IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol. III No. 318 Legal Notice Posted December 5, 2010




Amelia Gora

 to hawaiianhistory, theiolani
show details 10:36 AM (6 hours ago)

4:05 | 1 year ago | 5,454 views


Legal Notice

Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010-1826 Cease and Desist from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, a Royal person, a living human being



Amelia Gora
Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010-1826 The Real Hawaiian Flag (not shown) has...
9:03 AM (27 minutes ago)
Amelia GoraLoading...
9:03 AM (26 minutes ago)

Amelia Gora

 to president, presssecretari., Web, john.maguire, Cc:, neil.abercromb., neil.abercromb., moca-info, General.FormRe., cdexk, bcc: me, bcc: hawaiianhistory, bcc: bkgora, bcc: Monica, bcc: maiginamoy, bcc: flyinhawaiian
show details 9:03 AM (27 minutes ago)

Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010-1826

The Real Hawaiian Flag (not shown) has a red background base (not blue) in the corner and



Greetings President Obama, Linda Lingle, Neil Abercrombie, et. als.,

As you may know, I, Amelia Gora have been writing to the U.S. Presidents since 1995 or during President Clinton's period.

This is to inform you that the lands claimed by the Alii Trusts has owners, including myself Amelia Gora, and our families.

All of the Trust lands since 1893, or the wrongful dethronement of our Queen has been criminally maneuvered by Americans, treasonous persons/conspirators/pirates who have no legal claim since 1893.  Fraud was entered in the various Trusts by our families, and the treasonous persons/conspirators did defraud/remove/eliminate claims made by the bloodlines/heirs.

As one of the descendants documented, I, Amelia Gora maintain that I, along with many others /our families own the trusts which were created pre-1893, as well as Queen Liliuokalani's Trust which was criminally set up by the conspirators/treasonous persons documented.

Queen Liliuokalani did set up her trust in 1872, and documented in her Will that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the treasonous person, conspirators after her wrongful dethronement.

Fraud claims to lands/fraud deeds include deeds conveyed to the entity Provisional government/Republic of Hawaii/Territory of Hawaii/ State of Hawaii which were entities and not de jure nor de facto as documented by Queen Liliuokalani.

After more than 22 years of genealogy with the focus on the hidden Royal families of the Hawaiian Kingdom, I have found many or most of the families belonging to the Royal families and who are the proper, legitimate descendants/heirs of all of the Royal families.

Royal families, also, are not subject to the laws.  The entity State of Hawaii and the entity Federal government have no jurisdiction over our Royal families lands.

I have also found a deed(s) which were conveyed by people who did not have the interest to convey; therefore, the deed is a fraud deed, which is now documented as criminal conversions which can be proven every step of the way.

The owners of the Crown Lands are also one and the same family members.

The owners of the Palace now called the Iolani Palace are also part of the same family members.

The entity State of Hawaii is not allowed to hold ceremonies on the private properties of our Royal families.

Cease and desist.

Research of more than 30 years of history with a focus of criminal moves in the Hawaiian Islands has also been recorded, documented for all to see.

Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, the Hawaiian Kingdom continues on.

The Royal families continue on. 

Please be reminded that the descendants of Kamehameha, Kamehameha III, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani exists.

There are more than 30 'Hawaiian governments', the difference being that this letter has been written, researched by one of the Royal families, who have contacted your nation since 1993 or so letting you know that many discoveries of fraud, deceit, has been found.

The lands claimed by the criminal trustees of the various Alii Estates are hereby found to be in trespassers on Private Properties of our Royal families, and must cease and desist.

Abercrombie, et. als. may not utilize our private properties which includes the Palace, the Iolani Palace.

The U.S., Americans who did treasonous activities, conspiracy activities against our Royal families, have wrongfully, criminally assumed properties, resources, treasuries, lands, trusts that they do not and have not had the rights over since the creation of the trusts prior to and after 1893 due to their active criminal international participation in dethroning our neutral, non violent, non warring, friendly nation's leader/ Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, intercepting despatches from the U.S. President Cleveland notifying her of the return of her Hawaiian government once more. 

The claimed trustees supported by the U.S., Great Britain/England, bankers (Morgan bankers and international bankers) continued to perpetuate crimes against our Queen and the Royal families since.

Even the criminal claims to Pearl Harbor was advanced by one of the Trusts, conspirators, treasonous persons turned Americans was made and supported by the warring, belligerent nations, the U.S. , Great Britain/England, and the Morgan bankers, investors for the U.S., Great Britain/England, and the international bankers which included the Bank of England.

Let this be on record for all nations to take notice.

We did no wrong, and the Americans, documented bandrupt, along with England/Great Britain, and their investors the Morgan bankers (includes Bank of England) has done malicious wrongs against a neutral, friendly, non warring nation who denied loans to the U.S. during King Kalakaua's time.

The true owners, Sovereigns in an already recognized nation, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, the Hawaiian Kingdom, the Hawaiian Monarchy, the Hawaiian Islands, the Hawaiian archipelago exists.

Cease and desist from selling, renting, leasing further properties, including taxing, etc. from our families Private Properties.

The Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates as well as the Attorney General of the State of Hawaii has failed to return our contacts via hand delivered messages, etc.

Abercrombie, et. als. are directed to Cease and Desist all activities in, on the Palace, the grounds, etc.

Rents and Leases for past usage is past due.

Discussions can be arranged with our families by writing to:

P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Hawaii  96786

or contacting Dexter Kaiama, attorney at

Hawaiian blood, aboriginal Hawaiians, kanaka maoli including the many entities representing subjects, citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom may utilize the grounds for activities and fall under the protection of our Royal families, particularly the descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kahekili, Kamehameha Nui, Kamehameha III, Heirs of Charles Kanaina - father of King Lunalilo, King David Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani.

All nations are also invited to laugh at the ceremonies of Abercrombie, et. als. if they fail to Cease and Desist., and no one can be arrested. 

This will go on record as a peaceful, non violent demonstration, accepted, and validated as highly recommended and suited for the occasion.

May I thank all of you beforehand for your kind participation/your support on December 6, 2010, during their ceremonies with your release of laughter, smiles at their trespassing/continued dishonesty, racketeering intentions hereafter, an entity supporting the extermination campaign against our good people in the Hawaiian Islands, genocide activities - military belligerent occupation undertakings.

Although our Royal families remain owners, heirs of Keoni Ana whose lands were used to build the belligerent occupiers State Capitol, for now, it would be a preferred location.  Rents and Leases are due for that lot as well.

                                                                      Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, a Representative of the Royal Families House of Nobles, the Hulu Manu, a Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, descendant of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, heir of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, heir of Charles Kanaina - father of King Lunalilo, heir of King Kalakaua, and descendant/heir of Queen Liliuokalani; Kalola (w) - first cousin of Bernice Pauahi, descendant of Kaaujmoana (w) - a true trustee of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust created in 1872, descendant of Kalima (w) widow of Mataio Kekuanaoa, heir of Victoria Kamamalu, descendant of Akahi (w), Nuuanu (k), Luluhiwalani (k), John Kapena (k) konohiki's, et. als.,  a living human being


see all posts at
forums under amelia gora for more information


7:07 | 1 year ago | 10,838 views

4:11 | 3 years ago | 36,695 views


from Pilipo:


Aloka kakou,
I want to thank all who came, and those who could not and will be with us on coming Monday. There is a lot of rumbling on the net. Some positive and some negative. Some advocating "we should do more and some, "what the heel is wrong with you (us") This really is a game. Some say it is Monopoly and to some it is Chess. But these games have one thing in common, we lose. And we keep losing if we continue to play. Without us the game will terminate because the winners can not stand or trust each other and as such will not play against each other. I am sorry but I do not not have all your contact but may be someone who does will past this on to you.
As we strive closer to our kahea of call to duty some will come asserting they are with us, expressing "why you guys never do this" or" I never know what was going". We must be wise as the serpents and gentle as doves for you see the serpent can not fly away from danger like the dove. We don't profess we have all the answers but can say we are doing something more than most.
Sadly, our Ali'I were overwhelmed by very few people having the same agenda. We have nothing but our faith in our Creator, our kupuna and in each other. We have an enormous duty before us but we must be pono, for if we are not, what we accomplished will grumble right before us and we will, like some of who we know, start to blame everyone else and not ourselves. What we are asking is not of our doing for it was created long even before the so-called overthrow. Let us not be over anxious to unwarranted assistance in any form, especially if we did not seek it in the first place. We do not need gifts we do not deserve. The foundation we stand on was the makana from King Kamehameha the Great, were he said "a'ole pau", the Hawaiian Nation is not finish, and we must have constant vigil to keep it standing. The gift we have is being pono to each other just as the Kamehameha Dynasty thought of their people. Let us not be swayed.
Many of us have different versions of what is pono. Especially, if one had a family member of the koko. While I have not the koko, I was blessed by elders who did. These elders in my life seem to never be in a hurry to go anywhere yet they were always doing. Most people speak of "been there, done that and no need to go and do again" The elders I knew kept going and doing, not in a spectacular way, but the way. Years ago, I came across this saying that I share with you. I recall those elders in my life who mostly did not say more than two or three words to me but yet I remember them just like yesterday. Most of them did not verbally know what this verse is saying but they all lived it, and that's why I will always remember them as if it is today. I don't know what the title is of this or who wrote it but I call it, Nou ke koho, for after all is said and done, the choice is really ours alone.
Nou Ke Koho  
Watch our Thoughts, for they become our Words.
Watch our Words, for they become our Actions.
Watch our Actions, for they become our Deeds.
Watch our Deeds, for they become our Habits.
Watch our Habits, for they become our Character.
Watch our Character, for it is our Destiny.
Nou ke koho, the choice is ours.    
See all Monday, December 06, 2010 ! REMEMBER, STAGE #1 8:00 am is at KAKAAKO WATERFRONT PARK. Be there!

4:06 | 2 years ago | 3,559 views
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  • amelia,

    I've been reading about wikileaks and this is amazing, however, haven't Maoliworld been doing it already--transparency? I think Maoliworld is the Na Kanaka wi'ki'lik or puka something and I do believe have everyone's ears/eye's.

    I'm not on facebook, or twitter. I prefer forum over yada yada at least there is some form of thinking process. It may need improvements which will happen in time the forum participation that is.

    Oh yes, one more thing --

    About Keanu Sai--I gave him my support from the onset and I forgot why? But, about the military I believe he is using the occupation framework. As for the words he used as far as the military back in 1893 ...I believe there is a tactical insert to his intention.

    I also knew too about his military frame work from the beginning--so I made a conscious decision as to why I am in support of his case. I believe the reason being is the 'tort' part that I am putting my hunches on Keanu Sai and am supporting him in his case.

    If he messes up--yes I am prepared to take some of the blame too.

    I want injuries compensated to our people for the wrong doings of the military in civiliam court not military court by the hand of the military for the benefit of the military patriot act. The military should not sit in judgement in Hawaii of a civilian injury done by a military personel.
  • Amelia,

    are you still off island? I was at the palace grounds last night. There was a few chairs around the gazebo maybe there is more.

    The Richard Street is a good place to hold the protest.

    I will be there in spirit because I have to work tomorrow.

    Thank you for writing these words--it needed to be read! The part about the Konohiki's was especially important. The DLNR did have a system in place during Chinen's time with the State Preservation office. She listed the Konohiki's.

    "All nations are also invited to laugh at the ceremonies of Abercrombie, et. als. if they fail to Cease and Desist., and no one can
    be arrested.

    This will go on record as a peaceful, non violent demonstration, accepted, and validated as highly recommended
    and suited for the occasion.

    May I thank all of you beforehand for your kind participation/your support on December 6, 2010, during their ceremonies with your release
    of laughter, smiles at their trespassing/continued dishonesty,
    racketeering intentions hereafter, an entity supporting the
    extermination campaign against our good people in the Hawaiian Islands,
    genocide activities - military belligerent occupation undertakings.

    Although our Royal families remain owners, heirs of Keoni Ana whose lands were used to build the belligerent occupiers State Capitol, for
    now, it would be a preferred location. Rents and Leases are due for
    that lot as well.


    Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, a Representative of the Royal Families House of Nobles, the Hulu Manu, a
    Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, descendant of
    Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, heir of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, heir of
    Charles Kanaina - father of King Lunalilo, heir of King Kalakaua, and
    descendant/heir of Queen Liliuokalani; Kalola (w) - first cousin of
    Bernice Pauahi, descendant of Kaaujmoana (w) - a true trustee of Queen
    Liliuokalani's Trust created in 1872, descendant of Kalima (w) widow of
    Mataio Kekuanaoa, heir of Victoria Kamamalu, descendant of Akahi (w),
    Nuuanu (k), Luluhiwalani (k), John Kapena (k) konohiki's, et. als., a
    living human being"
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