Royal Kingdom of Maui Nui

to further counter the continued Lies by amelia and mr. henry kinney........i only Expose the Hewa.....from the abuse and criminal activities by both amelia and kinney.......we need to address these fake false state so called red neck kupuna's on oahu....whom do not have correct knowledge and resources to back up their illegal LIES.......why have this been happening for the past 3 yrs and no one called them on it.....

this is harassment of Lies.....this is abuse towards another.....this is the worst kind of western thinging mentality......a criminal activity only Usa have the guts to do to another~~~this is a wrongful action that needs attention and i now call on the groups that supports amelia and mr. henry kinney to bring discipline to both of your oahu fake state elders of oahu.....this is the type of Harassment that needs to be done away within my next generation......amelia have no where to hide but in the bossom of mr. henry kinney to continue their wicked ways in our new and improved generation.....again i am only here to EXPOSE the we can Imua and move forward...mauruuru

our Royalty should be Servants to our people not dog bashers........amelia and kinney....dont know nothing about me of doing any harm to any track records is of the HIGHEST HONOR that amelia have to look at another resource (valerie aquino) to take me down.....i am valarie aquino....big difference amelia....even your wisdom of research have failed you owe both valerie aquino and myself  valarie aquino an PUBLIC APOLOGY for your false accusations of me, using another persons history and documenting your resource inacurate......Shame in you amelia and yes i am here to Expose the Hewa of a so called Pilau Royalty......if  you one??????? Justice will prevail itself......mahalo Ke Akua....big nui smiles~~~da princess of Moku'Ula, Lahaina

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  • I Stand with You, My Lady ... We are not servants but Stewards of ALL ...
    • i miss and love you my Kupuna Alan......i was cleaning out my facebook.....please can you facebook me.....i was trying to get you back on my page for facebook.....however Ke Akua sent you to me this a steward for all Recognized Native Hawaiians.....may i serve all with Aloha and the highest made my morning even more BRIGHT....smiles, smiles, smiles...look forward to hear more of you on this page of Maoliworld.....welcome to Maoliworld and my Aloha to all of you.....big nui smiles from Maui Nui~~~~~i am also trying to reach my Spiritual Native American sista......Glakwa.....please have her facebook me or turn her on to our MaoliWorld......mahalo Ke Akua for his loving and corrected Leaders.......mauruuru~~~
  • true
  • kupuna Kaohi......your ohana nation must be happy to have you......smiles.....i miss and love you so much....

    you are a very surviving true Kupuna, that i have come across on our SACREDNESS of our Ancestors.

    thank you for be dea for me in Correction as a Matured Leader......for i am willing to improve myself and make a difference, with the guidance and leadership from Kupuna's like you.

    for some researchershistorians....... pride and power will shut one self up.....even with all the wealth of knowledge Ke Akua have gifted one with, and to see the devil finds a with to divide us.......i again pray for amelia gora to soften her heart and to use her knowledge from Ke Akua to help another, not to take em down.....for that is the a'ama crab down will refuse to help another get over the bucket of lies.

    we need to Kukanaka (stand tall) for our coming future generation.....i am happy to Expose the Hewa in written all can view the real self that we display in plane view.......for actions speaks louder than words~~~

  • Aloha da princess,

    Just ignore the cruelty, it was very sad! It's time to let the spirits rest in peace.  This problem will never be solved, the meanest lay's with the people that are so mentally disturbed and willing to win at all cost.  We must move on with our daily problems and work for our people so that we have a future for our children in Hawaii.

    I am so sorry you got caught in the web.  Just move on with your good spirit, God Bless you and your Ohana.
  • may Ke Akua humble you heart and may you visit your living kupuna Amelia gora...they something to tell you......LISTEN.....for your ohana nation is also listening......mahalo Ke Akua for your corrected leaders to lead their ohana nation correctly...always to follow the proper protocols of our SACREDNESS.....mauruuru.....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia, La Haina the Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government~~~
  • oh and amelia gora.....for the records if you going use my name in VAIN.....please can you use my full name:

    Valarie Lehuanani Aquino.....for you still own valeire aquino of Philipines an APOLOGY for slandering her name, making a false report on me using her name and is a case of false identity from a researcher as yourself amelia gora (can you bring that page up), it on one of your past pages......i hope your honolulu police have this on record for your slandering and false identity of another human.

    again if you going speak words on our MaoliWorld forum.....please amelia gora.....SPEAK TRUTH!!!~~~mauruuru

  • please i kindly ask all Listeners/Readers to PRAY for amelia gora and her ohana nation to be humble and to display kindness from Ke Akua Sacred God Above and if she have not come to know Ke Akua.....may we pray that our Loving Ke Akua..... SOFTEN her (amelia gora) heart to seek PEACE and Justice to know good from bad and right from wrongful criminal actions against another human.....AMENE.....mahalo Ke Akua for his Corrected Leaders....mauruuru.....da Princess of Mokuhinia, La Haina the Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kigndom Government~
  • amelia can not run away from the Truth......for she is the decesdant of Murderers (kamehameha/davis/young)......for once the truth is can not Kukanaka (stand tall).....but to RESPECT and to RECOGNISE our next future generation of Royal Sacred Future Leaders.....this old deaf, dumb, greedy, blind and lost generation will be replaced by the new aggressive matured educated next eager Generation to improve and make new our Kingdom of Maui Nui~~~mahalo Ke Akua for his Leadership to IMUA (move forward)......mauruuru...da princess of Moko'Ula
  • your ancestors was exposed in public and soon the Honolulu police and ko pae aina will disipline you as a out of controlled and nusiance to our society.....mahalo Ke Akua you and your ohana nation not from our maui nui.....oahu have to deal with this kind of nusinance harassment by a member of ko pae aina......your people are noticing your are the perfect person to identify yourself and make it be known to all.....of the wrongful criminal acts....your forefathers (davis/young) did to our Sacred Ancestors.....and you are following in their greedy footsteps of owning land....for we only Malama not own????.......please keep this hewa out of our maui nui.....i pray to Ke Akua to keep our Cleansing work strong and Remove the Hewa of Disrespect off of our SACREDNESS of Maui Nui.....mauruuru...da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia, La haina the Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government~~~
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