Submit questions here for Maoliworld OHA forum

Aloha kakou Maoliworld is sponsoring a user-driven forum for the Hawaiian community to ask questions and get answers from the OHA candidates. You can add your questions here; we'll collect them, and pose them to the OHA candidates. Please submit questions by Monday, October 27. The results will be posted on Maoliworld on November 1.

You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • Ask if the OHA trustees are Pono with the sale of our lands? If no, then what will they do to correct the Hewa?

    If the Trustees say yes then they should make an appointment to see me in person for a reality check.
    Because, I really have no time for them, It is up them to decide what is right and what is wrong? They are not babies or maybe they are. The crying ones.

    Aloha no

    Robert M.Ebanez
    Keli'iKanaka'ole-o-Haililani 2009
    • Robert,
      I hope you have been getting the info on line that shows the details of the settlement that OHA is doing w/ the state behind closed doors. Just remember, OHA is a state agency. It is an ARM of the state...and knows which back to scratch when itchy. We all get itch...but OHA no scratch ours.

      simple as that.

  • Is OHA willing to help hawaiians that went to college but did't complete it because of personal reasons, and now there past are behind and want to start freash...Will they help pay there past loan...
    • Every kanaka maoli should be charged no tution. Go to college and get your specialty done and come back and work for the HAWAIIAN KINGDOM. WE NEED TO FILL POSITIONS TOO!
  • I agree with Laila - I would like to see a complete audit done.
  • 1. I'm running for OHA to make changes, even though as only one (1) vote , I have an uphill challange against other status quo Trustees' in it for their own benefits. I will advocate that OHA provide neutral, unbiased and equal time, energy, resources and funding for Sovereignty Education on all "Political Status" of 1) Independence, 2) Free Association and
    3) Integration, in order to unite and empower our Hawaiian people to make educated and informed decisions, for their choice of government, of their own free choice. Currently, OHA beneficiaries are not being given all the available options of choices, but instead, are having only one (1) choice of one (1) "Political Status" of the #3) Integration (Akaka Bill) being rammed down their throat as an ultimatum of this choice or nothing!! this is not the democratic way.
    • All I can say is that I am VERY disappointed with the results

      FWIW I was one of your patients when I was a little girl and I am extremely disappointed that instead of choosing you the people of Hawai'i basically chose the same old same old status quo.

      Why some people chose her instead of showing support for you who has personally helped me when I was a little girl is beyond me....
  • As OHA trustee, I will advocate that OHA be fiscally accountable for all trust funds, and must be audited annually on trust accounts, trust operations, trust management, trust performances and trust fiduciary responsibilities.
    Aloha, Sol Nalua'I, Candidate for OHA Trustee At-Large
  • I only got a question, and one follow up:

    Why do you have to bother with OHA with any kind of forum of questions when they are a fictional entity created by another one called the "state of Hawaii?"

    And without proof of any legal transfer of title, land, or trust therein why should we listen to any lies they have to preach on the basis of this forum?

    Waste of time to litigate with something that we can have no vested interest in.

    P.S. Thanks for the Kahea shirt Ikaika. I love the Eo Lono design.


    Don't lose yourself in confusion by your emotional vestment in these false terms that bind you within the state of OHA.

    Know what you are. Know where your piko is. And be akamai, not ignorant.

    If you are kanaka maoli, and you got koko...just stick to the kanaka. You got a lot more going for you that has been left for us by the kupuna.

    Hale Mawae
    Eo Lono!
  • In order to maintain an open process, I'm going to email the OHA candidates and invite them to respond directly on this forum (or to each of you individually, as they may choose). Mahalo to everyone who participated in this process. And I'm sorry that this is all so rushed – I've been tied up with the Kahana situation.
    Aloha, Ikaika
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