Aloha mai kakou, An article was published today in The Garden Island Newspaper of Kauai, stating that the land developer, Joe Brescia, still intends to build over the ancient burials of women and children at Naue despite not having clear title to the land. Apparently He's bringing in the big gun's on Tuesday, with the Kaua'i Police Department as well as the State Department of Land and Natural Resources. It seems Ka'iulani's meeting with the Kaua'i Police Department only came as a warning that they aren't going to protect our rights as a Kanaka Maoli even with the royal patent held by the Kauonohi descendants that never ceased to exist, and what's really sad and more important is our rights to respectfully protect our iwi kupuna with honor against this HEWA land developer. Earlier this week a mildly threatening unidentified person with the state Attorney General's office tried to serve fraudulent temporary restraining order's with charges against parties within that same fraudulent document citing personal damages against Joe Brescia from Kupuna Puanani Rogers, Uncle Jeff Chandler, Aunty Ka'iulani Edens-Huff, Aunty Louise Sauzen, Hale Mawae, as well as 1-200 other unnamed persons. I think the "1-200" was just in case any other Kanaka Maoli citizens decided to come protect their kupuna as well. Sounds like it could be YOU too! But don't worry it's only another fraudulent document created to strike fear into those who don't know how to exercise their rights yet. Fortunately, for us if you have been following the mo'olelo of Naue maybe you will learn how. Joe Brescia's actions this week have been over and beyond disrespectful, not to mention illegal, despite his repeated bland heart-warming attempt for unwarranted sympathy at the end of the article. "“I’m not a developer, I’m just a regular guy in a very unfortunate, uncomfortable situation,” he said. “I’ve done everything I can to make this sensitive and respectful, and I don’t know what else can be changed." Unfortunate and uncomfortable situation? What can be changed? He obviously hasn't gotten the answer from a very vocal community of Kanaka Maoli who don't want him to build his house over a cemetary. What do you expect when you go above and beyond the lines for the continued desecration of our iwi kupuna and the blatant destruction of our connection to the rights of those iwi kupuna? The only unfortunate, uncomfortable situation is the one that Joe Brescia has manifested and created for himself by all his HEWA! Any SANE person would not disturb the remains of a 14th century burial to put a 3 bedroom house on a piece of property that doesn't belong to him. And just to put in a little disclaimer here, the original home he intended to build was 7,000 square foot plus, which included some 5 bedrooms. What's even more interesting is the fact that Joe Brescia doesn't even intend on living on the property! He's just another land pimp looking to build a property then turn around and sell that property for way more than its worth to make it profit. He's already washed his hands clean of this situation in his mind. But what he doesn't know is that he's washing his hands clean with more and more blood of Kanaka Maoli! Out damn spot, out! But the more he rubs his dirty fingers together, the more and more blood will stain his hands of filth. I'm appalled that he even considers any manner of himself as being "respectful" or "doing the right thing" as he so often likes to state in his quotes to the press. He's disturbed the iwi. He's disturbed the lives of truly respectable people who have been standing up for the iwi. He's manipulated the state and affiliated agencies to cow down to his pathetic sob story, while he schemes new plans for attack behind closed doors with his objectionable lawyer, Walton Hong. He's a two faced scam artist, who's only stirring up more waters, so that he can continue to stuff blood money into his pocket and get out! His actions prove louder than his words. Enough is enough! If he were to desecrate the bones of our people in times of old, there would be no discussion as to whether or not he could build his home. There would be no diplomatic endeavors set in place for him to continue to scheme and manipulate other parties into his control. There would be no "revised statutes" and "county ordinances" to reference and stand behind like a wimpy little kid who's hiding behind his parents leg after annoyingly picking a fight with an older sibling. The kahuna's would allow the laws to stand in place for his crime, he would be allowed ample time to escape to a city of refuge, and the warriors from that respective Ahupua'a and/or ohana in connection to that burial site would be given the right to pursue him and do with him as they pleased. Then it would come down to two situations: Hypothetical Situation (A) If he were to make it to the heiau of refuge, he would have to lay naked and prostrate himself before the Kahuna's to plead his case for entrance. If the Kahuna of the heiau admitted him entrance for his guilt he would be marked with symbol and restricted to the walls of the heiau with severe restrictions and extreme labor. In essence, becoming a slave until he had been released of the severity of his crime, or until the ohana and or people of the ahu pua'a had ample time to ho'oponopono. Even with the crime lifted against him, his release still meant that he would forever live with the mark of his crime, and forever he and his descendants would be in service to the families who the crime was committed against. Hypothetical situation (B) If he didn't make it to the heiau of refuge in time, well then the warriors and ohana of those iwi who were desecrated could do with him as they pleased after he was captured. Any physical possession belonging to him would be seized.(In this case he doesn't own anything!) There would be protocols set in place to ensure their actions, but as it says in countless mo'olelo it is in the iwi that holds the mana, and so in Joe Brescia's iwi there they would find his mana and in performing protocol after his capture they would keep it for his crime of desecration. Joe Brescia can not be allowed to build on these burials. He has done nothing but to stir the waters of illegal disillusion within the illegitimate state that will only protect the profit and property of his illegal actions that the "state" has continued to condone. Aue! Have a read of the article and please pass on the mo'olelo of Na Hala O Naue. For the iwi kupuna! For the people here on Kaua'i who are currently being tossed in this turbulent storm, but most importantly so that the next generation and the next will remember that when the time came there were those who took a stand against the wrongdoers who gave us no choice. To stand ku ha'aheo! Hale Mawae Eo Lono! Property owner set to begin work by Michael Levine - the garden island Ka‘iulani Huff, the Kapa‘a resident who has been tent camping for nearly three months on a Wainiha property discovered to be an ancient Hawaiian burial site in protest of planned developments, met with Kaua‘i Police Department officials Friday. “Essentially, they wanted to warn me that they’re coming to our graveyard on Tuesday, and that — they didn’t say it out loud — but they were warning me that we’re going to get arrested,” Huff said after the meeting. "We did not ask her to leave, but if the developer decides they want to go in, they’ve provided all the documentation and we will be there to ensure their legal rights are protected, to minimize potential conflict with her (Huff’s) group and make sure nobody gets hurt,” said KPD Assistant Chief Clayton Arinaga. “We agreed as a department that we needed to meet with Ms. Huff and the rest of the demonstrators to get on the same page and make sure we respect their right to protest, but also to make sure they keep it peaceful,” said KPD Chief Darryl Perry. Huff claims that the Wainiha subdivision should instead belong to her as it was granted to her family by the Hawaiian crown prior to American intervention. A Jan. 31 Hawai‘i Supreme Court ruling determined that the state cannot sell any of the 1.2 million acres of ceded lands that once belonged to the Hawaiian monarchy until all claims are settled. Huff said that “things are conspiring in our history right now” that could lead to her recovering the land. She expects a variety of Hawaiian sovereignty groups to join in her protest. “We are sympathetic to her side, but we have a duty to perform our jobs,” Arinaga said. Landowner Joseph Brescia, according to attorney Walton Hong, has been trying to build a home on the land since 2001, but has been delayed by various environmental, legal and community challenges. The Kaua‘i Island Burial Council determined in April that 30 burials discovered on the property in a December 2007 archaeological survey must be left in place in order for construction to begin. Groundbreaking was rumored to start earlier this month, but contractor Ted Burkhardt and his crew left without performing any work as some 40 residents were assembled at the site in protest. Tuesday is now rumored to be the first day of construction. Brescia said yesterday in a phone interview that he was “considering” building a 2,350-square-foot, three-bedroom home on the property and that he would likely be issuing a formal statement this week. “I’m not a developer, I’m just a regular guy in a very unfortunate, uncomfortable situation,” he said. “I’ve done everything I can to make this sensitive and respectful, and I don’t know what else can be changed.

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  • Ron Lee I can't tell if this is an early posting or recent.

    Ethnic cleansing is true to it's nature and is an on going human conditioning. I have grandchildren that are from Wainiha descendants. Stay sharp! and we will get through this atrocity.

    "Lets face it. People not born in Hawaii are dogs and pigs. Only those born in Hawaii of the Hawaiian race are entitled to have opinions and care about the aina. They are not sufficiently superstitous or angry at enough people. Mr. Brescia should not be entitled to own land in Hawaii, in fact no white people should be entitled to own land. Although only the alii owned land in the past, they would now give the land to the people. I know this because I do not subscribe to the white race and embrace the Hawaiian race who are the only chosen people. Everyone else is a pig or dog. I know this may sound unsophisticated and biased but why shouldn't I be. Those who study, learn and grow can never understand those of us who have decided to live by our guts and anger and mental illness. You think that is odd, but wethink it is normal. It is what caused Hawaiians to kill each other in epic battles and what compels us now to battle anyone who disagrees with us, no matter the logic.

    Yes Brescia should just give up. He should take his money and give it to poor people. I would do the same but I don't want to. He is white and I am not. White people must give up all their wealth, even the poor ones. White people must bow down to the Hawaiians. White people must bow down and give up any land on which any Hawaiian has ever set foot, or might set foot in the future. Forget about reason or consideration or understanding. There is no time left to think of others. Only ourselves and our long dead ancestors. We must respect them at the expense of all else. We must respect them even though we know many of them were not Christians and often killed one another. We must respect them because they died and everyone who dies must be respected for ever and ever and ever amen." Ron Lee
  • Yes Brescia should just give up. He should take his money and give it to poor people. I would do the same but I don't want to. He is white and I am not. White people must give up all their wealth, even the poor ones. White people must bow down to the Hawaiians. White people must bow down and give up any land on which any Hawaiian has ever set foot, or might set foot in the future. Forget about reason or consideration or understanding. There is no time left to think of others. Only ourselves and our long dead ancestors. We must respect them at the expense of all else. We must respect them even though we know many of them were not Christians and often killed one another. We must respect them because they died and everyone who dies must be respected for ever and ever and ever amen.
  • Lets face it. People not born in Hawaii are dogs and pigs. Only those born in Hawaii of the Hawaiian race are entitled to have opinions and care about the aina. They are not sufficiently superstitous or angry at enough people. Mr. Brescia should not be entitled to own land in Hawaii, in fact no white people should be entitled to own land. Although only the alii owned land in the past, they would now give the land to the people. I know this because I do not subscribe to the white race and embrace the Hawaiian race who are the only chosen people. Everyone else is a pig or dog. I know this may sound unsophisticated and biased but why shouldn't I be. Those who study, learn and grow can never understand those of us who have decided to live by our guts and anger and mental illness. You think that is odd, but wethink it is normal. It is what caused Hawaiians to kill each other in epic battles and what compels us now to battle anyone who disagrees with us, no matter the logic.
  • Aloha no!
    On June 8th, in my blog, I published the following info on Joe Brescia:

    I suggest we write letters to express our outrage at his actions and our support for the people camping out to prevent his desecration of the kupuna -- show him this is getting attention beyond Kauaʻi. This is his email:

    He is the president and chair of Architectural Glass & Aluminum Co, with an address in Southern CA:
    2691 Richter Avenue, Suite 120, Irvine CA 92606, (949)797-9000.

    And an address in Northern CA:
    1151 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 101, Alameda, CA 94501 (510)444-6100.

    He is also on the board of the Northern CA Glass Management Association, 5677 Horton Street, Emeryville, CA -- just a couple miles from here.

    Malama pono,
    • Mahalo AMY!!! Thanks for the support. Everyone is down at the site right now as I type this. The police are ready to enforce, and the people are ready to stand kupa'a.

      A hui hou.

      Hale Mawae
      Eo Lono!
      • Aloha mai Eo Lono,
        I was happy to read Aunty Puananiʻs account of victory today, which she posted on the Hawaiʻi independence list. Glad the construction was not started today, that the police seemed to come in on your side. Brescia should just give up, eh?
        I hope our collective prayers will continue to aid you all in this struggle!
        Malama pono,
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