Politics (4056)

Kaohi:I've never seen so much interest in the Public Lands, I often wonder where everyone been since 1974 when the issue was out there in our faces. Nice to have more people on board--Mahalo!


Private development on public land--who gets what?

No Man’s Land

Who’s reaping the benefits of developing public resources?

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Kaohi:Meeting at Castle High School Sept 20, 5 to 8:30 pm. DBEDT screwed up! Fed's are investigating for military usage. Forcing Na Kupuna to sign bogus never ending contracts for alternative energy

Tonight (September 11th) is the first Public Scoping meeting for the government's
second attempt at a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Hawaii's
renewable energy challenges.
McKinley High School, 1039 South King S

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Kaohi: The battle reaches out of Waianae to Kaneohe on Sept 20, 2012 at Castle High School. For decades, Hawaii has fought the battles with the military destruction to our aina.

This is my response to the article:

In Hawaii, public lands, or as we say na malama ka aina are not a new thing as it is for American citizens.  Each square inch is thought of as spiritual to our people as well as to the world.  For thousands of yea

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E ALA E..Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs, Title Owners Are Now Challenging The Trustees of the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, dec./Kamehameha Schools because THEY ARE NOT THE OWNERS, TITLE OWNERS! ....




Messages pertaining to the Treat(ies) of 1849, etc. have been posted for everyone to understand that the Treaty(ies) are PERPETUAL and exist between the Sovereign, his descendants/heirs and

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