A Brief ReportFiguring Out Figueroaor How You Figah Figah-roa?This is an alert to whom it may concern, of what appears to be a scheme to co-opt the Hawaiian independence movement in order to line the pockets of certain ‘carpetbagger’ businessmen of highly questionable reputation.Primary Players:Richard “Kamahele” Figueroa, President and CEO of FullOn Holdings, Inc.Thayer Lindauer, Esq., Attorney for FullOn Holdings, Inc.Silent Partner:David W. McQueen, IOC Holdings (gambling investments in Bahamas), Diversified Global Finance – Prospective investor for FullOn Holdings’ ethanol production project.------Richard “Kamahele” FigueroaKanaka maoli, born and reared on the Big Island. He appears to have lived away from the islands since he left Hawaii for the military. He is probably in his fifties, is a U.S. citizen and currently resides in Cambria, on the central coast of California, near San Simeon.Figueroa is President and CEO of a corporation called FullOn Holdings, Inc. and is a self-proclaimed entrepreneur in pursuit of large US government contracts and other grandiose business schemes.FullOn Holdings, Inc. is a corporation that is registered through the normal regulatory agencies.It is also registered as a minority owned business (to access minority status advantages in government bids).Figueroa claims that FullOn has applied to the U.S. Department of Justice for registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Maybe it got lost in the Washington bureaucratic maze, but as of yet, there is no record of this filing with the U.S. Department of Justice.Thus, FullOn Holdings, Inc. as a U.S. corporation and Richard Figueroa as its CEO is required by law to report to and comply with all the regulations of the IRS, the State of Hawaii, the U.S. Justice Dept., the Securities Exchange Commission and several other government agencies.The Board of Directors of FullOn Holdings, Inc. consists of Figueroa, his wife, his daughter and one other woman. Figueroa calls all the shots, the others are rubber stamps.The house on Laukahi St., overlooking Waialae, being used to court potential participants in the Hawaiian election (and as offices for Full On’s businesses), is not owned by Figueroa or FullOn as people are being led to believe.The house has been foreclosed upon and is a month to month rental at way below market price.The house was rented off Craig’s list from a person claiming his brother in Australia owned the house. Actually the title is in the name of the sister in law, not the brother. The bank found out about Figueroa’s occupancy when it came to inspect the house for the foreclosure. The bank people were surprised that Figueroa’s office staff was there.The house was intended to be living quarters for office staff brought in from California. FullOn’s actual operations were to be based in a suite of offices in Waikiki, but Figueroa would not (could not) provide the management company with proper financial statements. Thus, the office is in the house.The original staff brought in to manage FullOn’s businesses and the Hawaiian election are no longer working for Figueroa and are owed thousands of dollars in back pay and out of pocket expenses.http://www.hawaiianindependence.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20&Itemid=3Figueroa/FullOn SchemesSince 2005, Figueroa has surfaced in Hawaii with at least the following business schemes:• Modular Housing for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Figueroa claimed he was securing a huge contract from DHHL to produce and construct “15-30 thousand” homes for new Hawaiian Homes awardees. He claimed to have secured 13 acres on Hawaii island and was in the process of raising $5 million for start-up costs. Contract value to FullOn: $100+ million.• Shipping of initial manufactured houses (while plant is being built in Hawaii), and hauling construction materials to Hawaii (sand, gravel, cement from Mexico; lumber, steel, etc. from U.S.). This entailed plans to secure a decommissioned U.S. Navy LST to do the overseas hauling. 
– Contract value to FullOn: $?? million.

(As a philanthropical side project, he was to donate the money to secure another decommissioned naval vessel to house a rehabilitation and technical training facility for half-way house inmates, drug programs, juvenile offenders, etc.)• Shipping garbage from Hawaii to the U.S. Presumably using the same LST, Figueroa claimed his company FullOn was bidding for a City and County of Honolulu contract to ship O’ahu’s garbage to the West Coast to be transported to large land fills in Oregon and Wyoming. 
Contract value to FullOn: $20+ million a year.• Underwriting the Native Hawaiian Bank. This is the bank that Bumpy Kanahele had been trying to start for a number of years. The plan was that Figueroa/FullOn would provide the money to purchase a distressed bank in Minnesota, then use its federal ‘licenses’ to operate the Native Hawaiian Bank in Hawaii. Value to FullOn: $?? million.
• Importing Venezuelan Oil. Figueroa planned to import Venezuelan crude oil to Hawaii to take advantage of Hugo Chavez’ offer to sell island nations oil at a deeply discounted rate. The catch was that Hawaii would have to be an independent nation to utilize the discount. And find a way to refine the “heavy-sour” crude into usable products.
– Contract value to FullOn: $100+ million.
• Ethanol Production. Figueroa’s current project is to build a plant (or plants) to process sugar cane into ethanol. His targeted customer is the U.S. military. The feed-stock (raw bio-supply) is to come from the two sugar plantations still in operation in Hawaii as well as other lesser sources.
– Contract value to FullOn: $100+ million.
Though each scheme had/has the potential to earn tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars, it appears that thus far, none of Figueroa’s projects have actually materialized. Many seem to be outright fabrications or at best, the pursuit of pipe dreams.The pattern seems to be, to string people along, using them as bait to attract finances for his various schemes.This has left a trail of people in Hawaii and in the U.S. feeling misled, frustrated and used by Figueroa and his failed schemes. Also, like his many unfulfilled business propositions, Figueroa has failed to come through with his offers to help with charitable projects.Hawaiian Independence.Figueroa’s most ambitious and audacious scheme is his crusade to personally create a “Sovereign Independent Hawaiian Government.”Figueroa started on this track while “helping” Bumpy Kanahele pursue the Native Hawaiian bank and the scheme to import Venezuelan oil. At that point, Figueroa began to realize that Hawaii, as an independent nation (outside the jurisdiction of the U.S.), could be very advantageous for his various schemes.In June 2008, Figueroa launched a website that announced that he and Kanahele and the Nation of Hawaii were calling for a “constitutional convention” to be held in September 2008.Within days, Bumpy Kanahele completely disavowed any connection whatsoever to Figueroa.Figueroa then indicated that he would proceed with his plan to “unify the factions” to create a new government and that his company, FullOn Holdings, Inc. would bankroll the effort. http://www.hawaiianindependence.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1Figueroa set out to woo the support of what he calls “the factions” — the various Hawaiian national governments and other prominent leaders that have been in the movement for some time.After meeting with them, Figueroa heavily name-drops via emails, conversations, presentations, etc., implying that these leaders support him and his process; even though not one leader has joined Figueroa.Figueroa is actively seeking to build a registry of “Native Hawaiians” to hold an election to create a new government as stipulated by the strange constitution that he (Figueroa) and his lawyer concocted. His insistence on implementing his seriously flawed election process indicates that Figueroa is being motivated by factors other than sheer patriotism.Figueroa’s run-in with Bumpy over nation building, and failure to recruit long-time independence leaders indicate his independence process is seriously flawed. Yet, Figueroa’s MO of grandiose schemes, and his insistence in pursuing his process strongly suggests his real goal is to reap substantial financial rewards for himself by showing his investors that he (FullOn Holdings) can deliver Hawaii as an independent nation.FullOn Business Schemes Contingent on Hawaiian Independence.Figueroa/FullOn’s newest project is the large-scale production of ethanol. He apparently has big plans to receive a large military contract for this fuel.It appears that the finances for Figueroa’s proposed ethanol production is contingent upon his being able to deliver Hawaiian independence. Apparently, no election, no nation, no money.Therefore, Figueroa is under pressure to perform and has been putting all the money he has (and what he has been able to scrape together from friends and family members) to fund his Hawaiian nation.Figueroa’s main goal is to hold an election that will ratify his constitution and the members of the government. To hold an election he has been to build a registry of Native Hawaiians. Thus far few have actually committed to his proposed election process.Every Hawaiian, particularly prominent ones, that Figueroa meets is automatically considered a new recruit, and Figueroa uses that person’s name to impress and attract others. Still very few have signed up to participate in Figueroa’s election.Figueroa has now resorted to acquiring names of Hawaiians surreptitiously from civic club membership rosters and from marketing lists off websites such as : 123freetravel.com, sun-sentinel.com, dailypress.com, latimes.com, classifieds.com, nytimes.com, washingtonpost.com. This is how he claims to have “over 200,000 names!” He is stealing or buying names!To buy more directly, Figueroa made an offer on his website to give FullOn stocks to people who sign up for the national election. Perhaps someone (like his lawyer) pointed out that buying an election is patently illegal. The offer was soon removed.Buying voters, manipulating people by waving money around, name-dropping and making enticing, ‘too good to be true’ promises is the work and style of a con-man.FullOn Attorney, Thayer LindauerMr. Thayer ‘Ted’ Lindauer is Figueroa’s lawyer. He lists addresses in Edwardsville, Illinois and Cambria, California.Lindauer is supposedly the legal mind behind Figueroa’s FullOn Holdings’ effort to establish Hawaii as an independent nation. To this end, Lindauer claims expertise in constitutional and international law.Actually, his expertise is in business law; particularly the business of network marketing (i.e. multi-level marketing) which is regarded by law enforcement as one of the sleaziest “businesses” just a cut above the Nigerian inheritance scam. Lindauer’s reputation is that he is one of the best in field. In lawyer terms that means sleaziest of the sleazy.Lindauer has been implicated numerous times in investigations of shady business dealings of the lucrative multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes. But he has been able to escape being convicted. He is a very good MLM lawyer.But a cursory glance at the “constitution” he drafted for Figueroa reveals a document so replete with mistakes, contradictions and trivialities that one wonders how the constitutional and international lawyer that he claims to be could possibly write this drivel.That is because he is not a ‘constitutional lawyer.’ Furthermore, his experience in ‘international law’ is only from his multi-level marketing scams, which also tend to be multi-national marketing scams.Given his background of business activities, it’s not likely that altruism is Lindauer’s motive in this 2009 Hawaiian National Elections, or Sovereign Independent Hawaiian Government (or what ever they are calling it this week). Like Figueroa, Lindauer’s incentive is to make a lot of money off this sovereignty, Kingdom of Hawai'i National Election stuff.The Investor, Dave W. McQueenMcQueen may or may not be an innocent in the Figueroa/FullOn Kingdom of Hawai'i National Election/Ethanol scheme, but he provides the incentive (money) because he apparently controls the large pool of funds from which FullOn intends to draw.McQueen’s email address is with a company called IOC Holdings.IOC lists its HQ as Grand Rapids, Michigan, but its main activities seem to be located in the Bahamas and its website (stagnant) indicates that they are a gaming (gambling) company called Isle of Capri, but says very little more.The first phone number listed on the website is no longer in service, the second has a recording machine identifying the business as International Opportunity Consultants. Either way, it is I.O.C.McQueen leads an affiliated company called Diversified Global Finance which purports to be domiciled in Auckland, New Zealand.Complaints are beginning to surface that Diversified Global Finance is a ponzi scheme on the order of (but nowhere near the scale of) Bernie Madoff. http://forums.registeredrep.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=8115&PN=2It is McQueen that Figueroa and Lindauer are trying to impress and reel in.It appears that the first increment of their funding for the ethanol project is contingent upon convincing McQueen that FullOn (Figueroa/Lindauer) is getting the Hawaiian nation together (dialoging with “the factions,” getting people registered, etc.). The rest of the funding is to be released after they pull off a “Kingdom of Hawai'i National Election” (now purportedly scheduled for August 2009).Summary: Follow the money…Keep in mind, that none of these three actually live in Hawaii. None are Hawaiian nationals.Figueroa who has been away from Hawaii for the greater part of his life is a U.S. citizen, not a Hawaiian national. The other two, besides being U.S. citizens, until recently have been complete strangers to the islands.Yet, incredibly, they claim to be working for the best interest of the Kanaka Maoli to reestablish the Hawaiian Kingdom. What’s wrong with this picture?Well, it could happen… that these sharks, these lifelong scammers, have suddenly developed such empathy for the Hawaiian people that they are compelled to champion the cause of independence because of an overwhelming sense of compassion and justice. But it is highly unlikely.Their plan to build a new nation is so clumsily sophomoric (if not idiotic) that it has no chance of success. Therefore, it is more likely that these three are advocating Hawaiian independence for self gain…to line their own pockets in the process.Just as many other sharks have come to Hawaii over the years, they are not motivated by some altruistic desire to do good, they are attracted by the smell money. They are really “carpetbaggers.” (google this term)As we have seen in the past with the sugar plantations under the territory, and tourism under statehood, when money is the motive, we the people will get trampled in the feeding frenzy of greed that ensues.###Specific analysis of Figueroa’s election process and “constitution” yet to come…Disclaimer:Please note that the information contained in this document is what I believe to be true. They are my own conclusions and opinions derived from what has either been said to me, or that I have personally witnessed, or that which has been documented with e-mails, or through research and inquiries. I do not wish for anything that I state here to be considered libelous or slanderous. If any individual feels that I have misstated any thing in any way, I am receptive to being corrected if it can be so justified and validated.Leon Siu
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  • Mahalo for your mana'o Dian,

    Shame you needed to even have to defend your personal business. This wasn't working on its face because of the terms dictated by Fogueroa. Let's work to have a fair and legal election and a leadership not bent to work for American interests.

    Aloha Kai
  • Thank you Foster. I am so tired of being their scapegoat. I did nothing wrong but try to help the Hawaiian people, and I was there for that reason ONLY. Ted and Figueroa are scrambling to discredit me because they are dishonorable. Ask any of the people who met me while I was in Hawaii. I have the true aloha spirit. I feel like the sacrificial lamb; but, that is okay because let the truth be known. I just wish I didn't have to be slaughtered on the way. Please let everyone know that they can send an e-mail to me at diansingh@hotmail.com if they want to know more details. I am not a public person, and I do not like being dragged into the dirt that has been thrown in my face. Bless you, Foster, and all of your people. My heart, spirit, and love go out to all of you, and I know the real Hawaiians (not Figueroa), will be victorious soon in their attempts to unify the nation and get their country back. I have cried many nights over the way I was treated and the things I witnessed, and there are many who have known about those tears on the way. Thank you for listening. I was taught to be an honorable, honest person. If one does not have their integrity, they have nothing and no soul. Mr. Lindauer shows that his greed is worth more than his friendship. Lots of aloha, dian
  • Mahalo Di,

    What I am going to say is meant as a compliment to your character....it is much appreciated to hear the telling of events from the horse's mouth (meaning you), than from the HORSE'S ASS, i.e. Figueroa, Lindauer.

    Speaking for myself....these two have no credibility and quit frankly no business in our affairs. We can all now move on with our work. I don't need anymore negative, dysfunctional, pilau accounts of Figueroa & Lindauer's narcissism to know when the missionaries have returned. They've joined the company of MVO and the likes.

  • I would like to set the record straight. I was the "secretary" that is being referred to as Dian Van Patten. I have a legal name (Dian Singh) and an industry name (Dian Van Patten, on my business cards). I did NOT post anything on this website under any name before, so someone else created a sign-in under that name. I do not need to sign in with an alias EVER. But, since my name is being used here, and Mr. Lindauer chooses to make public what is going on, I would like to set the record straight.

    1. I was never "terminated" by FullOn, Mr. Figueroa, or Mr. Lindauer. I had a contract that went through June 30, 2009. Mr. Figueroa unilaterally decided to breach my contract, didn't notify me of his intentions, and tried to hide behind our first contract which ended on May 31, 2009. He thought he could ignore our second contract which was the last one we agreed on, which ended on June 30, 2009. After he realized that it would be a breach of contract, and that he owed me through June 30th, and didn't know what to do next, he then come up with a scheme to pretend that he had fired me and for not doing my job. NEVER ONCE during the entire time that I worked with Mr. Figueroa did I receive one negative comment about my work performance. I have an e-mail to Mr. Figueroa with all of his positive comments over all of the time that I worked for him, which I am happy to share with anyone. All through May and June, I made continually calls and sent massive e-mails to Mr. Figueroa asking him to explain what the company's plans were for the future. I was completely ignored. It was only on June 13th, that he actually told me that he wanted to discuss ending my contract on May 31st, and not June 30th. A little late for discussion almost two weeks later. Also, if Mr. Figueroa felt I didn't do a good job, then why on May 20th, did he send me an e-mail telling me that he wanted to discuss what position they wanted for me for the future. Amazing…No prior negative comments, no termination notice, no prior discussions about poor work performance (and certainly no documentation or disciplinary action), nothing...until money issues come into the picture. He lied if he said that I was terminated on June 1st.
    2. Leon Siu, Mahealani Asing, Kekuni, Piilani, Kealoha, Arlene… All people that I became friends with during my stay in Hawaii and associations of Richard. Richard asked me to meet with his “people” to get to know the Hawaiian culture and the people who were instrumental in the movement. I went to meetings, a reenactment, and other functions so I could hear what the people felt, where they were coming from, and to listen to their hearts. I was given the name of “U’i”. You can ask any of them what they thought of me. It was “what” I reported back to Richard that became a conflict. Richard did not want to hear what the people had to say. He refused to listen to their comments about what they had already done, where they were going, and how he could help them. Yes, there was a conflict between me and Richard because Richard told me that he didn’t care what I thought or what they thought or what they wanted to do. He knew what to do and if the people didn’t want to play, that they would be left out. I was not happy with these comments. I also have an e-mail to Richard explaining to him how he should listen to the people. Even at the meeting on April 18th, Mr. Lindauer made it clear to everyone that he was going to do it his way, when he said that an election was going to take place with or without them. Kealoha can verify this comment, because Kealoha called Mr. Lindauer on this.
    3. I never refused to do any work that was LEGAL. There was an occasion where I was asked to send massive e-mails out to a large list of people which came from a questionable source, and I refused because I told Mr. Figueroa and Ted that it would be considered spamming as it came from a third party and that I wouldn’t participate in doing so. I also refused to participate in a plot to facilitate giving out free stock to anyone who registered to vote (i.e. referred to as voter incentives). If this is now grounds for termination, then I would rather not be associated with this type of company. Amazing though, it never seemed to be a problem or discussion for termination at the time by Richard.
    4. Now we come to monies owed to me. I have already filed a complaint with the Labor Board for $22,600 owed to me. I am owed for the month of June $9,000 for salary, a $10,000 bonus that Mr. Lindauer assured me he would take care of no matter what happened (which of course my contract stated differently), plus $3,600 for my May expenses. NOTE to everyone: I do NOT use tampons. I am 57 years old and haven’t had a period in years. How low of Richard to say that I asked for reimbursement on my expense report for this. Point of Fact about Mr. Figueroa: I was assured when I was hired that he would take care of all of the business expenses. But, that didn’t happen. The only thing he took care of, that I didn’t pay for out of my own pocket was the rent and shared utilities and MOBI PCS internet. I had to pay everything out of my own account and wait almost two months to get reimbursed. I got my April expenses reimbursed on May 28, 2009. He never made it a priority. Then I gave him my May expenses several times. Then he complained that I double billed. I always gave him my originals, so there was no way I could have double billed. Several times I asked him to show me proof of double billing, but to this date, he has not shown one piece of evidence. That’s because there isn’t any.
    5. Stranded. Since Richard never notified me that he was breaching his contract, all of my personal belongings were left in Hawaii, and I was on one of my return trips to California. I had to pay out of my own pocket, and on my own time, to go back to Hawaii, pack up my own belongings and ship them, so they wouldn’t be lost or given away. All the while I was there, I still didn’t know if I had a job (this was June 8th), since I hadn’t received any termination notice from Richard yet.
    6. Settlement: Richard knows he owes me for June, so we were in discussion about how much he was going to pay me off to settle. Richard also didn’t realize that he hadn’t paid me for my May expenses, probably because he paid my April expenses so late, so he thought he was paid up. Yes, Richard offered me $7,000 (which $3,600 were my May expenses anyway), but it was conditional upon me signing a confidentiality agreement and NOT disclosing anything I knew about what went on in Hawaii while I was there. I told him I would sign a confidentiality agreement, but I would NOT lie for him or anyone else at any time. After that comment from me, I didn’t hear anything back from Richard or Ted for close to a week.
    7. I know nothing about Diversified Global Finance or about any other businesses that Mr. McQueen has any affiliation with. So if anyone tries to connect me to any comments in that regard, don’t include me. This is all news to me.
    8. I have not made any false comments about Mr. Figueroa. In fact, there is so much more that none of you know about Mr. Figueroa and how I was treated unfairly during the time that I worked for him. I won’t go into them on this blog as I have already sent a letter to Mr. McQueen asking for his support in getting monies paid to me as well as expressing my dissatisfaction about the way I was treated by Mr. Figueroa. No reply from McQueen.

    Shame on you Ted, aka Mr. Lindauer. After knowing you for 20 years and being your friend and our children growing up together and attending school together, you get me involved in this mess and turn on me, when you and I both know the truth. You know all of the negative things you have said to me about your concerns with Richard over the past few weeks, so don’t make me the scapegoat, as I told you that I knew I would be from the beginning. You and Richard never wanted to listen to me when I told you that you needed to listen to the people. Their needs should come first, no yours. I don’t give a hoot about your election and all I want is to get paid and back to my old life without all of the drama, lies, and deception I experienced in “paradise”. Thanks for turning on me…This is the last time I will forgive you for things you have done to me…Di
  • Another comment, under Makahiki group there is a citation written by Burt Lum, read through this piece. I called Burt and thanked him for his written work, and commented on the that he was true and factual. This should help the preparation for Kualoa Park Nov 2009. Anyone has a specific date? Seven days is a long time, and Nov is just around the corner. Kaohi
  • I think not! Hopefully we can continue to expose more lolo heads, such as the time line from January to date. So that the logical part of this schema can be exposed to whose on first, second, and third for the purpose of preventing such a mess in the time of economic woes. We had young people sailing on the Hokulei that stopped by the first day to listen to the 'talk'. They went home to Kauai with 'what' --we owe these young people the true facts and an apology. They came because they believed in the people that organized this grinding 'talk' of nonesense. They came because they believed in protecting the Iwi and our culture values. The gods are listening to the independence 'talk' and asking for the Haumana's to stop screwing around. Leave the bag of tricks at home and grow up. The time line since January of 2009? Who organized this talk story need to come forth and speak straight up about it's purpose and intent. Seven days at Kualoa Park in Nov 2009, supposedly be about 'Makahiki' if this is not the true agenda, than what is the agenda? I have been at these independence talks since it's inception and sometimes things go in the wrong direction. Some people will do clean up and some will walk away and reinvent their agenda at the next gathering without any regards to children, young people, Na Kupuna, and our ancestral bones. Kaohi
  • e maika'i ka hana Leon,

    now hopefully we can put this aside and get back to the real hana of independence.

    aloha Kai
  • very shady indeed. mahalo pāpā pono for posting.
  • Leon mentions Figueroa's location and that he's not a citizen but I think it has more to do with how he seems to be aligning capitalism with Hawaiian independence and filing paperwork with the U.S. yet claiming that he is for independence. Though I am a proponent of capitalism but not at the expense of stepping onto other oiwi or on the iwi... I just think it is contradictory and shady. On the other hand Leon has been consistent and does not contradict himself.
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