I hope to see all the sovereignty groups attend to support the Kahana families and those individuals that would like to see justice done. Put the word out to everyone. With the way the economy is; we don't need to have more people needlessly homeless. The assault of DLNR against the kanaka maoli has escalated and needs to stop! We need everyone to come and support our Kahana Valley 'ohana and stop the eviction. These are industrious, hard-working maoli who do not want their families split up. They have a right to be there. The State and DLNR have plans for Kahana Valley once the leases are up. They will not renew them. They are looking at developing it like Ko'olina. So far they have tapped 60% of the water for central and north O'ahu corporate developers, military, and big corporate farms. The food that they families raise goes into feeding Hawai'i's consumers. Already Hawaiian foods are the most expensive in the islands and is getting more scarce. There is a genocide being done and no one's standing against it. Make the stand for all of our sakes. Preserve this ahupua'a and keep the lo'i alive and growing; if not, "No moa poi!" STOP THE KAHANA VALLEY EVICTIONS • KEEP HAWAIIANS ON THEIR LAND Please come to standwith the families as they push to have the evictions forestalled.Please support six Kahana Valley ohana of 40 Plus People. Who will be evicted on Monday, Oct. 27 morning by the DLNR. These families have lived in the valley for generations, but have been unable to obtain leases from the State of Hawaii. Because of a poorly-written 1987 law which prevents the state from issuing new leases. This is in spite of the fact that these families have lived on the land for generations, since Lili'uokalani's birth-mother was the ahupua'a's konohiki. The evictions are cruel and unjust, and demonstrate that the Lingle's administration and the DLNR are willing to make legal exceptions for major players like the Superferry, but will be inflexible for Hawaiian families. According to Annagen Kahala, one of the community's leaders: "We have tried to work with the state... they have put us through loops and we are now being evicted for their mistakes. "These families will join the ranks of the houseless if they are evicted. In times of economic struggle for all people, why would the state destroy homes and knowingly put these families at risk? Please join us for sign waving / POTLUCK SUNDAY 4pm in Kahana. To stand in solidarity with the families of KAHANA. This is an urgent request. Evictions are scheduled for 6am Monday morning. Please kokua. See manainfo.com or call Ikaika at 221-2843 for more information. Make your own signs. Keep it brief. I submitted a few examples: DLNR continues Assault on Kanaka Maoli State wages War against Hawaii nationals. Enough is Enough. U.S. must De-occupy Hawaii U.S. Violating Laws of Occupation War continues in Hawai'i U.S. War and continued Occupation of Hawaii U.S. ongoing war against Hawaii nationals DLNR did it on purpose. Save the Families of Kahana Keep Kahana Valley Families Intact

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  • The 'Ahapua'a O Kahana belongs to the Kanaka Maoli who have been living there since the days of the Hawaiian Kingdom and under Queen Liliuokalani. By the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Public Law 103-150 and the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Indegenous People, the 'Ahupua'a O Kahana is their home. They may not own the 'Ahapua'a in Fee Simple, but as the Indegenous Peoples of Kahana, that 'Ahupua'a belongs to them both culturally and tranditionally in laws. It is said that 99% of the Law is Possession. The residents of the Kahana 'Ahapua'a have held prossession of that 'Ahupua'a since the days of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Public Law 103-150 signed into law by President Clinton recognizes that the Sovereignty of the 'Ahupua'a O Kahana is Inherent in the all of the residents of that 'Ahupua'a. as a people in common. The State of Hawaii and the DLNR and it's governmental entities does not possess the Sovereignty and legal jurisdiction over the 'Ahupua'a O Kahana in accordance with the laws of the United States and all international laws as sited in the Declaration of Humans Rights, the Declaration of the Rights of the Indegenous People and most important in the Hawaiian Kingdom's motto of "Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono" that says that the Sovereignty of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness. Which speaks of Hawaiian Sovereignty over the 'Ahupua'a O Kahana. Think Hawaiian, Think 'Ahupua'a. ALOHA KUU AINA HAWAII, o Pomaikaiokalani
    • As Kauikeaouli decried through the Mahele, all lands are subject to the rights of native tenants.
  • Aloha e Tane.

    Thanks for posting this.

    "The State and DLNR have plans for Kahana Valley once the leases are up. They will not renew them."

    They want to evict us from the entire "state" so this does not surprise me. IMO though... it's not solely an "American" thing. It's a greed thing.

    "Already Hawaiian foods are the most expensive in the islands and is getting more scarce. There is a genocide being done and no one's standing against it. Make the stand for all of our sakes. Preserve this ahupua'a and keep the lo'i alive and growing; if not, "No moa poi!"

    It's becoming very difficult to find ake and aku palu. Come to think of it... hard to find fresh fish and poi. I'm not surprised though because they want to get rid of us. Ice, scarcity of poi/water/land... I definitely see a pattern and agree with you. They want to kill us (genocide.) So far it looks like the families can "stay" for now which is an odd sentence considering that they are legal occupants.

    Aloha, L
    • This update appeared today:

      -- Legislature asked to take up issue in January

      HONOLULU – Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Chairperson Laura H. Thielen announced today that the state will not take any action to evict the six families who are living in Kahana Valley Park without residential leases, while the 2009 Legislature considers revisions to the law to address this issue.

      “We have been working with legislators, some Kahana Valley residents and a member of the original park planning group to identify solutions that would meet the needs of the six families,” said Laura Thielen.

      DLNR had offered to relocate all six families to the residential area of the park. This offer was refused.

      “Although we could not resolve this issue with the six families, we are encouraged it will be addressed during the 2009 legislative session,” said Thielen, “We trust the Legislature will continue to respect the basic foundation of the public’s right to access state parks, keep residential areas separated from the public areas and make Kahana Valley a public park that welcomes and enriches all residents and visitors of Hawai’i,” Thielen added.

      Background on Kahana Valley Living Park

      Kahana Valley was purchased by the State for the purpose of creating a state park in1970. Multiple working groups and residents developed the ”living park” concept where families living in the valley could be given long-term residential leases in exchange for providing volunteer interpretive services.

      The Legislature enacted the plan into law in 1988 authorizing DLNR to issue residential leases to the original 31 families. The Legislature noted in its committee report that all participants understood that the residents would have to relocate in the valley to respect the public park purpose and the public’s right to access the park.

      The Legislature prohibited the creation of any more subdivisions in the state park, but did allow lessees to pass their lease to a successor. Twenty-two descendants and relatives of the original families honored the agreement and moved out of the valley, but have asked the state to allow them to return in case a vacancy occurs.

      Six families without leases stayed in the front entrance of the park while legislators tried three times to amend the law to authorize more subdivisions in the valley. Although DLNR planned to open the front of the park to welcome the public, the department allowed the families to remain at the entrance for four years while the Legislature considered amending the law.

      In 2005, 2007 and 2008 the Legislature rejected approving more residential development in Kahana Valley State Park. At that point it was clear DLNR needed to follow the law set by the Legislature and provide the public access to the state park.

      DLNR recognized the six families needed time to move, and began working with the families, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Alu Like to provide transitional services to help them locate housing and other services.

      Up until March 2008 DLNR believed it could issue new leases if one or more of the 31 families lost a lease. When 3 leases defaulted, DLNR received applications from 12 families who qualified for leases. DLNR was allowing the six families to stay while it determined if any of them were eligible for a new lease. In March 2008 DLNR was notified it has no legal authority to issue any new leases, and instructed all applicants that they could not receive a lease.

      The Legislature had declined to change the law during three separate sessions, in 2005, 2007 and 2008. At that point, DLNR notified the six families they needed to move. Notices to vacate were issued to all affected families once DLNR received advice from the Attorney General in 2008.
  • Saw this in the nupepa today:

    October 28, 2008
    HONOLULU – Following the purchase of the Kahana ahupua‘a by the State in 1970 for park purposes, the resident families then living in Kahana Valley and members of the surrounding community joined with the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) to develop the unique concept of a “living park” to preserve the natural and cultural landscape of an intact ‘ahupua‘a.

    “The department respects the original vision of the living park, and dedication of the many community members who spent approximately 15 years developing plans to accommodate a limited number of private residential leases in the park where each lessee provides 25 hours a month in interpretive services supporting the living park in place of a lease rent,” said Laura H. Thielen, DLNR chairperson

    “This agreement struck a balance between the interests of the original valley residents and the broader public park purpose where educational opportunities would be provided to visitors by the residents,” she said.

    “The balance recognized that the number of lots could not increase, otherwise the public park would eventually become a private subdivision. The families recognized that as their children grew up, not all of them would be able to remain in the park or build new homes there.”

    Over time, several adult children honored the agreement and moved out of the valley. Six families however remained on site without leases in the hope of receiving a lease. When three leases were defaulted, 28 families applied for new leases, including some of the adult children and relatives of original tenants who honored the agreement and left the valley but who want to return.

    In March 2008 the Attorney General notified the department there is no legal authority to issue any new leases.

    “While we understand the emotional attachment and history these six families have to this valley, it would be unfair to penalize the adult children who honored the agreement and moved out, and it would be unfair to the public to keep increasing the number of lots over time and lose the public park,” said Thielen.

    “We will give the six families a bit more time to prepare to move, and we will bring additional transition service providers this week to provide assistance to help with this transition. I recognize that up until last summer the families and the department thought there would be an opportunity to issue three leases, and that the families need more assistance and time to prepare themselves. We met with the families earlier this year to discuss the decision and brought service providers to assist them in their move, but I can understand that they were not prepared to accept the decision at that time. Accordingly we will not move forward with any eviction this week.

    “I have shared my concerns with Representative Meyer and Senator Hee and am willing to sit down with them again tomorrow. I will also be seeking a meeting with the six families to talk the matter over with them directly to see if there is any additional assistance the department can provide. However, I strongly encourage the families to take advantage of the service providers we are bringing to assist because I have not yet heard a solution that respects the original agreement, is fair to the adult children and residents who followed that agreement, and protects public interest in the living park.”

    DLNR is continuing to work with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), Alu Like, Catholic Charities and others to find transitional services for the six families.
    • Thanks for posting this. I think it is a very important subject but if the idea for the park originally was to keep it intact, why are they kicking the families out lease or no lease. There is no possible way a valley can be intact without the people who are Native Tenants and live there. If the DLNR really wanted to "practice resource protection" they should keep all foreigners out of the valley and leave the water way untouched. If they plan to divert the water, they should have a cultural and Environmental assesment for the projects. See what the impacts are to the area with changes that the state has made. It is much much better for the health of the valley and the true idea of keeping the valley intact with all of it's resources...people and water. Taking water from the valley will have ecological ramifications of the area. `o`opu, `opae, possible kahuli, any living resource up that valley is at risk.

      I cannot see the valley being "intact" without the people. I really don't think the people should have to work any hours a week talking to visitors of the park. I think the families only should host, Native Hawaiian Educational Programs and teach the beauty and Kuleana of the valley. I don't think the tourist should be in the valley at all. I think they should be kept near the road and not allowed to hike further into the valley...we have resources at stake...with bioprospecting etc...I wouldn't want any other resources disturbed in that prestine valley. Alien species can be introduced in the valley with more traffic in the valley as far as hiking. It's just too risky for the general public to be allowed there.


      • The ahupua'a consists of about 5,000 acres. Thielen did a stretch of the truth.

        noe1893 sent this to us:
        Anzai Opi...pdf (108.2 KB)
        Here's the AG office's opinion from 2001, when it was interpreted that the state DLNR did have authority to enter into new leases with Kahana families.
        Under the Bennett regime, they've changed their mind. This is why it's equally important to put pressure on Bennett, as on Thielen and Lingle.

        from: Noe


        Since Bennet got appointed to AG, he has waged war against the Hawaiians and their entitlements. There's a band of them that are bent of dismantling Hawaiian rights and Hawaii national rights. Sen. Slom, Malia Zimmerman, Wm. Burgess and Ken Conklin have been openly waging a declared war against the native Hawaiians for several years now. We must fight them back. They have gone to small business and clubs like Kiwanis, to recruit members and supporters.

        This is why all these assaults and attacks against the native Hawaiians have escalated. It is Bennet that is pushing the Iolani Palace restrictions against the Hawaii nationals (especially the kanaka maoli), pushed the arrests of those that protested with civil disobedience and charge them with trespassing at Naue, Wainiha/Haena Kaua'i, suppression of water rights on Mau'i, and now Kahana Valley, etc. It's time for the Hawaii nationals to resist and call attention to the laws of occupation and protest strenuously.
  • The FIGHT to Cancel the Eviction of our Ohana of Kahana Valley is On Going................ KUE.............. o Po
  • The Stage is Set to KUE Kahana Valley. Now is the time for all Kanaka Maoli to Stand as a Nation. KUI I KA PONO NO HAWAII, o Pomaikaiokalani
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