Politics (4056)

Kaohi: Helping people if they want help is at everyone's finger tips! Encouraging people to stop purchasing illegal drugs is important to note how they are getting it! Cyber Space --drug abuse

The Salvation Army ARC drug and alcohol rehabs operate throughout the country, offer long term care, and provide low cost and free treatment to those in need and without the ability to pay.

Anyone is welcome, as long as they are willing to participa

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Kaohi:Ikaika Hussey, you've known me for awhile..I want to say thank you for giving me a place to speak my mind. 911 sent me into orbit, grounded now! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think ....

that I would argue my point of view and speak my thoughts on a globle google forum.  At times it was sad sometimes, but I just want to say that with lots of hard work, I got through the worst of times.  But, in truth sharing my thoughts and content

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Kaohi Harrowring experience last night at our town meeting on 'dust'...right at the corner of Lualualei and Farrington is the highest concentration of toxic contamination from where the tire rubber to



...eighteen feet high.  This road leads to the PVT dump site.


Is there a problem at this corner yes, a child walking into McDonalds on the the corner to order a Happy Meal--has a high probability of acquiring some kind of illness through skin,

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Kaohi:In the Army, use of noncontrolled intoxicants, including natural substances, is prohibited under Army Regulation 600-85, which governs the service’s substance abuse program.

Officials cope with new drug craze

By Joe Gould - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday Oct 2, 2010 12:36:48 EDT

The Army has launched a crackdown on the drug spice at least nine commands in response to a spike in usage among soldiers.

A designer drug th

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Kaohi: Still working out the different particulars on the Aulani Lobby with artisans here in Waianae. "Risk" management are for Adults, in this instance the weight is on five year olds!

I will return to this posting tonight and post my thoughts.  It's important that we understand the ramification when one plays with our aumakua and never really had any real experience with Na Kahuna and their ceremonies.  It is an energy that awai

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Kaohi: Banishment from the promise land has always been around since it's biblical orign, besides the people that initiate this practice are in denial ".not me says the cat, not me says the rat."

The list is endless when it comes to banishment...it speaks to who the hell cares about organizations that can't get their act together.  Hey, birth and death are two final things that are certain to happen!

Gathering rights, was never my research

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Kaohi: Post APEC 2011 Eric Gill... millions of dollars of our tax money was spent to spiff up landscaping and push our most unfortunate out of what little they can call home. ...no good!"


Comment: Oahu pays high price for bad APEC deal

Eric Gill, Financial Secretary-Treasurer – UNITE HERE Local 5
Nov 16, 2011 - 03:54 PM
Topic: APEC 2011
Comment: Oahu pays high price for bad APEC deal
A rare view from inside of the APEC conference: U.S. President Barack Obama answers questions

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