i can not believe the traffic on oahu?????

more cars than people....and oahu have alot of humans.......is there a limit of humans and cars

on an island?????.....for this state of oahu have to be in VIOLATION,

to this facts of over population??????

what is being done about this matter on oahu......this is pure Hewa

on our Hawaiian Kingdom Islands.......we need to protect our maui nui from

this type of illegal leadership of greed for american money!!!!

please Ke Akua i ask in prayer for cleansing to this hewa,

i believe to see the cleansing in my generation,

and soon to recieve this cleansing for our next future Royal Kingdom Heirs,

to really enjoy what is left on our Kingdom Hawaiian Islands to call HOME......amene~~~

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  • if oahu state gets the rails....can not have cars

    its either or.....period,

    just like the wind farms....why do we still have

    electric poles up????

    need get one for the other.....not have so much energy that

    is ruining our resource and Traditional culture of Native Hawaiians

    of Kanaka Maoli's.....mauruuru~~~

  • Nothing being done except to figure out ways to cleans the aina of our ancestors.

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