Politics (4056)

Kaohi: If on one check out David Kennedy the guru on gangs, one will note the intent to zone for data mining of youth gangs happens in 51 zones. Taking our Moku's and destroying them for 51 zones is..

at cause for riots, gangs, and rotting communities.  But, it pays the bills!

Ocean and Coastal Management in Hawaii

Hawaii's Coastal Program

The entire state of Hawaii is included within Hawaii's Coastal Program andcoastal boundary. The Hawaii Offic

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Kaohi: What does David Kennedy and gangs got to do with Native Hawaiian Roll Commission? All my life I have watched this Kipola phenom grow, today, it's pixel into a neat units of measurements

Former Gov. Waihee will lead a new commission charged with preparing and maintaining a roll of qualified Native Hawaiians that would work toward the reorganization of a native government.

Other members of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission, announc

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Kaohi: Fantastic Discussion at Thomas Square last night between what is De Occupation and Occupied Wall Street. For me it is the houseless issue others take it deeper into precision humanity.

There are great people on facebook that can write, conduct public forums, and tow the line with Enforcement's.  Laulani Teale, H Doug Masuoka, Nova Smith and many others that can protest, get arrested, write, speak intelligently on these human proble

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Kaohi: Getting back to my concern Nuclear Isotopes--Boston Procurement, UHManoa and Waianae Armed Forces Veterans mining U235 and U238 a WWII arson from Maile Shores. Where is it?

There were many meetings and the leaders such as William Aila and Cynthia Rezentes,Lucy Gay, and Joe Jordan spear headed the clean up as well as detection of these Nuclear isotopes in the air, land and sea.  

It is dangerous to not have had these d

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