Hawai'i - NOT u.s., Just Occupied !!!

In Keanu Sai's latest presentation - on radio station KPFA in Berkeley, California (Thursday, July 17) - a wonderful, however, brief, question and answer session on Hawaiian sovereignty. Yes - Hawai'i is still sovereign, even though our government has been decimated. Keanu's presentation preceeds the Ka Lei Maile Ali'i Civic Club's presentation of the play by the late Didi Lee Kwan for early August in Northern California (Berkeley and Ukiah) - about a meeting in Hilo in 1897 - that coincided with the collection of signatures across the Kingdom that are now referred to as the "Ku'e Petitions" - of kanaka maoli, who were loyal to Queen Lili'uokalani, who opposed the attempted illegal annexation by the u.s. of Hawai'i, by promulgating a fake "internal" u.s. document - the Annexation Treaty - that had no legal effect in a foreign nation that Hawai'i. In other words - the so-called "annexation of Hawai'i by the u.s." was total shibai. And anybody who believes that Hawai'i is now part of the u.s. is an idiot, or political imbecile. Listen to Keanu's Q & A on the web at - www.kpfa.org - click on programs, click on Thursday, July 17, click on APEX Express at 7:00 p.m. - and you'll get the latest rendition of the truth of Hawai'i's past - and kanaka maoli's political status as the heirs of subjects of the Kingdom. ku

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  • This should help understand this coming from Keanu Sai in this video:
    Keanu Sai lectures on understanding the legal history of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the illegal occupation of Hawaii by the U.S.A.

    Cpoy and paste:

    • Aloha kakou,
      Yesterday and today Keanu Sai is here in Berkeley, with Lynette Cruz, Baron Ching and others of Ka Lei Maile Aliʻi Civic Club. Iʻve been helping out with the organizing of these events, as I am a member of the Civic Club and love being able to volunteer for this cause.

      Keanuʻs presentation last night was brilliant. He laid it all out, with a great powerpoint demostration that had good graphics that helped us all to see the way these complex topics work. Iʻm no lawyer, and no political science person either, and so it was great to see how well he explains Hawaiʻiʻs history and political situation to folks who donʻt have that kind of background.

      I have been convinced for a long time that Hawaiʻi is not part of the U.S. and yet I had been confused about the difference between "colonization" and "occupation" and some of the other fine points. Keanu made it all much, much clearer. Iʻm glad the internet exists, to help get the word out!

      I also bought his DVD of the Larsen case, and plan to do some neighborhood showings. Grassroots education is where it all starts. Iʻll do another evening at the Long Haul info shop, for example -- thatʻs a local anarchist and radical leftie hangout out. So itʻs a place to educate activists.

      Weʻve got another event tonight, at a bigger, very popular Berkeley venue, and this event was advertised as a featured event by Credo (formerly Working Assets) on their local, weekly "Diversions" email announcement that goes to thousands. So even if people donʻt come, theyʻve seen something that has the words "Independent Hawaiʻi" on it -- so even something like this plants a little thought seed. Itʻs said people need to see something at least seven times to even register it, so every bit helps. We also gave out lots of flyers for the event at the Aloha Festival yesterday, in San Francisco, so people are aware of the event there too.

      But now itʻs also time to water and cultivate those seeds that have been planted already! Iʻm hoping that Hawaiian independence catches on as an issue here in Berkeley and elsewhere, so that we who are "Americanʻs" do our bit to stop this hewa from our end, and begin to emphatically protest the unlawful occupation of Hawaiʻi just as we protest the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
      • Add this to your info:

        Article Preview
        HAWAII STOLEN PROPERTY; THE PRESIDENT'S ONLY COURSE WAS TO RESTORE IT. Policy of the Administration Based on Law, Fact, and Right -- Harrison's Hasty Action. Following Unwarranted Interference by the Minister at Hawaii, Caused the Difficulty -- Careful Analysis of Events Justfies the Call for the Queen's Restoration.
        February 13, 1894, Wednesday
        Page 3, 2193 words
        The first paragraph is not available for this article.

        HAWAII STOLEN PROPERTY; THE PRESIDENT'S ONLY COURSE WAS TO RESTORE IT. Policy of the Administration Based on Law, Fact, and Right -- Harrison's Hasty Action. Following Unwarranted Interference by the Minister at Hawaii, Caused the Difficulty -- Careful Analysis of Events Justfies the Call for the Queen's Restoration.
        February 13, 1894, Wednesday

        Shortcut to: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9805E7D71F31E033A257...

        Note: This article will open in PDF format. Get Adobe Acrobat Reader or Learn More »
      • Good job, Dear.
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa here.....the statement is:
    ".........And anybody who believes that Hawai'i is now part of the u.s. is an idiot, or political imbecile."

    Only "if you believe". Uncle Ku is correct in my opinion. I don't believe Hawai'i is part of the United States that's why we are here on Maoliworld! If I b elieved this than yes of course I would be an idiot or political imbecile.

    Please to take close look at what Uncle Ku is SAYING. Uncle is commenting not judging...SMILE!
    • Sorry but comments like those inadvertently hurt other Hawaiians which I was trying to get across. I could not care less what the Feds or those who do not care about us think. On the other hand... what about other Hawaiians who may read that? Words are very powerful... they can create or destroy. I don't see other Hawaiians serving in the U.S. armed forces posting here. I know that they do read but they have not joined Maoliworld and when they do read comments like those it does not hurt the Feds. (They do not care.)

      It only inadvertently hurts other Hawaiians. Comments directed to the Feds (who also read what we post online and offline) NEVER hurt the Feds. Ever. Instead it only inadvertently hurts other Hawaiians.

      Look at how many of them have joined Maoliworld. I don't see them here. Does anyone else see them here?

      Aloha, L
      • I'm sorry - my comment referred to "anybody" - not to Hawaiians, or any other group of people.

        On the other hand, there are those with any degree of Hawaiian blood who may believe that Hawai'i is part of the u.s. There are those who don't.

        On the other hand, there are Hawaiians who are american - who believe everything the americans believe - including the fraud they have placed on the Hawaiian Kingdom and its Nationals and their descendants for over a hundred years.

        I was even a believer when I was a young person, but now, now that I know how to read and have gotten a legal eduction (that isn't required), and have read the documents - I "know" what "they" did to us and how "they" represent to the rest of the world that Hawai'i is part of their nation.

        I know otherwise.

        If "anyone" - whether in the u.s. armed forces or not - has read "the" documents and continues to believe that Hawai'i is a legal part of the u.s. - so be it. I will stand by what I said.

      • Lana, I see your compassion of not trying to hurt hawaiians, Uncle is not trying to hurt anyone but provide HIS viewpoint. Uncle is not intentionally hurting anyone. The words idiot and imbecile are descriptive words to just get HIS his personal point of view, not the view of hurting persons.

        There are people here on Maoliworld who may not express themselves only because they CHOOSE NOT TO express themselves. It could be due to confidence, not sure what to say, or they're just checking us out, etc, etc. There are a whole not of reasons behind things. The point is that we express ourselves as a right to our freedom of doing so. If we didn't have this right I, you, me, uncle, Ikaika Hussey who created this wonderful site, etc etc wouldn't be here to express ourselves in what has happened in history to your na kupuna, my na kupuna, etc etc. If those here who are not expressive as others are offended, then they will probably not stick around BY CHOICE. Your comments and others are mutually respected here because it's YOUR voice in expression of YOUR INNATE with exceptions of rules on creating and using this wonderful site.

        As to Hawaiians that serve the US, I believe majority of them realize that there are two kinds of hawaiians, one who believes in sovereignty and one that doesn't. Here at this site we understand we have a choice for sovereignty as a decision on our own but majority of the postings are in expresssion of what did, what has been, and what could be and can be, and should be. Here we can be educated and listen and learn from the past, the now, the future and through all this we still have our own personal opinion as our freedom.

        For me, I don't want any of my children to serve in the U.S.military. My uncle who was a sargeant major in the marines made it a career for him; my husband and relatives, also served in the marines, my dad in the reserves, etc and I respect those that have served for it is a courageous thing to do on a personal level to sacrifice your life for A country. What I don't believe in is any military "occupying" when it isn't their place because culturally in my opinion, it is not morally right. Who's freedom are they really advocating? Leave countries alone with their own kuleana and just make sure you send your spies in like we have done in our past with warriors. Keep at bay the enemy without causing anything but kicking at the dirt for it is your right.

        In my opinion, those in the armed forces are here and will probably voice themselves more after their comfort level; it will be a greater discussion then...SMILE.

        Mahalo also to you Lana R. for your expression, it is mutally respected. I see your point as well - didn't you have this point as a discussion on your blog or forum? I thought I seen this, if not, would be a great discussion for you to start. Malama Pono.
  • I like Keanu Sai.

    "In other words - the so-called "annexation of Hawai'i by the u.s." was total shibai. And anybody who believes that Hawai'i is now part of the u.s. is an idiot, or political imbecile."

    I'm not sure if I would call them "idiots" or "political imbeciles" because some people do not like politics. It brings out the worse in some people.

    This may offend some people who don't deserve to be offended as well. For example there are some Hawaiians (men and women) who are still presently serving the U.S. here and abroad who have taken an oath to protect and defend the U.S. and the U.S. Constitution and may take offense with that inadvertently insulting them instead of the U.S. They are a child of a Hawaiian and that kind of statement may make them feel excluded. There are already too few Hawaiians in the U.S. Armed Forces (or who have served) posting here. I don't know about you but I would like to see more Hawaiians posting here.

    Aloha, L
    • It's irrelevant if they are in the military or not. Foreigners have enlisted in the U.S. military and still do; so it's not a big deal. What Ku is alluding to is after presenting all the facts and one still believes Hawaii is part of the U.S., would have to be an idiot or political imbecile. He made no reference if they are in the military.

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