M. Haig;
The Estate of James Campbell – Mgr – Industrial Properties Susan H.Q.S. Graham;
Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Manager – Guy K. Gilliland;
Scudder Gillmar Estate Trustee Jack N.s. Gillmar;
Hawaiian Trust Company VicePres Jerrold A. Fuller;
Bank of Hawaii, Private Banking, Vpres & Manager Marcy E. Fleming;
Bank of Hawaii Pres & Chief Operating Officer Richard J. Dahl;
Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties – Managing Dir- Herbert N. Conley;
Dean Witter Reynolds – Sr. Vpres – Samuel A. Cooke;
The Estate of James Campbell – Trustee- Clinton R. Churchill;
Bank of Hawaii – Governmental Affairs – Exec Vice Pres (Ret.) Dorothy K. Ching;
Estate of James Campbell – Trustee – Paul R. Cassiday;
Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. Ret. Pre & CEO Edwin L. Carter, Jr.;
Bank of Hawaii – Vice Chair/Banker – Mary P. Carryer;
Estate of James Campbell, Direc, Admin& Info Svcs. – Gordon J. Bruce;
Merrill Lynch – Vice Pres – Martha R. Brown;
Bank of America – Vpres. Gaspar P. Bova;
Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd. –V.P. – Investments- Frank C. Atherton;
First Hawaiian Bank – Sr Vpres – Robert Anthony Alm
Attorneys: Cades Schutte Fleming & Wright – Partner – Donald E. Scearce;
Robert B. Bunn – Partner; J. Russell Cades; James S. Campbell; Nicholas C. Dreher; Roger H. Epstein; Richard A. Hicks; Philip J. Leas; Jeffrey S. Portnoy; E. Gunner Schull – Honolulu; K. James Steiner, Jr.; William M. Swope; Roy A. Vitousek, III
McCorriston Miho Miller & Mukai – Partner – William C. McCorriston;
Ashford & Wriston Atty/Partner Robert Bruce Graham; Atty/Partner - Cuyler Shaw; A. James Wriston, Jr. –Partner
Carlsmith, Wichman, Case, Ball –Agana, Guam – Attorney – Roger P. Crouthamel; William E. Atwater III – Honolulu; Daniel A. Bent – Honolulu;
Dean H. Robb- Honolulu; Robert E. Strand; Thomas Van Winkle; Charles R. Wichman
Asa M. Akinaka
Martin Anderson
William Barlow;
Andrew V. Beaman;
Donald A. Beck;
Frank Boas (ret.)
William A. Bordner – Director & Shareholder;
George W. Brandt;
Andrew R. Bunn;
H. William Burgess (retired)
Edmund Burke
Blake W. Bushnell
William J. Carey;
Daniel H. Case;
James H. Case;
Peter C.P. Char;
Deborah J.M. Chun;
Thomas E. Cook;
Paul F. Cronin;
C.F. Damon, Jr.;
Mark S. Davis;
William H. Dod;
John R. Dwyer, Jr.;
David L. Fairbanks;
Collin M. Fritz;
E. Laurence Gay;
William H. Gilardy, Jr.;
Frank L. Gniffke;
Jeffrey S. Grad;
Adelbert Green;
Kurt A. Gronau;
Ronald I. Heller;
Harvey E. Henderson, Jr.;
J.George Hetherington;
Craig K. Hirai;
Frank W. Hustace, Jr.;
Raymond S. Iwamoto;
Steven B. Jacobson;
Alexander Jampel;
James Kawashima;
James S. Kawashima;
Dr. Kent M. Keith;
Rex S. Kuwasaki;
Samuel A.B. Lyons;
Paul R. Mancini;
Alexander Marrack;
William C. McCorriston;
John L. McDermott;
Howard F. McPheeters;
Franklin K. Mukai;
Stanley Y. Mukai;
Sanford Murata;
Gary T. Nishikawa;
Lawrence S. Okinaga;
Jon M.H. Pang;
Gwen G. Pacarro;
Jeffrey S. Piper;
David W. Proudfoot;
John W. Reilly;
Frederick G. Riecker;
Phillip L. Rother (ret.);
Michael Rudy, Esq.;
Douglas C. Smith;
Robert J. Smolenski;
Keith J. Steiner, Sr.;
William A. Stricklin –Counsellor at Law, Estate Plan, Trusts & Invest. –
Santa Barbara, California;
Jay T. Suemori;
Jeffrey M. Taylor;
Howard S. Todo;
Raymond M. Torkildson (ret.)
Steven V. Torkildson;
Richard Turbin;
Thomas W. Williams, Jr.;
James Harvey Wright;
Judges: The Hon Patrick K.S.L. Yim – Legal Consultant (worked with KSBE – Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates;
Ret. Judge Betty M. Vitousek;
Corporation heads: The Gas Company – VP and Gen Mgr. Jim R. Yates;
Hawaiian Dredging Construction- Pres/CEO William J. Wilson;
Hawaiian Electric Co., Inc. Ret Pres & CEO Carl H Williams and Harwood D. Williamson;
Federal Judge – U.S. District Court – The Hon Alan Cooke Kay
Consulates: Taipei Consul General – Director General -The Hon. Kai Wang;
Consul General of Korea – The Hon. Jung Kyung Sung;
U.S. Consulate General, Durban, South Africa – Henry S. Richmond;
Consul General of Japan – The Hon Gotaro Ogawa;
Consulate General of the Federated States of Micronesia – Consul General Kasio E. Mida;
Phillippine Consul General – The Hon. Minerva Jean A. Falcon;
Republic of the Marshall Islands – Consul General – The Hon Philip A. Anungar
Note: Not everyone in the Pacific Club directory 1999-2000 is listed above.
The purpose is to show the number of individuals are members of a conspiracy based organization that began in 1851.
Archibald Cleghorn, brother in law of Queen Liliuokalani was the head. He was a Mason/Freemason. Queen Liliuokalani’s brother in law Charles Reed Bishop was another.
Notice the names, many are descendants of the Conspirators/Terrorists who dethroned Queen Liliuokalani.
Notice the number of bankers, institutions, Trusts of our Alii, remain in contact with each other through the Pacific Club. Therefore, this is a club connection to many of the secret societies maintained by the ‘elite’ who are in position to perpetuate Fraud against aboriginal Hawaiian interests with the backing of the U.S. Federal Government. Notice that there are members of the military who are also members.
Research incomplete.


The above transactions shows that Aliens - foreigners who were only allowed Fee Simple, less than alodio titles moved to assume Alodio lands which has owners then and their descendants/heirs live on today.

The pirates are recorded above for all to see.  They are Not the owners.

The Alodio Title owners, the superior titles owners are the Royal Families, subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii and subjects.  

The Fee Simple deeds conveyed by Aliens to Aliens are invalid because of the premeditation, collusion, conspiracies recorded.

The Royal Families includes the descendants/heirs of Kamehameha III who signed and ratified the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America.  The Treaty involves only Kamehameha III's heirs and successors and the United States of America President Zachary Taylor.

The Royal Families are and remain the Alodio land owners since the time of Kamehameha III.  

The United States of America, et. als. are Not the legal title owners because Aliens cannot own Alodio Titles.

The Army, Navy, Federal personnel created Territory of Hawaii turned State are Not the "successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii" because they are Not related to living human beings such as Amelia Gora, members of the House of Nobles, Royal Families, etc.

Informing many because..............


Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!

aloha.  Fifteen Men (Bottle of Rum)


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