This forum is for those interested to be part of our historic film The Other Side of Paradise ....I will be posting various information and articles on what is really like living in the Other Side of Paradise question to the members...
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How Paradise turned to Poverty

Aloha .....Have a wonderful day........ Farewell my beautiful Zimbabwe: how paradise turned to poverty Last year, Justine Shaw was forced to flee her beloved Zimbabwe. Like millions of others, she had suffered years of threats, poverty and intimidation at the hands of Robert Mugabe's men. Here, she recounts how paradise turned to poverty – and her fears for the elderly parents she left behind…

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Aloha I created this blog ....for everyone get updated of what is like living in Aina and the continue economic disparity and that many locals and Kanaka Maoli have to migrate to the Cali and elsewhere. We will have a casting session in the Bay Area really soon....if you think you can help out for being our film crew ( got camera and can edit footages) ....please let me know... we will need alot of volunteers and casts in the Bay Area, Los Angeles , Las Vegas and of course in Hawaii. I would…

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