Wednesday, May 5, 2010  Honolulu Advertiser 

7 Hawaii Sit-In Protesters Over Teacher Furloughs To Be Arraigned

HONOLULU — Seven people who staged a sit-in at Gov. Linda Lingle's office last month to protest school furloughs are to be arraigned in District Court.Quantcast

Their lawyer, Larry Kawasaki, said the seven protesters will plead not guilty at Wednesday's hearing before Judge Colette Garibaldi.

He says they face fines for the simple trespassing citations received during the weeklong protest.

Several other protesters who received citations or were arrested on misdemeanor trespassing charges are to be arraigned in coming weeks.

The demonstrators are members of an informal parents group called Save Our Schools that was trying to prod Lingle into ending the furloughs.

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  • The cases should be dismissed as the people have a right o protest under the constitution. If it isn't the government for, by, of the people then there may be a case of tresspassing. Other than that, there isn't a case and government is establishing tyranny against the people. So far it's an abuse of power.
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