Boiler Plate Contract

Why is there no Quantifiable measurements established in the Contract, between CCA & PSD?

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  • .....another thing, How can OHA hold this discussion/meetings concerning the welfare of the pa'ahao and say they are also concerned with those who are held here in mainland facilities, unless they have had access and knowledge of the contract agreement between PSD & CCA? Wouldn't you think they were not working in the 'best interest' of the pa'ahao if they were not fully informed????
  • Most people in Hawaii don't know what the contract reads, it's something between the facilities, but if that contract were to become public information/knowledge, I'm sure the tax payers would demand answers to questions like this one. What does this question pose? How many people know that in this contract there is no 'quantifiable' numbers to hold both CCA & PSD accountable for?

    As an example: If 150 men sign up for a vocational class, but only 3 are accepted, and they graduate 3 the report can say "150 signed up for vocational training and 100% were graduated" They don't need to clarify that only 3 were accepted into the course, it's all in the wording. Another example is that they place no % numbers to how many will HAVE to be placed in rehabilitation...again they can offer 125 slots, and accept 10 and say 100% were rehabilitated, creating a no win environment that raises the percentages of recitivism.

    On the other hand they can also say "150 men signed up for vocational class, but only 3 qualified, therefor these men are not intelligent or worthy enough to continue any programming"'s all in how 'they' word the public information...ask any politician, it's like being a magician, slight of hand or slight of tongue...same thing.
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