Posted by Tane on October 16, 2009 at 12:25am in Culture
A blog was posted, "Hawaiian". It question its usage and identification. At the end of his discourse, Kalani stated, "Next time you hear someone say that, ask them why they say "Hawaiian" and what is their definition of it. If they use it as a regional term, meaning if they reply with "because they're from Hawaii", then ask why not for those places that I mentioned. I guarantee you they won't have a valid answer." The whole article produced a strong tirade from one of the responders.
It seems Lehua Keawe took this very personally and misconstrued what was being discussed. It's a stereo-typical mentality of the younger generation, I guess.
I grew up in the 1940s and definitions were quite different than it is today; primarily since they think we are a part of the U.S. as a state. Back then, Hawaiian was regarded as a national/ethnic group, today people use kanaka maoli or iwi as a more prevalent appellate. The locals would identify themselves as locals or keiki o ka 'aina. A more proper ID today would be Local, Hawaiian Islander.
So, the definition was taken away from the "native Hawaiian" since the statehood act when more U.S. Americans settled into the islands and the term was broadened to mean those living in Hawai'i as teaxans living in Texas. What is at issue is the selective terminology redefined in today's population.
During my time majority of the people never classified themselves as being Hawaiian but local from Hawai'i. The caucasians would say that they were local haole. Those mixed were known as cosmopolitan who generally had a mix of Hawaiian, Caucasian, and Asian. Hapa haole was defined as part/half Hawaiian and some other ethnicity, usually caucasian. Back then, people were generally proud of their ethnicity and were accepted for it. Ethnic terms and IDs were interchanged endearingly until Statehood when more people from the U.S. came to settle and brought their racist hang-ups with them. This began the change of complexion of our island way of life and interaction. Racism became a bigger issue since the Massie case.
Of course, Lehua Keawe doesn't sound like he/she is of Kanaka maoli blood; thus can't comprehend the change of dynamics occurring in Hawai'i. Back during my time, people would use the word "Nationality" instead of ethnicity. They would ask, "What's your nationality?" rather than what's your ethnic background or ethnicity, or racial background. This evolution disparages and redefines us and intermixed connotations to confuse and tend to make Hawaiian as an ethnic group disappear in our society today. I would prefer people using Hawaiian Islander or keiki o ka 'aina o Hawai'i rather than Hawaiian and keep Hawaiian as an ethnic identity. It would be more sensible.
There are many who call themselves Hawaiian and have not embraced the Hawaiian culture, language, and heritage but remain red-blooded U.S. Americans with their mentality and racist WASP culture. That's where the cultural clash presents itself. What they get selective about is the hula and surfing which is part of the culture that is more acceptable for them than anything else.
Most people in the U.S. on their continent have a high regard for Hawaiians primarily because when they come here and get to know the kanaka maoli, they are treated with a lot of love and how easily we adopt them that are good people with good attitudes. They get a red carpet treatment from us that they never forget. This reputation extends throughout the U.S. Continent and many long to come here to experience this. When people find out you are from Hawai'i, they tended to extend the red carpet treatment in kind; knowing that's how we live. Other ethnic groups that don't embrace the Hawaiian culture, skate on our reputation and the sales and marketing schemes that attract people to our shores. This then becomes a complex issue with many layers.
Generally, most people still identify Hawaiian as a Polynesian-Hawaiian ethnicity. Those living here now have begun to use it as a person from here. This plethora of identification as to who we are has created a confusion and suppression of kanaka maoli who have been profiled and intermixed as if we don't exist as an ethnic group and whether or not one has the ethnicity, their actions good or bad reflect on kanaka maoli as an assumption of our character. So, this is a double-edged sword applied to us.
Today, I can understand Lehua Keawe's rage because of being raised U.S. American and indoctrinated in its manifest destiny doctrines and maybe trying to walk the tightrope of two separate cultures. It could be frustrating as hell. With the same token, I understand our objections that they keep defining and redefining who we are ethnically. The world Almanac doesn't list Kanaka maoli but lumps us into Asian/Pacific Islanders in its ethnic statistics. As far as they are concerned; we no longer exist....and that's the rub!
You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!
wow, i'm glad you brought this interesting issue to my attention, our younger generation needs
to be educated into our traditional culture, too much usa influence had make our next generation,
angry and confused people, worst at each other as kanaka maoli.
you can have the bloodline, the name that sounds hawaiian, however without the traditional cultural
training of a kanaka maoli, one can be just as an american hawaiian citizen.
hapa to me means half, you have to have half kanaka maoli bloodline to be half, not 1/4 or less, you not one hapa, period!!!!
unless you are a part of, and that is not half. however the bloodline is not the matter today, it is the Mana that one
carries on to the next generation of kanaka mailo's................~da priness~
Aloha kaua e Uncle Tom McAuliffe Communications Director of "Grassroots" Institute of Hawai'i,
Like how you try to flame here at Maoliworld, you flamed Scott Crawford's blog @ and made racist remarks about Hawaiians and/or the Hawaiian Kingdom. That is why he disabled comments. Y'all tried to do that to me at my blog at til I disabled comments too.
Since I revamped my uka million websites for both personal and business like @ (which has choke Search Engine Optimization) y'all are unable to continue to leave racist remarks there since I have disabled comments.
For example on November 13, 2009 you wrote this inaccurate statement about charter schools:
"Sadly Charter Schools have become nothing more than anti-american and anti-haole indoctrination centers. Many refuse to teach the Pledge of Alligence or American history for example. Like vouchers it is just one more nail in the coffin of public education in Hawaii. I would be interested to hear why some feel they are needed. It seems like 'OK Sue or Kimo is not doing well in public school so let's put them in an easier school'? Seems like it handicaps our young people so they can't compete in the 21st century. Lastly I pay taxes to support public schools not charter schools where the curriculum seems to be whatever the teacher feels like that day."
While we believe users should be able to express themselves and their point of view, certain kinds of speech simply do not belong in a community like Maoliworld. Therefore, you may not post or share Content that:
* is obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit
* depicts graphic or gratuitous violence
* makes threats of any kind or that intimidates, harasses, or bullies anyone
---> * is derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive or hateful
3) Whether you agree... or disagree... the queen, her memory, her legacy, and her nation continue to live... and there is nothing that you can do about it so practice what you preach and get over it.
It was due to you and to people like you who trolled Scott Crawford's blog @ and made racist remarks about Hawaiians and/or the Hawaiian Kingdom. That is why he disabled comments. Y'all tried to do that to me at my blog at til I disabled comments too.
At one of my many websites @ (which has choke Search Engine Optimization) y'all are unable to continue to leave racist remarks there since I have disabled comments. In fact there is a note stating:
"Note: Comments are disabled. This is due to some people who refuse to discuss issues with maturity and resort to argumentum ad hominem (i.e. personal attacks) and some who have left racist statements singling out and targeting Hawaiians based on their national origin (i.e. Ko Hawai'i Pae Aina.) Thus I have disabled comments :)"
BTW people already know who I am, what I do, and know how I look in a business suit. They already know that I have uka million websites for personal and business. They already know how I look since I was one of the people who showed up at the parade for the queen on August 21, 2009. Like I stated before:
whether you agree... or disagree... the queen, her memory, her legacy, and her nation continue to live... and there is nothing that you can do about it.
However feel free to write about me, my many websites/Wordpresses/Twitters/blogs/etc but remember that there are Terms of Use at each website and blog that may differ in scope.
This is a reason why I have asked the Republican party to distance themselves from "Grassroots" Institute of Hawai'i because of people like you.
You stated that history has been re-written. In other words... written without a Haole perspective.
You try to incite (see above.) Note that I used the word try as in "to attempt to do.'" You try to flame. You did it at Scott's blog then to my blog now @ Kehaulani's blog.
However keep in mind the Terms of Service here at Maoliworld. You did that at Scott Crawford's blog @ too til he disabled comments because of you and people like you.
BTW it's obvious that you do not know that my inoa is an inoa kupuna. Ancestress of Queen Lili'uokalani. It's also obvious that you do not understand dominant and recessive genes. The ali'i DNA is dominant and is a reason why we are still here... why we are still here literally and figuratively... despite all of the pilau --- like in people like you. Hybrid vigor too. It's quite fascinating.
You can write diatribe after diatribe of course as long as it does not violate the Terms of Use here at Maoliworld. You can also continue to have that paternalistic "I know what's best for you Hawaiians'" attitude. That is your prerogative. We are used to people like you who have a paternalistic attitude towards others. Your negative energy is on you... not on us.
However whether you agree... or disagree... the queen, her memory, her legacy, and her nation continue to live... and there is nothing that you can do about it.
Your comment epitomizes why Scott Crawford disabled comments at his blog. You post personal attacks and racist comments.
"That's a lie pure and simple... in fact YOU were the one that was banned from there a few times for your outragous and paranoid posts just like you are trying start here. I will not respond to you further."
Though at first you claimed that you did not "know" me yet are now claiming that I was banned at Scott Crawford's blog, I was never banned by Scott Crawford. In fact I mentioned to Scott that the racist comments that y'all left singling out and targeting Hawaiians based on their national origin should never be tolerated. Soon after he decided to disable comments because of you and others' posting racist comments. You should own up to it and take responsibility for your actions instead of blaming others and playing the "victim."
You also state that you will not respond to me any further... yet you respond to me. You are still the same.
"And ali'i DNA?!? Please stick to real estate."
Thank you for your paternalistic attitude but I work with land both residential and commercial land which is why I know so much about land held in trust for Hawaiians and their legal heirs and help some key people with this so that they know exactly what to do and/or say when it comes to land. I am in real estate for that reason since the crown lands can be used for residential or commercial reasons and I like to help my cousins through Wakea Papa and Haloa any way that I can when it comes to residential and commercial land.
However with your logic you should stick to your nation, the United States, and stick to discussing your nation instead of commenting on the Hawaiian Kingdom. Practice what you preach and get over it.
"And whether you agree or disagree... the queen has passed on and while her memory and legacy fittingly lives on, the Kingdom was dissolved and continues to live on only in the minds and hearts of some of her former subject. Most importantly is that Hawaii was then and is now a multicultural society and is now a indivisible part of the United States of America and short of armed insurrection there is nothing that you nor the radical malcontent minority can do about it."
That is what you think and it is your prerogative to think that. No one is stopping you. However many disagree with you so practice what you preach and get over it. Just remember the Maoliworld's Terms of Use which you agreed to when you created a profile:
Exactly. Uncle Tom McAuliffe Communications Director of "Grassroots" Institute of Hawai'i, Jere Krischel, Ken Conklin, Harry, and a few who hid behind screen names used to post there then Scott Crawford put an end to their racist rants so disabled comments.
Instead of discussings topics with maturity they resorted to racist rants and diatribes.
What really concerns me is that the governor sent 3,000 children to foster care on the mainland is this transplant a preview of what to expect from these children?
If so, we need to set the precedent on Maoli world as to how we feel and how we want them to know that we could have done a lot, and we didn't. I have been in shock ever since and have been reaching out to my community and talking to parents and seeing how they can heal from the political selling of our kanaka babies to the US, for slavery and maybe to take care of their elderly. What stories will surface in documentations? I will not be here maybe when the hight of this happens twenty years down the line. Hopefully I will but physically or mentally, I'm sure the journey home will be so painful.
Since I'm on this thread.... I attended a forum at the UH Manoa on the Massie Case and I was shocked as to what had transpired. Fortunately, Soli N. was there to speak for the Kanaka side of the equation. It was not all selling out that is. I was so surprised that, but why am I surprised? I am a long timer and this should not be happening, but I am surprised. I need to get off the fact that proffs that do puff the magic dragon in the ivory tower... do what they do best--nothing. Our Na Kanaka in the ivory tower leave the campus and their reality check happens---as to where their people are in society and all the hallow theory and published thesis cannot shield them from the horrors of the real frontline battles in the Na Kanaka communities.
I did not bring the military to the front part of my frontal lobe. But yet, that was the premise of their argument and Joseph Kahahawai was humiliated as usual and removed from the equation early on. By the time the questions and answering came around, which is typical of UH, he was a laughing joke. The dichotomy however, was in the fence and out of the fence. People who live outside the fence are us guys.
If the intent is to bring home our prisoners they will be wearing an anklet. So one of the panelist whole gibberish was about charitable and federally funded programs for 'recidivism' citizens which is basically everyone outside the military base, us guys. UH is a military university (which runs contrary to Haunani K), so why is this panel voicing their premise for the military, that's scary. That was one group of people.
The other group of people were the Japanese and their whole civil rights activism for their past wrongs with the US during WW II. This group have rode our backs before and it seems they are maintaing their winning cause besides they had the smoking gun we didn't.
Clarence Darrow created in the 30s, Mr. broke ass --created in US courts two types of citizens, one being white and the other non white. This parallels the in the fence and out of the fence, us guys.
The military 5 year plan for sustainable bases are in the fence and out of the fence in Hawaii. The Japenese group wants their covernent, but have their freedom outside the fence which was a distraction in the Massie Case forum. They were the sponsoring group and very visible. Na Kanaka was missing. I made sure I sat up front in red and white atire and near Soli. Soli slept through the whole 'talk' he was snoring too. When it was closed-up time he woke up, cried "Hoka" and started to verbal his thoughts and acknowledge his stay at the Holiday Inn (prison). Everything happened so fast, and I believe Pono caught this on tape.
I lost tract of my thoughts--so try to follow me, if not, Tane was there so I'm sure he can share too.
I threw in the Nanakuli Rape Case as a monkey wrench and wanted this reaction to, 'duh, I donno' which is the exact reaction I wanted on tape. Did I get it you betcha! Three cameras was rolling....
One of the questions in the aftermath that Rosa (panelist) asked me, "Was uncle Gabby Josephs brother?" I answered, yes! Life for the families was pretty darn mean for white people did not leave anything out as far as their quality of life at our expense. So uncle was adopted by the Pahinui family in Nanakuli and as kids we just excepted this and went along with it. We never question as to how it had an effect/affect on our lives. The younger generations still living in Waianae, but houseless.
Everything went so quickly that night, I didn't really process my thoughts until after, besides the audience were only interested in their theories, not reality. One panelist raised her premise from the hanging of Liliu's father or grandfather while 800 people watched this hanging at gunpoint. It was so carelessly presented for shock value.
I'm still processing this panels messed of version of Kahahawai and the prison inmates of today. Racism was part of the equation, but how does this fit in to the today's version of rape and abuse in prison. One panelist brought up the 'n' word referring to native Hawaiians and I too wonder about this from time to time for my father's first name is Kanaka and that in and of itself was the 'n' word for Hawaiians. I'm sure Tane can add to this and maybe we can compare our thoughts.
The policy writers for in the fence and out of the fence for Hawaii citizens are on the rise and as we read and speak it is being written into their on and off sustainable plans for 2050.
If one follows Soli, what the Moku of Keawe (is this how one writes it for Big Island, need correction) wanted via Bumpy's time--a Na Kupuna council for all islands and they over see the coming out of our prisoners and not the US and their career stooge for a wider government.
Tom McAuliffe your point of view is typical of U.S. Americans which is what spurred this topic. Your subcription to the evolution of definition is the point of contention, especially when Hawai'i is NOT lawfully a part of the U.S.A. and no legal treaty of annexation/cession exists. The convenience of using Hawaiian as ANYONE who lives in Hawai'i is erroneous and disinformation. Under the laws of occupation, hostile occupiers do not lose their U.S. citizenship being in Hawai'i and are in violation of those laws. They are NOT citizens/subjects of the Kingdom of Hawai'i which still exists albeit under belligerent occupation; thus cannot be considered as Hawaiians. This has been an issue since 1887 and continues to be an issue. Much have not been divulged or believed by the U.S. American people and ignorance runs amok with myths.
to be educated into our traditional culture, too much usa influence had make our next generation,
angry and confused people, worst at each other as kanaka maoli.
you can have the bloodline, the name that sounds hawaiian, however without the traditional cultural
training of a kanaka maoli, one can be just as an american hawaiian citizen.
hapa to me means half, you have to have half kanaka maoli bloodline to be half, not 1/4 or less, you not one hapa, period!!!!
unless you are a part of, and that is not half. however the bloodline is not the matter today, it is the Mana that one
carries on to the next generation of kanaka mailo's................~da priness~
Like how you try to flame here at Maoliworld, you flamed Scott Crawford's blog @ and made racist remarks about Hawaiians and/or the Hawaiian Kingdom. That is why he disabled comments. Y'all tried to do that to me at my blog at til I disabled comments too.
Since I revamped my uka million websites for both personal and business like @ (which has choke Search Engine Optimization) y'all are unable to continue to leave racist remarks there since I have disabled comments.
For awhile you have been flaming Kehaulani's blog @
For example on November 13, 2009 you wrote this inaccurate statement about charter schools:
"Sadly Charter Schools have become nothing more than anti-american and anti-haole indoctrination centers. Many refuse to teach the Pledge of Alligence or American history for example. Like vouchers it is just one more nail in the coffin of public education in Hawaii. I would be interested to hear why some feel they are needed. It seems like 'OK Sue or Kimo is not doing well in public school so let's put them in an easier school'? Seems like it handicaps our young people so they can't compete in the 21st century. Lastly I pay taxes to support public schools not charter schools where the curriculum seems to be whatever the teacher feels like that day."
Surprise surprise. Charter schools are not all Hawaiian schools as you implied in one of your latest flames at Kehaulani's post:
"By the way some charter schools are not Hawaiian charter schools.
Some stats can be seen here too:
Education Laboratory aka University Lab School
Halau Lokahi:
Halau Ku Mana:
Seen @
And yes... practice what you preach and
1) read Maoliworld's Terms of Use
2) read Maoliworld's Principles specifically this part:
Inappropriate Content
While we believe users should be able to express themselves and their point of view, certain kinds of speech simply do not belong in a community like Maoliworld. Therefore, you may not post or share Content that:
* is obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit
* depicts graphic or gratuitous violence
* makes threats of any kind or that intimidates, harasses, or bullies anyone
---> * is derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive or hateful
3) Whether you agree... or disagree... the queen, her memory, her legacy, and her nation continue to live... and there is nothing that you can do about it so practice what you preach and get over it.
E malama pono.
It was due to you and to people like you who trolled Scott Crawford's blog @ and made racist remarks about Hawaiians and/or the Hawaiian Kingdom. That is why he disabled comments. Y'all tried to do that to me at my blog at til I disabled comments too.
At one of my many websites @ (which has choke Search Engine Optimization) y'all are unable to continue to leave racist remarks there since I have disabled comments. In fact there is a note stating:
"Note: Comments are disabled. This is due to some people who refuse to discuss issues with maturity and resort to argumentum ad hominem (i.e. personal attacks) and some who have left racist statements singling out and targeting Hawaiians based on their national origin (i.e. Ko Hawai'i Pae Aina.) Thus I have disabled comments :)"
BTW people already know who I am, what I do, and know how I look in a business suit. They already know that I have uka million websites for personal and business. They already know how I look since I was one of the people who showed up at the parade for the queen on August 21, 2009. Like I stated before:
whether you agree... or disagree... the queen, her memory, her legacy, and her nation continue to live... and there is nothing that you can do about it.
However feel free to write about me, my many websites/Wordpresses/Twitters/blogs/etc but remember that there are Terms of Use at each website and blog that may differ in scope.
E malama pono.
This is a reason why I have asked the Republican party to distance themselves from "Grassroots" Institute of Hawai'i because of people like you.
You stated that history has been re-written. In other words... written without a Haole perspective.
You try to incite (see above.) Note that I used the word try as in "to attempt to do.'" You try to flame. You did it at Scott's blog then to my blog now @ Kehaulani's blog.
However keep in mind the Terms of Service here at Maoliworld. You did that at Scott Crawford's blog @ too til he disabled comments because of you and people like you.
BTW it's obvious that you do not know that my inoa is an inoa kupuna. Ancestress of Queen Lili'uokalani. It's also obvious that you do not understand dominant and recessive genes. The ali'i DNA is dominant and is a reason why we are still here... why we are still here literally and figuratively... despite all of the pilau --- like in people like you. Hybrid vigor too. It's quite fascinating.
You can write diatribe after diatribe of course as long as it does not violate the Terms of Use here at Maoliworld. You can also continue to have that paternalistic "I know what's best for you Hawaiians'" attitude. That is your prerogative. We are used to people like you who have a paternalistic attitude towards others. Your negative energy is on you... not on us.
However whether you agree... or disagree... the queen, her memory, her legacy, and her nation continue to live... and there is nothing that you can do about it.
E malama pono.
"I think you are delusional"
Your comment epitomizes why Scott Crawford disabled comments at his blog. You post personal attacks and racist comments.
"That's a lie pure and simple... in fact YOU were the one that was banned from there a few times for your outragous and paranoid posts just like you are trying start here. I will not respond to you further."
Though at first you claimed that you did not "know" me yet are now claiming that I was banned at Scott Crawford's blog, I was never banned by Scott Crawford. In fact I mentioned to Scott that the racist comments that y'all left singling out and targeting Hawaiians based on their national origin should never be tolerated. Soon after he decided to disable comments because of you and others' posting racist comments. You should own up to it and take responsibility for your actions instead of blaming others and playing the "victim."
You also state that you will not respond to me any further... yet you respond to me. You are still the same.
"And ali'i DNA?!? Please stick to real estate."
Thank you for your paternalistic attitude but I work with land both residential and commercial land which is why I know so much about land held in trust for Hawaiians and their legal heirs and help some key people with this so that they know exactly what to do and/or say when it comes to land. I am in real estate for that reason since the crown lands can be used for residential or commercial reasons and I like to help my cousins through Wakea Papa and Haloa any way that I can when it comes to residential and commercial land.
However with your logic you should stick to your nation, the United States, and stick to discussing your nation instead of commenting on the Hawaiian Kingdom. Practice what you preach and get over it.
"And whether you agree or disagree... the queen has passed on and while her memory and legacy fittingly lives on, the Kingdom was dissolved and continues to live on only in the minds and hearts of some of her former subject. Most importantly is that Hawaii was then and is now a multicultural society and is now a indivisible part of the United States of America and short of armed insurrection there is nothing that you nor the radical malcontent minority can do about it."
That is what you think and it is your prerogative to think that. No one is stopping you. However many disagree with you so practice what you preach and get over it. Just remember the Maoliworld's Terms of Use which you agreed to when you created a profile:
E malama pono.
Exactly. Uncle Tom McAuliffe Communications Director of "Grassroots" Institute of Hawai'i, Jere Krischel, Ken Conklin, Harry, and a few who hid behind screen names used to post there then Scott Crawford put an end to their racist rants so disabled comments.
Instead of discussings topics with maturity they resorted to racist rants and diatribes.
Scott disabled all comments. They ruined it.
E malama pono.
His/her latest response was here:
Now s/he comes here to try to incite :-)
What really concerns me is that the governor sent 3,000 children to foster care on the mainland is this transplant a preview of what to expect from these children?
If so, we need to set the precedent on Maoli world as to how we feel and how we want them to know that we could have done a lot, and we didn't. I have been in shock ever since and have been reaching out to my community and talking to parents and seeing how they can heal from the political selling of our kanaka babies to the US, for slavery and maybe to take care of their elderly. What stories will surface in documentations? I will not be here maybe when the hight of this happens twenty years down the line. Hopefully I will but physically or mentally, I'm sure the journey home will be so painful.
Since I'm on this thread.... I attended a forum at the UH Manoa on the Massie Case and I was shocked as to what had transpired. Fortunately, Soli N. was there to speak for the Kanaka side of the equation. It was not all selling out that is. I was so surprised that, but why am I surprised? I am a long timer and this should not be happening, but I am surprised. I need to get off the fact that proffs that do puff the magic dragon in the ivory tower... do what they do best--nothing. Our Na Kanaka in the ivory tower leave the campus and their reality check happens---as to where their people are in society and all the hallow theory and published thesis cannot shield them from the horrors of the real frontline battles in the Na Kanaka communities.
I did not bring the military to the front part of my frontal lobe. But yet, that was the premise of their argument and Joseph Kahahawai was humiliated as usual and removed from the equation early on. By the time the questions and answering came around, which is typical of UH, he was a laughing joke. The dichotomy however, was in the fence and out of the fence. People who live outside the fence are us guys.
If the intent is to bring home our prisoners they will be wearing an anklet. So one of the panelist whole gibberish was about charitable and federally funded programs for 'recidivism' citizens which is basically everyone outside the military base, us guys. UH is a military university (which runs contrary to Haunani K), so why is this panel voicing their premise for the military, that's scary. That was one group of people.
The other group of people were the Japanese and their whole civil rights activism for their past wrongs with the US during WW II. This group have rode our backs before and it seems they are maintaing their winning cause besides they had the smoking gun we didn't.
Clarence Darrow created in the 30s, Mr. broke ass --created in US courts two types of citizens, one being white and the other non white. This parallels the in the fence and out of the fence, us guys.
The military 5 year plan for sustainable bases are in the fence and out of the fence in Hawaii. The Japenese group wants their covernent, but have their freedom outside the fence which was a distraction in the Massie Case forum. They were the sponsoring group and very visible. Na Kanaka was missing. I made sure I sat up front in red and white atire and near Soli. Soli slept through the whole 'talk' he was snoring too. When it was closed-up time he woke up, cried "Hoka" and started to verbal his thoughts and acknowledge his stay at the Holiday Inn (prison). Everything happened so fast, and I believe Pono caught this on tape.
I lost tract of my thoughts--so try to follow me, if not, Tane was there so I'm sure he can share too.
I threw in the Nanakuli Rape Case as a monkey wrench and wanted this reaction to, 'duh, I donno' which is the exact reaction I wanted on tape. Did I get it you betcha! Three cameras was rolling....
One of the questions in the aftermath that Rosa (panelist) asked me, "Was uncle Gabby Josephs brother?" I answered, yes! Life for the families was pretty darn mean for white people did not leave anything out as far as their quality of life at our expense. So uncle was adopted by the Pahinui family in Nanakuli and as kids we just excepted this and went along with it. We never question as to how it had an effect/affect on our lives. The younger generations still living in Waianae, but houseless.
Everything went so quickly that night, I didn't really process my thoughts until after, besides the audience were only interested in their theories, not reality. One panelist raised her premise from the hanging of Liliu's father or grandfather while 800 people watched this hanging at gunpoint. It was so carelessly presented for shock value.
I'm still processing this panels messed of version of Kahahawai and the prison inmates of today. Racism was part of the equation, but how does this fit in to the today's version of rape and abuse in prison. One panelist brought up the 'n' word referring to native Hawaiians and I too wonder about this from time to time for my father's first name is Kanaka and that in and of itself was the 'n' word for Hawaiians. I'm sure Tane can add to this and maybe we can compare our thoughts.
The policy writers for in the fence and out of the fence for Hawaii citizens are on the rise and as we read and speak it is being written into their on and off sustainable plans for 2050.
If one follows Soli, what the Moku of Keawe (is this how one writes it for Big Island, need correction) wanted via Bumpy's time--a Na Kupuna council for all islands and they over see the coming out of our prisoners and not the US and their career stooge for a wider government.
I don't have time to edit, sorry.
Much more to be said, Kaohi