



Manana, Hawaiian Kingdom


May 27



'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

Tane I

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

Manana , Oahu, Kingdom of Hawaii

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?


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  • 2766667698?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    The War Crime Complaint alleges:

    “State of Hawai‘i Judges OKAMOTO, FOLEY, LEONARD, and REIFURTH committed a war crime by willfully depriving my client, a protected person, of a fair and regular trial prescribed by the fourth Geneva Convention The Plaintiff, State of Hawai‘i Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Chair JOBIE MASAGATANI and State of Hawai‘i Governor NEAL ABERCROMBIE, represented by the State of Hawai‘i Attorney General DAVID M. LOUIE and Deputy Attorney Generals MATTHEW S. DVONCH, DIANE K. TAIRA and S. KALANI BUSH were complicit in these proceedings and therefore committed a war crime as accessories.”

    The War Crime Complaint concludes:

    “Accordingly, pursuant to Article 17(3) of the Rome Statute, I respectfully request the office of the Prosecutor, with all due speed, investigate the situation in order to determine if the alleged perpetrators should be charged with the war crime specified above.”

    The ICC jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands will begin March 4, 2013.


  • Yes! I think it is incredible how Nela and I look a little alike, but more so we pose with all the same goofy faces in photos! We have yet to meet in person, but we already have so many mannerisms in common.  I have been in touch with her a lot since she moved to Atlanta. Trying to convince her to come visit me in SF, and to go to school!! Of course, this is because I love school myself, and am currently working on a PhD at UC Berkeley.  You will be proud: today I am giving a talk about the contemporary ramifications of colonialism in education. :)  

    I hope to see you all very soon.  Maybe this summer?

  • That's right, those are my parents.  I hadn't seen my dad in 30 years, but by sheer dumb luck I got in touch with my cousin Candie through some old softball friends of hers.  Then, on Easter as a matter of fact, 2 or 3 years ago, I saw him and the family again.  I did stay in touch with my grandma Watkins before she passed, but she was the only one on that side who kept in touch.  We (Sean, Kimberlee, and I) came to visit in the summer of 1990 and saw grandma and grandpa one last time before they passed.  

    I try to come visit at least once a year and was just there for 2 weeks last summer.  I also talk (online & through text, anyway) with my sister Keanela at least once a week, although we never got to meet in person.

    Do you have any of the family tree information in document form that could be emailed to me? I'm always curious about the genealogy before my great-grandfather.  In fact, from reading some other posts, I think I ran into some potential cousin here in California if the Alapa'i family is at all related to the Pu'uleis.

    I'd love to stay in touch and meet more family.  Thanks for connecting with me.


  • Interesting, yes, I have heard of Inciong..but didnt know where the relation was.

    Have you seen pictures of Mahi or any of the children? My mom guys have been searching high and low for a picture of my great grandmother Martha Kamaka Puulei, but have never seen one. We wonder what she must have looked like. My great grandmother died when my grandmother Ethel Leilani was just 5 years old. My grandmother developed Alzheimers in her later years and has since passed . I wish I could have asked her more about our family when she was well. But if you have any pictures or seen any I would love it if I could see what our family looked like. Again, mahalo for sharing. This information is so precious! Aloha, malama ke kino, malama pono.

  • Good to meet you!

    Yes, my great-grandmother was Martha Kamakaokeahi Puulei, daughter of Mahi and Kalaukehau Puulei! I reading your post and saw Kaianui and Haoleekaeka. Ive never seen these names before. I stopped at Kauka and didn't know where else to go. I am constantly looking out for new names (or old names i should say). I knew we were from Wainiha, but I wonder where we came from before then (if elsewhere). 

    This is very exciting. Ive done most of my research here on O'ahu at the archives building and state library. Do you think there are more records on Kaua'i? I heard that a lot of them were destroyed. Every now and then I find another Puulei and everyone I talk to is eager for a family reunion. I guess the hard part is tracking everyone down!

    Well I appreciate your post...I long to know my genealogy and to get a glimpse of what our family was like/what they did.

    Ke aloha...

  • Aloha Cuz,

    Mahalo for supporting all that we do!

  • E Kala Mai, for answering your Maoliworld message at a belated today's date. As
    the saying goes: "Better late than, never!" Ha! Ha! Ha.

    Mahalo A Nui Loa, for the Makahiki Hou Mana'o! I too, would like to extend my
    Makahiki Hou Nui acknowlegement, to you, Tane. May AKUA'S blessings with
    with Us All on Maoliworld. With Much A Hui Hou, Malama Pono:Noe'Lani.
  • Makahiki Hou Nui, to you, Tane, too!

    Mahalo Nui, for your kind mana'o about your shared New Year resolutions to us all...and, I too, concur with your words of Wisdom. With much blessings for 2010 and manyNew Year's Best Wishes:Noe'Lani.
  • Aloha Makahiki Hou!
  • Aloha Mai! Tane,

    Mai'kai'Nui, for the "KUKA KUKA" dated October 15, A.D. 2009, via
    per se cellular telepono. E Kala Mai, too busy...didn't get back to
    Ka'u until late.

    By the way, Shane told me, that he "don't know" Verna Phillips. Oh Well.

    Wow! We seem to know the same OHANA(S) and, lots of similarities
    with our ENTERTAINMENT background!

    Hope, to "catch-up" with our further "Kuka Kuka" kamea(s).

    Be Well...A Hui Hou, Malama Pono: Noe'Lani.
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