The first time I heard Dr. George Kanahele speak, he made me uncomfortable. He was speaking at a Hawaii Hotel Association meeting about the import
Politics (4056)
Kaohi: Education and strong parental talk keeps our children in the loop of Hawaiian culture values
Offers a list prescription drugs commonly abused, including depressants, opioids and morphine derivatives, and stimulants, and provides their common and street names, how they are generally administered, and their potential health effects.
Kaohi: Education and strong parental talk keeps our children in the loop of Hawaiian culture values
Offers a list prescription drugs commonly abused, including depressants, opioids and morphine derivatives, and stimulants, and provides their common and street names, how they are generally administered, and their potential health effects.
Kaohi: Children are the most vulnerable people on earth and in the face of illegal drug trafficking they deserve Na Kanaka Aloha
Angie overheard her parents talking about how her brother's ADHD medicine was making him less hungry. Because Angie was worried about her weight, she started sneaking one of her brother's pills every few days.
Todd found an old bottle of painkiller
Kaohi: Our Hawaiian rain forest can make you drunk with amazing smells to ones senses
Hawaii's Rain Forests

Photo Courtesy of Hawaii Biological Society |
Welcome! E Komo Ma'i
Come and discover Hawaii's unique rain forests.
Kaohi: It's worth the time to avert the druggy from expanding into our young people his 'evil'. Our Hawaiian culture will prevail above and beyond the sickness of no soul!
DEA Hosts National Prescription Drug Take-Back Event
9Nov2011During the last week in October, while children were collecting Halloween Trick-or-Treat candy, law enforcement officials in cities and towns across America collected a mo
Kaohi:Not sure what this is but it made interesting reading.
'Justice Reinvestment' Faces Public Safety Hurdle
The PowerPoint presentation was at about the halfway mark when Honolulu City Prosecutor Keith Kaneshiro decided he couldn't sit quietly anymore.
Kaohi: Selling drugs for the past 24 hours on Maoliworld brings sick minds to the center! Training helps to deter, deflect and death!
Craigslist Drug Dealers-Where Addiction Meets Online Personals
25May2011Thanks to Craigslist, law enforcement agencies are now battling drug dealers in cyberspace. Each month, more than 50 million free classified ads are posted on
CEASE AND DESIST TO the State of Hawaii Abercrombie Who Has No Title to Lands to Give to OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Fwd: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom No. 2012-0006 Cease and Desist to the State of Hawaii, et.als. who are not the title owners of the Crown Lands, etc. and their claims to giving lands to OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs from Amelia Gora, a Royal
Read more…Kaohi:Thanks to Craigslist Drug, law enforcement agencies are now battling drug dealers in cyberspace
Craigslist Drug Dealers-Where Addiction Meets Online Personals
25May2011Thanks to Craigslist, law enforcement agencies are now battling drug dealers in cyberspace. Each month, more than 50 million free classified ads are posted on
Kaohi:Hawaii Factsheet on Drugs in Hawaii! It's a bad thing and one should be a little bit more savy on cyber space drug dealers
Hawaii Factsheet | ![]() |
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State Facts Drug Situation: The Hawaiian Islands are made up of |
OBAMA News ........ Kenya, Indonsia, or Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom His Birth...All that he has done is NULL AND VOID it seems......
Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
“As long as I am an American citizen and American blood runs in these veins I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write, and to publish whatever I please on any subject.” - Elijah Parish Lov
Political scientist rebuts myth of Puerto Rican natives’ extinction

Tony Castanha traces survival of the Puerto Rico indigenous people
Tony Castanha grew up in Hawaiʻi, eating Chinese food and aware
Kaohi:Read the comments of people that have seen the abuses of drug dealers on cyber space
computerpo on 04/13/2011:
RationalLaw, this was not a debate about the merits of whether to legalize or not legalize drug use. It was about giving community supervision officers some tools to deal with drug use with individuals on community supervi
Read more…Kaohi: Maybe someone will read this article and relate. The point is need to get up and do something and learn how can protect the Native Hawaiian community from illegal cyber space drug trafficking
There's another family destroyed by illegally smuggled drugs. How horrible! How can this be happening in America, the land of the free? I mean, where are all these drugs coming from? Do they just materialize out of thin air? The government has spent
Read more…Latest and Past Links about OBAMA --- from a Kamehameha Descendant with Genocide Activities Issues to be Filed.....
this is the latest on Obama - msg from Pilipo:
Check out this a little over a minute video. Aloha! Accused of Contempt of Court in ‘Birther’ Hearing
Kaohi: Expanding the risk aversion of drugs in our communities is Hewa!
The National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) observed in 2002 that drug use facilitation appeared to be the most common drug-related activity on the Internet. NDIC categorized this facilitation as:
- Use: Information is readily available online about