$1.00 An Hour Internet Cafe

Friday, April 16, 2010  Honolulu Advertiser 

Hawaiian Hope Opens $1 An Hour Internet Cafe


Hawaiian Hope Opens $1 an HOUR Internet Cafe !


Hawaiian Hope has opened an "Internet Cafe." Located at 611 N. King Street, with daily hours from 9 AM till 9 PM.

Computer rental is ONLY $1 per hour !!!

Why ?

The need is great ! Just one example of this is the fact that many of the jobs now available can only be applied for by using the Internet. Hawaiian Hope recently conducted a survey of 100 companies and found that 1/3rd of them no longer accept paper applications. As an example, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Home Depot, Sears and many hotel chains REQUIRE Online Applications and no longer take paper at all.

What is offered :

Hawaiian Hope offers 10 computers for public access. Computers are equipped with a variety of tools including : Internet access, Word Processing, Typing Tutors, Spreadsheets and Photo Editing. The room has built into it a large 11 foot wide screen and a projector for projecting images during use in training classes, presentations and even video conferencing. Interested agencies and organizations may rent the facility for a flat rate hourly fee and have access to all of its amenities, plus a trained assistant to help in using the facility.

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