Politics (4056)

Nation to Nation Directive/Legal Notice No. 2021-0114 The Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina has (1) the court of original jurisdiction and (2) is the Royal government, (3) the "le

BNquaProQJZ9BeNP3rbQG9CBAoiiGLvUdy54dqGtCHXhkmOLZ3dnG9GQLS-Wi3KWh4KGoLtTFDq3lo9vSyfrYRUf93BWAy9QbDF1UtY3o_F0BHR-0iDIWIiEg0X4o8hvLQ5AkcOvjx0hNwDCXHvidXNU8HgTIQ=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20href=https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.NRX8YKUHFv-8svKsVqaZpQEsDL&w=260&h=175&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.7" class="gmail-CToWUd"/>
Oi320FkBcvMFG5_DiDQQkKGTinMhUBu9ClZ12zQ4tnG99RqmXNTmS9btJhCmG5ATFcvQsJBgoqJNQChI75gOdEkOg8sc5v9JzTE=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20href=http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hi%7Dkm.gif" width="188" height="118" class="gmail-CToWUd gmail-a6T"/>

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The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Our Royal Family members/Alii Trusts Pirated by Conspirators, Treasonous Persons, Pirates, Pillagers, Frauds, and Thieves

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Our Royal Family members/Alii Trusts Pirated by Conspirators, Treasonous Persons, Pirates, Pillagers, Frauds, and Thieves

                                                                Review by Amelia

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The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii vs. the Usurpers,  the American Mafia, the Provisional government to Republic, a "Developed" Territory of the U.S. t

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii vs. the Usurpers,  the American Mafia, the Provisional government to Republic, a "Developed" Territory of the U.S. then Territory of Hawaii turned State of Hawaii wi

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The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Evidence of Killing by Guillotine, etc. of Kanaka Maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Evidence of Killing by Guillotine, etc. of Kanaka Maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli


                                                                    Review by Amelia Go

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The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Provisional government turned Republic developed into the Territory of the United States then Hawaii under the American Empire then Executive Ordered St

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Provisional government turned Republic developed into the Territory of the United States then Hawaii under the American Empire then Executive Ordered State of Hawaii status as Pirates

 The Legitimate

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The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Queen Emma's Lover & the Territories GRABBED By the United States Disregarding the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Queen Emma's Lover & the Territories GRABBED By the United States Disregarding the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States


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Nation to Nation Legal Directive/Legal Notice 2020 - 1224: Re:  the Crown Lands Not Ceded Lands, Null and Void Illegal Contracts, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affa

BNquaProQJZ9BeNP3rbQG9CBAoiiGLvUdy54dqGtCHXhkmOLZ3dnG9GQLS-Wi3KWh4KGoLtTFDq3lo9vSyfrYRUf93BWAy9QbDF1UtY3o_F0BHR-0iDIWIiEg0X4o8hvLQ5AkcOvjx0hNwDCXHvidXNU8HgTIQ=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20href=https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.NRX8YKUHFv-8svKsVqaZpQEsDL&w=260&h=175&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.7" class="gmail-CToWUd"/>
Oi320FkBcvMFG5_DiDQQkKGTinMhUBu9ClZ12zQ4tnG99RqmXNTmS9btJhCmG5ATFcvQsJBgoqJNQChI75gOdEkOg8sc5v9JzTE=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20href=http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hi%7Dkm.gif" class="gmail-CToWUd gmail-a6T" width="188" height="118"/>

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Nation to Nation Legal Directive No. 2020-1228:  Oppositions to the entity State of Hawaii building Casino's on our Crown Lands, not ceded lands from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Land Owner, Landlord,

Oi320FkBcvMFG5_DiDQQkKGTinMhUBu9ClZ12zQ4tnG99RqmXNTmS9btJhCmG5ATFcvQsJBgoqJNQChI75gOdEkOg8sc5v9JzTE=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20href=http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hi%7Dkm.gif" width="188" height="118"/>

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