I have been repeatedly harassing Robert Ebanez on Facebook whenever he posts links to the HawaiianIndependence vote to answer questions. Mahalo Robert for responding, I am still unhappy with this attempt to create a legal entity that usurps existing government. Some of he questions I asked were: What kind of nation are you creating and where is it? Is it a nation within a nation? Where is the money really coming from? What assets are you claiming as this new nation? Do you propose to challenge the Hawaiian Kingdom? Dear Kai Landow, This group did approach all or most of the sovereignty groups to share ,to listen ,and to participate, we are for TOTAL INDEPENDENCE ,and I would have been happy, if you had run instead, or anyone else,but everyone has their own agenda,and that is good,the bottom line is how close are we KANAKA MAOLI'S UNITED AS ONE?......so, basically we need every one to help. LOKAHI IS A KEY...HOW CAN WE HELP EACH OTHER AND BECOME ONE?...LAULIMA IS ANOTHER KEY The Akaka bill is coming down the pike,the longer we Kanaka Maoli's are Not United...the better for the AKAKA BILL TO PASS. The following is from Ted Lindauer counsel for this cause. Aloha Kai, Robert Ebanez When the election is completed the new Pres will be sworn in and sign the new Constitution as having been adopted. At that point the Hawaiian Kingdom, now known as the Kingdom of Hawaii per the 1864 Constitution, will have a lawful government under Kingdom and international law and, as a sovereign state ( which it has always been ) will have the right to have its government exercise governance over the Islands and its peoples. As a further result of the election, under international law the U. S. is no longer entitled, as it is now, to have and election to have a new nation within a nation as the U.S. is now proposing to do through OHA. Having the election now is critical because under the 1947 United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights the Kanaka can vote to chose their form of government and by this election will chose to reinstate the Kingdom's government. If we wait and the U.S. has their election and the Kanaka vote to have a nation within a nation we will have lost forever the right to reinstate the Kingdom's government by vote of the Kanaka. The road to exercise Kingdom governance will require the U.S. to allow a changeover of governments and lose Hawaii as a U.S. state. The plans to cause the U.S. to leave have already begun and will go into full gear immediately after the election, as follows: 1. Town Hall type meetings throughout the Islands and in select mainland locations to educate the Kanaka as to what has happened and why, and the struggle ahead to achieve governance by the Kingdom over the Islands and its peoples. 2. Communications with all the nations of the world explaining the Kingdoms new government, our legal right to governance and asking their assistance. This effort has already begun, over 120 nations have been contacted through diplomatic channels and some have already signaled their support. We will continue these communications, meet with the heads of other countries etc. 3. The Kingdom will immediately apply for admission as a member state of the United Nations General Assembly. Our chances of admission on our first try look good and will ultimately depend on how many nations will support our admission.This will give us the opportunity to gather the support of other nations and expand our communications with them and give them an opportunity to really understand that the Kingdom is right, the U.S. is wrong. 4. We are already exchanging correspondence with the United States at the highest political and diplomatic levels. This will continue and will at some point result in meetings between the two governments. With the international publicity condemning the U. S. at some point we will negotiate the U. S. withdrawal from our Islands. The proposed Restoration Constitution lays out this process in detail. 5. A series of conferences are being planned for Sept through Nov in the Islands to educate the non Kanaka generally and specifically to the requirements of the new Constitution. 6. To support these processes we are issuing weekly worldwide news releases and are receiving good response from them by governments and individuals worldwide. These will continue. This takes planning and money. The money has and will come from Richard Figueroa's company FullOn Holdings which is setting aside $1million to finance the post election activities of the Kingdom's government. Ted I will respond below Also Carter V. Gear is 1905, sorry

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  • Kai,
    I don't feel that I was against the formation of your organization however, one do it. I was a bit cranky at the Iolani Palace with your process being discussed on the grounds in the manner in which it was done.

    Using this forum is an appropriate place should you choose to further your discussion where the assertion or argument can be shared. Every word gets recorded, read, and analyzed. I wish we had the same technology when we did our organizations' voting, constitution etc...

    When we come together, it is sacred and nurturing on the spiritual level. And the sooner that happens, we're able to go home and work in our communities, with our families, and our adversaries. At the Palace, there was too much damage control to clean up, and we are still yet feeling the effects of that back lash. Keep in mind, those of us who are 'long time in the movement' have to go back home to our 'kanaka' work and we come together for renewal reasons.

    Keep up with the work, and good luck on your formation of your organization. Kaohi
  • What are you people trying to do, divide our people? Mr. Figueroa's what are you trying to do by buying our people with your money.If you strongly feel that the government to be reinstated. Then why not bring all those independence groups or government leader together. Which they have a body of government which they where voted by the Kanaka Maoli...Get Lynette Cuz, Hui Pu, Mahealani Ah Sing, Bumpsy Kanahele, Henry Noa and whom ever else is out there. By you doing this is only causing pilika and dividing. It's not pono by you flying your Kala around...Instead, look who is the indenpendence government as of today with their body of governments and the people who is supporting it. You will be very surprise and it is not money that making it. It is the people of the nation is doings it and pushing this government forward we learn how to work together with respect, never down talk other, keeping humble and learning and educated ourselves about the laws of Nation, international laws, consitution of USA, consitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii and etc....most of all is educating ours people and ours families. Your money is not pono....please think about it. Mahalo...

    also this government will not except any Kala from the state of hawaii, OHA and other agency, corporation of the US government.
    • Mahalo for your Mana'o Kaewaokalani.

      I have repeatedly asked for a list of supporters and it still is unclear who is involved.

      As to the question of the New Constitution!

      I have read through the version on the Independence site and I am not sure if Kanaka can understand what the problems are with it.

      First of all, the constitution calls for equal protection and yet has put into it the racist ideals of the Americans. To say qualification of a citizens is held to people before 1778 is to say having sex with na haole removes Hawaiianess.

      You face legal challenges on a world stage to separate the beneficiaries by race from their assets!

      Secondly and more glaring is the removal of the Mahele! The Mahele protects the interest of those people before 1778 that matter to you.

      The land shall be divided by the Mo'e, chiefs and na makaainana. This is gone form the constitution and what is recognized? It appears to be the TMK scam.


  • Dear Kai Landow,

    This group did approach all or most of the sovereignty groups to share ,to listen ,and to participate, we are for TOTAL INDEPENDENCE ,and I would have been happy, if you had run instead, or anyone else,but everyone has their own agenda,and that is good,the bottom line is how close are we KANAKA MAOLI'S UNITED AS ONE?......so, basically we need every one to help.

    Yes, it is true that they did approach most of the sovereignty groups and I am directly involved with a few of them. I, as well as other members of Aupuni did make suggestions and tried to set up a democratic path for the election process. As we have seen in other nations [Iran, Zimbabwe and Burma,etc] elections can be manipulated easily. The essential parts of control of the election were held by Richard Figueroa and Ted Lindauer. Though they made claims of neutrality, they made the most important decisions themselves. We had suggested a board of election with our most respected leaders to handle the money and budget for outreach to Kanaka Maoli Nationals.

    I am a Kanaka Maoli National but I am not of Hawaiian blood and as part of the Figueroa rules I was not eligible to run for office or vote. I told Mr. Figueroa that the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution required a non-race based electorate. He was determined to create a race based voter base which is the US model for Indians and illegal in the Kingdom.


    A'e Lokani, A'e Laulima But stop this process and begin again together and with helping hands do it pono. It is not that we won't support this, it is not that we want control, but a fair election takes more time and needs to be more open. Their must be public hearings to have the mana'o of the people.

    The Akaka bill is coming down the pike,the longer we Kanaka Maoli's are Not United...the better for the AKAKA BILL TO PASS.

    Whether or not the Akaka bill passes is an issues for Hawaiians in America. I stay in the Kingdom and those laws do not have jurisdiction on Kanaka Maoli Nationals. The lands claims in the bill are not new and we are making legal headway in the courts challenging TMK titles. The Supreme Court of the United States in Carter V. Gear in 1904 upheld Hawaiian Kingdom Mahele royal patents. For me this is the better way to address the injustices of American occupation and a better use of our monies now! We asked Richard to participate in the legal process but he had no more money for anything but this vote.

    The following is from Ted Lindauer counsel for this cause.

    Aloha Kai,
    Robert Ebanez

    When the election is completed the new Pres will be sworn in and sign the new Constitution as having been adopted. At that point the Hawaiian Kingdom, now known as the Kingdom of Hawaii per the 1864 Constitution, will have a lawful government under Kingdom and international law and, as a sovereign state ( which it has always been ) will have the right to have its government exercise governance over the Islands and its peoples.

    This is one of the first difficulties we had with this program. The Kingdom still exists and we have "Continuity". Mr. Lindauer implies that he is making a Aupuni Hawaii [hawaiian Government] new, but we function today with courts and local government officials, etc. We function based on our constitution and we do not have a "President" [Premier is the legal title] and you cannot create a new constitution without a constitutional convention. I have found that the need for a new constitution is because the protection of the people's interest [one third of the aina, as well as tenant farmer rights] makes outright stealing of the land difficult. I am not saying that they wish to steal the land, but these protection do not usually make it into "New" versions. I will read theirs and comment later.

    As a further result of the election, under international law the U. S. is no longer entitled, as it is now, to have and election to have a new nation within a nation as the U.S. is now proposing to do through OHA. Having the election now is critical because under the 1947 United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights the Kanaka can vote to chose their form of government and by this election will chose to reinstate the Kingdom's government. If we wait and the U.S. has their election and the Kanaka vote to have a nation within a nation we will have lost forever the right to reinstate the Kingdom's government by vote of the Kanaka.

    This is simply untrue! It seems a scare tactic more than factual. The US is an occupying force and what rights they claim is through force of arms. We might also note that the same United Nations removed Hawaii from the decolonization list and at this moment I am not sure that 1947 convention applies. To lose forever the right to be a nation does not exist in a body [The UN] of which the Hawaiian Kingdom is not even a member. This makes it more clear that Hawaiian nationals need to lokahi and with a full understanding of the legal status of Kanaka, vote for the government the want. But again these actions of OHA and Akaka only apply to American citizens. We have been making headway in the American courts on putative citizenship recognized in the 103-150 bill. Whereas Hawaiian have not given up their sovereignty or sovereign interest in their land. [paraphrasing]

    The road to exercise Kingdom governance will require the U.S. to allow a changeover of governments and lose Hawaii as a U.S. state. The plans to cause the U.S. to leave have already begun and will go into full gear immediately after the election, as follows:

    Shoots!, you guys like start a war. "Allow" is interesting, so what you still asking permission from the US to be the nation we still are?

    1. Town Hall type meetings throughout the Islands and in select mainland locations to educate the Kanaka as to what has happened and why, and the struggle ahead to achieve governance by the Kingdom over the Islands and its peoples.

    This is just ass backwards, if you got the money do this first.

    2. Communications with all the nations of the world explaining the Kingdoms new government, our legal right to governance and asking their assistance. This effort has already begun, over 120 nations have been contacted through diplomatic channels and some have already signaled their support. We will continue these communications, meet with the heads of other countries etc.

    Who gave you authority to contact other nations on our behalf? We already have governance that functions diplomatically and answers to the people. Who do you answer to?

    3. The Kingdom will immediately apply for admission as a member state of the United Nations General Assembly. Our chances of admission on our first try look good and will ultimately depend on how many nations will support our admission.This will give us the opportunity to gather the support of other nations and expand our communications with them and give them an opportunity to really understand that the Kingdom is right, the U.S. is wrong.

    I am not sure that the UN is the best place to start from my personal experience with them. But your Kingdom will be opposed in this form by the legitimate Na Aupuni now working to end occupation. This vote does not have a legal basis in America or Hawai'i.

    4. We are already exchanging correspondence with the United States at the highest political and diplomatic levels. This will continue and will at some point result in meetings between the two governments. With the international publicity condemning the U. S. at some point we will negotiate the U. S. withdrawal from our Islands. The proposed Restoration Constitution lays out this process in detail.

    Again, who gave you authority to act in this manner, by what review do you live. who do you claim to represent and since you do not represent our kanaka maoli nationals do you make clear to US officials the limits of your representations.

    5. A series of conferences are being planned for Sept through Nov in the Islands to educate the non Kanaka generally and specifically to the requirements of the new Constitution.

    I noticed you have NOT adopted this new Constitution yet, so if you don't [or it seems you have already made arrangements on its passing] what then?

    6. To support these processes we are issuing weekly worldwide news releases and are receiving good response from them by governments and individuals worldwide. These will continue.

    I think you should stop this and on behalf of my government I am telling you to stop representing yourselves as Kingdom people. You are welcome to join us and participate in the Hawaiian Kingdom government. The problem is you must become Hawaiian Kingdom citizens [ho'ohiki] and have to be responsible to the people. In other words you cannot go off on your own and answer for your actions, as we do.

    This takes planning and money. The money has and will come from Richard Figueroa's company FullOn Holdings which is setting aside $1million to finance the post election activities of the Kingdom's government.

    The money always seems to be the problem! Richard Figueroa told me that he had hopes of setting up Ethanol plants in the Kingdom as a result of his financial help. These plants are too polluting for other American venues and yet he wishes to bring them the our sacred land. I will not question his motives. I can believe he intends to help the Kingdom with independent sources of energy and if he makes a few dollars from the project that's OK.

    You face other serious issues in this project: The vote is racist and illegal in the Hawaiian Kingdom. As a result of a race based vote you will have legal challenges in the American courts and you will lose. You disenfranchise descendants of the Hawaiian Kingdom who were citizens without Koko. It appears that you do not have support from existing Na Aupuni or known leadership. If you do please list them.

    You still can stop this process and return to the table with the Hawaiian Kingdom to create a real, legal and democratic vote. You guys are in such a hurry and seem afraid of the Americans. Don't you think with all that power that a gnat of a government like yours will have any chance to remove them from the stolen lands.

    This is why doing things pono and with real lokahi is the only process that has Mana. You have no Kingdom without us and we ourselves cannot vote on a permanent one without the mamo.


    Many of us have been working for years on this and we will be here after you're pau. If your serious you can join us and Ho'oulu Aupuni with mana.


    Kai Landow
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