AKaKa BILL Hearing Is Hawaii Called For

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Honolulu Star-Bulletin - February 25, 2010

Gov. Linda Lingle's reversal of her long-standing support for the Akaka Bill indicates how fundamentally the Hawaiian sovereignty measure has changed over the course of this Congressional session.

Any future attempts to pass the measure -- assuming the current bill dies in the Senate, as is now predicted even by many supporters -- should include full public hearings in Hawaii to explain why the 2010 version is so different from the versions that have preceded it since 2000.

The measure, which would grant federal recognition to native Hawaiians, has been approved three times by the House since then, but never by the Senate....

"...This structure will, in my opinion, promote divisiveness and litigation, rather than negotiation and resolution," the governor said. "I do not believe such a structure, of two completely different sets of rules -- one for 'governmental' activities of the native Hawaiian governing entity and its officers and employees, and one for everyone else -- makes sense for Hawaii."

Hawaiian nationalists also oppose the bill, albeit for different reasons. They say native Hawaiians who support it are being duped into relinquishing their inherent sovereignty as descendants of the independent Hawaiian kingdom overthrown by U.S. interests. To them, federal recognition is a land grab disguised as recompense.

That the opposition includes such diverse points of view is further evidence that the Akaka Bill needs a full airing before rising again.



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  • Thanks Tane,

    For awhile I thought we lost the point of manifest and their religion as a means to conquer our lands and our souls. Kaohi
  • The U.S. believes that its insistence and persistence in carrying out its fraud, deceit, and lies have gotten people duped enough to go along with it. It's part of the arrogance that the U.S. uses its racist double-standards which is the bases of its WASP racist Manifest Destiny which they proclaim their "Christian" God has chosen them as superior to all races in the world and have been ordained by God to rule the world. These doctrines are still being practiced today. The latest of this is the Akaka Bill. Supporters of this racist bill believe in the Manifest Destiny doctrines as professed by the Christian churches which gives them the right to subjugate the non-whites. To comply with and accept the Akaka Bill is to enforce the doctrines of Manifest Destiny established by the racist White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) Christians who adopted those principles given by the Roman Catholic Church's Papal Bulls since 1095. These tenets are still alive and well; that is practiced unceasingly and enforced by the United States of America and its mainstream society.

    To support the U.S. military is to promote the WASP racist Manifest Destiny and the corporate elite enrichment and control. Can I make it any more plainer? Auwe no ho'i e!
  • Why is it that When Kuwait is invaded, The US and the world stands to liberate them? When People in China want freedom from the Communist Party, The US and the world is ready to support them in their wanting freedom? Why is it when States in the Former Soviet Union break apart from their parent government that the US is in Major support?

    But when and island nation that was overthrown and occupied by the US wants it freedom and independance; they tell them to shut up, take this hand out and be happy...
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