President Barack Obama, et. als.
The White House
Washington, D.C. and Chicago, Illinois
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2012 - 0024 Protective Order for
the Kaihana Family due to Eviction by the non title holders of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, et. als.
lands in the Waianae Ahupuaa, Oahu, Hawaii, etc. lands which belongs to Our Families - from
Amelia Gora, one of the Private Property owners, Alodio/Ano Alodio Title Holders, House of
Nobles member, One of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, and
the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Department
Non owners or Hawaiian Homelands/State of Hawaii also noted as claiming wrongfully/ criminally claiming Private Properties of our Royal Family members.
Then to top that off the Hawaiian Homelands/State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii, from the Republic of Hawaii, from the Provisional Government which evolved from the 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives which was a temporary, voted in part made up of conspirators, treasonous persons who were against Queen Liliuokalani, our Royal Families, and subjects who did commit treason, conspiracies by dethroning our Queen from a neutral, friendly, non-violent, non- warring nation with the assistance/support of the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Congress/U.S./United States of America, England, JP Morgan bankers including the Bank of England, etc.
Premeditation evidence has been researched, discovered and uncovered and the facts of the matter is that the 2/3 part of the Hawaiian Government, the permanent parts are and have existed over time because the Kamehameha descendants exist, including myself as well as the facts that the House of Nobles, the second permanent part of the Hawaiian Government exists with descendants/heirs of the original members of the House of Nobles in place, including myself a descendant/heir of Mataio Kekuanaoa through his oldest son Paalua.
Because the Perpetual Treaty(ies) are in place concerning only President Taylor, et. als. and the Sovereign his descendants/ heirs /family(ies) the successors alone who are genealogically related, the State of Hawaii and all their departments such as the Hawaiian Homelands are not related to our families, and are not the true land owners, title holders but are illegal entities created without rights and must exist under the American Embassy.
The historical crimes are being maintained and perpetuated based on criminal deceit, Plundering Upon Innocents, Piracies on the High Seas, Parasitic, Animosity filled, bully behaviors which is inappropriate under the Laws of Nations.
Noted are the genocide issues continuing, expressing, perpetuating the criminal wrongs by tormenting, causing stress, duress, usurpation, coercion against Kanaka Maoli in the Hawaiian Islands in the past and present are issues of Piracy(ies), Genocide, violations, injuries against the true land owners, the heirs of an already recognized nation under the Laws of Nations.
Introducing WIKILEAKS:
by Amelia Gora (2012)
The following was posted on FACEBOOK to Wikileaks:
The State of Hawaii has sued the heirs of Kamehameha for the Crown Lands which belongs to our families....the State of Hawaii under the U.S. are occupiers, Pirates who evolved from the Provisional government who dethroned Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 with the Premeditation activities with the U.S. et. als. They have terrorized our families over time and are genocide activists against our kanaka maoli, and the Ruling Chiefs heirs. see for a wealth of information about the wrongs, wicked works of a Pirate entity occupying our families private properties....rents and leases are due/past due from the U.S. Government for $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins retroactive to my name for thousands of articles, etc. aloha, Amelia Gora p.s. Kamehameha's descendants/ heirs existed in 1893 and exists now....King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, and Queen Liliuokalani's families also exists as well... Pirates, squatters, scum, scoundrels, parasites, those who terrorized our families existed then and exists now giving an appearance to other nations that they are lawful....they are criminal all the way through....because the King's heirs and successors exists, the permanent treaty(ies) of friendship remains in place.....the true land owners exists, and let it be known that Hawaii, in its present state is the Criminal Mecca of the United States ...we were and remain a peaceful, neutral, friendly nation for 2/3 of our Hawaiian government is in place ---the permanent parts being the Sovereign, heirs and successors and the House of Nobles...the voted in, temporary part was the House of Representatives were the group which premeditated the take over of Queen Liliuokalani's position and was supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (Bank of England too) who invested Hawaiian monies for the bankrupt U.S., England. Aloha, Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, a Royal person (also being sued by the State of Hawaii, et. als.) - Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.
Someone off of Facebook liked this pic and the following was posted ....for everyone's information: Amelia Gora Photos of The Honorable Minister Louis Far…
Am a longtime researcher (30+years history, 22+ years genealogies, 10+ years legal research) and have discovered and documented that the U.S. in the Hawaiian
Now let's view the non-owners, State of Hawaii's, etc. take on the development of their Hawaiian Homes - based on "Annexation", an "Annexation" which was illegal, unlawful, criminal, with documented oppositions on record:
Hawaiian Homes Commission Act passed
Sponsored by Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole, Hawaii's delegate to Congress, the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act set aside almost 200,000 acres in the Islands for homesteading by Native Hawaiians. The designated acreage, a small fraction of crown lands taken from the Kingdom of Hawai'i at Annexation, specifically excluded prime agricultural lands already occupied, primarily by sugar plantations. Under the Act, people of 50% or more Hawaiian ancestry were eligible to apply for 99-year land leases at $1 per year. The first leases granted were mostly 40-acre agricultural parcels, but more recently residential lots as small as a quarter-acre have been awarded. Approximately 6,500 families presently live on 30,000 acres of homestead land. The majority of Hawaiian Homes lands is leased out to big business, providing income for the program's administration, but many argue that this policy is counter to the Act's intent. Federal, state, and county governments have also taken large tracts of Hawaiian Homes land, sometimes illegally and often without compensation.
Sites for further information |
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[§101. Purpose.] [Text of section subject to consent of Congress.] (a) The Congress of the United States and the State of Hawaii declare that the policy of this Act is to enable native Hawaiians to return to their lands in order to fully support self-sufficiency for native Hawaiians and the self-determination of native Hawaiians in the administration of this Act, and the preservation of the values, traditions, and culture of native Hawaiians.
(b) The principal purposes of this Act include but are not limited to:
(1) Establishing a permanent land base for the benefit and use of native Hawaiians, upon which they may live, farm, ranch, and otherwise engage in commercial or industrial or any other activities as authorized in this Act;
(2) Placing native Hawaiians on the lands set aside under this Act in a prompt and efficient manner and assuring long-term tenancy to beneficiaries of this Act and their successors;
(3) Preventing alienation of the fee title to the lands set aside under this Act so that these lands will always be held in trust for continued use by native Hawaiians in perpetuity;
(4) Providing adequate amounts of water and supporting infrastructure, so that homestead lands will always be usable and accessible; and
(5) Providing financial support and technical assistance to native Hawaiian beneficiaries of this Act so that by pursuing strategies to enhance economic self-sufficiency and promote community-based development, the traditions, culture and quality of life of native Hawaiians shall be forever self-sustaining.
(c) In recognition of the solemn trust created by this Act, and the historical government to government relationship between the United States and Kingdom of Hawaii, the United States and the State of Hawaii hereby acknowledge the trust established under this Act and affirm their fiduciary duty to faithfully administer the provisions of this Act on behalf of the native Hawaiian beneficiaries of the Act.
(d) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to:
(1) Affect the rights of the descendants of the indigenous citizens of the Kingdom of Hawaii to seek redress of any wrongful activities associated with the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii; or
(2) Alter the obligations of the United States and the State of Hawaii to carry out their public trust responsibilities under section 5 of the Admission Act to native Hawaiians and other descendants of the indigenous citizens of the Kingdom of Hawaii. [L 1990, c 349, §1]
Note: Hawaiians are not indigenous citizens.
Now here's the true versions posted over time:
Read more:
The Hawaiian Homelands/State of Hawaii are not related to our families.
The Hawaiian Land System is based on the alodio/ano alodio system. The Hawaii Revised Statutes - HRS172.11 "inures" to the benefits of the descendants, heirs forever. Reminder: This is a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy System not the American System.
The Hawaiian Homelands/State of Hawaii are not the owners, the title holders of the alodio/ano alodio titles granted to our families in the time of Kamehameha III. Our families are the heirs of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli who was the Konohiki of the area. Our families have the bloodlines of Kamehameha III and are heirs in multiples of ways including the fact that he did hanai/adopt his cousins from the John Young, Isaac Davis families.
The Hawaiian Homelands under Micah Kane are currently moving to assume the home of Mr. and Mrs.Kaihana of Waianae Homestead who lived there for 35 years in the Waianae Ahupuaa because they have not paid "mortgage", etc.
The "mortgage" is on the house alone, which sits on our families property(ies).
Health issues, health concerns for both elderly Mr. and Mrs. Kaihana are a concern because they were callously evicted, Mr. Kaihana pushed out of the families home with his Depends on, etc. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kaihana are in a fragile condition. Their grandson is their caretaker.
Information about some of hardships were posted on also has videos of the plight of the Kaihana Family, etc. poster Luwella "Kaohi" Leonardi posted the following:
" The De (occupy)that was conducted infront of the Bishop Estates was for the Vegas family. The whole process was exhausting for all involve, but I am sure that it was well spent hours in support of the Vegas family. The Vegas family as well as the Kaihana family, both have a common enemy that master minded there two evictions--Micah Kane. Both families were threatened with the use of guns, tear gas, tsars, and rubber bullets. One can view the interview with Kaimana: "
The Kaihana Family and many others are under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion, similarly to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 with her 40,000 subjects after the wrongful Premeditation of taking over the Hawaiian Government, a neutral, peaceful, friendly, non-warring nation recognized under the Law of Nations.
The Kaihana Family are assigned Protective Orders No. 2012-0217 from Amelia Gora, One of the Land owner/Title owner through genealogies to Kamehameha, Mataio Kekuanaoa, et. als. Also One of the Land owners/Title owners through Leleiohoku et. als. who was a sibling of two of my ancestors named Nahuina and Kaluakini. I, Amelia Gora am also an heir of Queen Liliuokalani through two (2) of her children/hanai children: Abigaila/Apikaila/Kapooloku/ Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani and Kaaumoana.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the members of the House of Nobles, one of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Department of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom.
To date, there are more than a thousand Protective Orders assigned to our Royal Families, and Kanaka Maoli.
I am one of Kamehameha's, et. als. descendants and recognize that the Perpetual Treaty(ies) exists.
The Kaihana Family(ies) and others with the Protective Orders in the Waianae Ahupuaa have been authorized to help take care of our families interests.
The Estates/Trustees, the State of Hawaii are Not the Land Owners, and are Not related to our families.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop according to our families oral history was said to be "hapa haole"/half white. Research shows that she was half white based on the fact that her father was H. Pierce. NEW YORK TIMES article shows that she was half white. Read all 402 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web at ; articles; thousands of posts on the web (google for more information) and see etc. See also bmj /British Medical Journal published articles by Amelia Gora, more than 25 books, pamphlets, etc.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Kalola (w/female) who was the documented "next of kin" to the true Bernice Pauahi Bishop in Probate.
The Protective Orders given to the Kaihana Families and others are hereby granted by myself and in behalf of our families who have an ongoing case with the State of Hawaii who sued us for placing liens on the Crown Lands before the last Supreme Court Case. The liens were properly served and the State of Hawaii failed to respond in a timely manner, etc.
The Kaihana Family has lived in their house for 35 years.
The Kaihana Family, et. als. have been authorized in assisting us in taking care of our families lands/interests, including the water rights, etc.
Please refrain from further terrorizing the Kaihana Families and others.
I would also like to inform you at this time that I, Amelia Gora am one of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, Kahekili's, Kaumualii's, Nuuanu's, Akahi's, Keoua's (Kalanimoku's younger brother), Mataio Kekuanaoa's thru Paalua his oldest son, John Young, Isaac Davis, et. als. descendant/heir as well. I am also King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, and Queen Liliuokalani's heir as well......all documented due to 30+ years of history, 22+ years of genealogy, 15+ years of legal research and a frequent visitor to the Archives, Bureau of Conveyances, Main Library, etc. and am one of the Konohiki of Halawa, Kapalama, Punaluu, Kawaiahao, Waikiki Ahupuaa, Oahu, etc. Other members of our families are Konohiki of Honouliuli, Waiahole-Waikane, Kailua, Waianae, Laie Ahupuaa, etc.
Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
Amelia Gora, One of the Land Owners, Heir of Leleiohoku, et. als.,
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Department recognizing that the
Landaise case sets a precedence between nations recognized under
the Laws of Nations, etc. (see reference below)
The following (excerpts) were posted by Luwella "Kaohi" Leonardi on Maoliworld:
"Sheriff already has threaten that if the family had any support in resisting, they would come with every officer, guns, and pepper spray. Call & Write the Sheriff's Department! Sheriff Grad Logo. Pier 20. Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 Phone: 587-3621 Call, Write, Email & Fax Bishop Estate! Board of Trustees Phone: 594-1888 or 523-6200 Chief Executive Officer Dee Jay Mailer: 523-6200 Chief Of Staff Walter Theommes 523-6200 567 South King Street, Suite 200 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Fax: 808 541-5305 Email: For more information, go to or Please listen to Vegas Family radio show interview with Carrol Cox. Click "
4) Hawaii Revised Statute 172.11 Secures lands/"inures" to the benefit of the descendants/heirs based on the Hawaiian Kingdom laws under the alodio/ano alodio land system
5) Case Precedence: Landais Case
Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on July 10, 2012 at 3:54pm
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on July 10, 2012 at 4:08pm
 Points of above case:
Two separate nations - the U.S. and the Hawaiian Kingdom both having immunities......add the above to the fact that Royal Person(s) are not subject to the Laws, this is an additional reason why the amounts of fines charged by the State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory, evolved from the Republic, evolved from the Provisional Government, evolved from the conspirators, treasonous persons from the temporary part of the three (3) part Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives who premeditated, conspired against the 2/3 Permanent Part of the Hawaiian Government called the Sovereign and the House of Nobles, their bloodlines, their koko, their descendants/heirs is additional proof as to why the entity State of Hawaii, supported by a nation that has PERPETUAL Treaty(ies) with the Hawaiian Government cannot apply laws alien to our own recognized neutral, friendly, non-violent nation , etc.
p.s. it is interesting that there are many other postings on google which has to do with the Landais case:
The Law of Nations and the Law of the United States
 Emer de Vattel
One of the more vexing nObama arguments is their redefinition of Natural Born Citizen. The primary way they attempt to do this is to assert that the definition of “natural born citizen” in the Constitution should be determined by a book by a Swiss philosopher and jurist from the 18th century name Emmerich de Vattel writing in a book loosely called “The Law of Nations”. The approach inflates de Vattel’s influence.
A mindless literalism appears among the nObama when they say that an 18th century Swiss jurist de Vattel’s work, Le Droit des Gens. ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle, appliques a la conduite & aux affaires des Nations & des Souverains, is written into the US Constitution because the phrase “the Law of Nations” appears therein (and that is a translation of a bit of Vattel’s French title).
Some assert that the word “natural” in “natural born citizen” is a reference to “natural law”. That is, they assert that a natural born citizen is some who is born a citizen by natural law. Let’s run with that.
De Vattel describes exactly two kinds of citizen in his book, natural born citizens (or natives) who are citizens by natural law (this is described in Book 1, Chapter 212), and naturalized citizens who are citizens made so by statute (described in Book 1, Chapter 214).
The essential problem in any discussion is determining what “natural law” is. For de Vattel, natural law makes one a citizen based on who one’s parents are. For him, loyalty and national allegiance are inherited. The problem with arguments based on natural law is that there is no source to which an appeal can be made to determine what natural law is. One cannot question nature directly. Natural law is at one time a consensus view of what is “right” and at another an excuse for inflating one’s own prejudices and biases to superhuman levels.
If natural law is a window on prejudice, then we might consider the conditions of the United States as compared to Switzerland.
Particularly in the southeastern colonies of British North America, disease was so severe that only immigration kept the population from declining. Naturalization standards were lenient (one year’s residence with good conduct). Americans who had just asserted that they were no longer British citizens seemed ready to deny their blood and swear allegiance to the place. It makes no sense for a nation of immigrants to consider “natural allegiance” to be determined by where their father’s came from.
For more information on citizenship issues, look at our Citizenship category.
45 Responses to The Law of Nations and the Law of the United States
smrstrauss February 21, 2009 at 2:39 pm #
How often does the phrase “Common Law” appear.
I ask because some of the anti-Obama Natural Born theorists say that the US Constitution was an attempt to get away from British common law.
Bob Weber February 21, 2009 at 2:42 pm #
Emmerich de Vattel was certainly a respected jurist, but he had nothing to do with U.S. law or the constitution. There have been plenty of books with the title of “Law of Nations”. Vattel was influenced by Christian Wolff’s book which is usually, in English translation, titled “Law of Nations”. The de Vattel quote commonly lifted out of context by birfers has the heading, “regarding the laws of our nation”. For some reason they always omit this heading. De Vattel in that section explains ius sanguinis, “law of ancestry”, which is the law of “our nation”, i.e. Switzerland. You are a citizen-at-birth of Switzerland if, and only if, your parents are Swiss, and it makes no difference where you are born. De Vattel in other sections explains ius solis, “law of the soil”, which is the law in other countries. Note also that naturalized Swiss citizens are eligible for all their federal offices.
Hitandrun February 21, 2009 at 5:23 pm #
Doc and company,
You’ll be disappointed to learn that Mr Greschak, after a detailed explication of the “NBC” sources, bordering on parody, concludes a “natural born citizen” must be at a minimum (1) a citizen at the time, (2) a citizen at birth, (3) born on US soil, AND (4) born to parents themselves both citizens at the time of their child’s birth.
richCares February 21, 2009 at 5:53 pm #
No disappointment: Greschak says “It should be noted that I do not consider this to be a definition of the phrase natural born Citizen. What I have listed here are just what I believe are some necessary conditions for one to be a natural born Citizen”
None of his coments include the US Constitution, do they? It’s what he believes, I believe something else!
HR, thanks for the reference. Yes, I am disappointed. I am impressed by the material he collected. I just wish that he had relied on his material and not so much on the dictionary. One cannot derive the meaning of a phrase solely from the meaning of its constituent words, hyphen or no. There are several excellent examples from citations from which I will pick one, the Private Act No. 101:
[As a reward for service during the war Peter Landais shall] be deemed adjudged and taken to be a natural Subject of this State to all Intents Constructions and Purposes as if he said Peter Landais had been Born within this state and had continued and dwelt therein from the Time of his Birth…
This is a good example showing the equivalence of natural Subject with being Born within the state. Other citations have variations on the wording, but all convey the same result and parents are never mentioned.
I have sent him an email asking if he’s willing to discuss the matter.
[Added: That’s probably a waste of time, now that we know that he’s been talking with Leo Donofrio.
Since the Constitution nowhere defines “natural born citizen”, one must look elsewhere. Mr. Greschak has taken an essentially linguistic approach. I feel that a better argument can be made that citizen parents are not required (that part was rather a leap).
This is certainly the most sophisticated thing to come out of the citizenship denial side to date. It bears careful analysis.
The more I think about it, the more this essay looks fishy. First off, it is very long. Some of the repeated copies of alternate translations of Latin texts seems irrelevant to the conclusion. One wonders whether their inclusion is either to make the essay appear erudite or even if the attempt is to tire the reader so that they will give up and and click the Synopsis link rather than finishing the essay.
Skipping the end of the essay is a bad thing because the entire argument is at the end. The Synopsis is nothing more than the conclusion without the intervening argument. If the reader reads half the essay and then skips to the Synopsis, they will not have read anything that supports the conclusion.
In any case as I said, this is a sophisticated challenge and it will require some careful thought to unravel.
HR, would you flesh out what you mean by “bordering on parody?” I am intrigued.
Expelliarmus February 21, 2009 at 8:46 pm #
That idea — that there was some attempt to “get away” from British Common Law — just demonstrates total ignorance of law and US history. Any American law student knows otherwise, because we learn from the outset that American jurisprudence is laid on top of British common law, and so much of the early American case law goes back to British common law as a determinant of various questions. It’s common to see British holding cited as authorities in 19th century US Supreme Court holdings. I never heard of Vattel in law school — but I sure as hell knew Blackstone!
Expelliarmus February 21, 2009 at 8:56 pm #
Google tells me that John Greshak might have very useful opinions to share in the fields of music and mathematics — he seems quite gifted in those arenas.
But a quick scan of his essay tells me that, unfortunately, the man does not know the first thing about Constitutional law or American jurisprudence.
Expelliarmus February 21, 2009 at 9:01 pm #
I disagree – the essay betrays naivite rather than sophistication in terms of legal analysis. It has a false aura of sophistication because of the type of argument advanced — but you could probably find examples of equally complex reasoning and citation to authorities in writings in support of creationism, yet none would be given a second look by a modern scientist.
I appreciate your views. Sometimes I’m a little slower in reaching clarity.
Hitandrun February 22, 2009 at 5:29 pm #
The parody, I’m sure, is unintended on Mr Greschak’s part, who has done yeoman’s work in assembling the “NBC” sources. Nonetheless, sophisticated readers like Expelliarmus might find Mr Greschak’s convoluted interpretations and conclusions bordering on parody. To my mind’s eye they do.
Hitandrun February 22, 2009 at 5:45 pm #
You are misinterpreting Mr Greschak’s main point, which is that the requirements for “natural born citizen” status in the Constitution or elsewhere during the period of the Framers must include AT A MINIMUM all those he lists, and perhaps more.
Incdentally, as Doc has already learned, Amb. Keyes in his personal essays does not lend credence to such Donofrio arguments. Dr Keyes, time and again, emphasizes that a foreign birth remains the major possibility which might vitiate Mr Obama’s eligibility — hence his demand for public disclosure of the vault document.
Expelliarmus February 22, 2009 at 7:41 pm #
Strangely enough, we do agree on that point.
I don’t agree that his convoluted interpretations lead to the conclusions he has drawn, either. He made a rather odd logical leap, based entirely on an unsupported assumption which seems to defy history, when he got to the point of deciding which sort of citizen would be “most numerous”.
Expelliarmus February 23, 2009 at 5:10 am #
Here’s a link to Congressional hearings that go into the history of the “National Born Citizen” requirements in some depth:
The information there paints a very different picture than the claims of Greschak’s essay or Donofrio’s theorizing. There’s a lot to read there, but its interesting stuff.
These hearings took place about 4 years ago, and the Senate Judiciary was considering a possible Constitutional Amendment to allow naturalized citizens to run for President, or a statute clarifying that children of citizens who were born abroad (like McCain) should be considered natural born. They all agreed consistently throughout that “natural born” did include all children born in the US, regardless of parentage, and they used the phrase “natural born” interchangeably with “native born”.
Plus they pretty much discredit the theories about fears of foreign influence due to parentage.
(Thank to mimi for providing me the link)
The PDF version is now hosted here and added to the Bookmarks page under “S. Hrg. 108-694 — Maximizing Voter Choice: Opening the Presidency to Naturalized Americans, October 5, 2004 – TEXT 115K | PDF 3.3M”
Cymraeg February 28, 2009 at 12:12 am #
As to “natural born citizen” I would suggest reading US v Wong Kim Ark 169 US 649 (1898). If you do read it get a very large cup of coffee, it is very long. I came to the conclusion that the court assumed this underlying principal: Within the class “Citizens” there are two and only two subclasses (1) “Natural Born Citizens”, and (2) “Naturalized Citizens”. In short the finding of the Court was that if you are born on US soil you are a natural and/or native born citizen (natural and native are used interchangeablyby the Court). THe nationality of the parents is irrelevant.
If you notice the birthers never mention the Wong case.
The other day I saw a birther blog that cited the Dred Scott case. I cannot believe someone could have been so idiotic.
Mr. Donofrio drones on about Wong.
Hitandrun March 25, 2009 at 1:20 pm #
Doc, What happened to the Federalist Papers ‘common law’ references and the Apuzzo blog excerpt in your original article? Have they been moved to another thread?
The previous version was “under construction”. The final version hacked a lot of stuff I was accumulating that I didn’t have any use for. Following is what the article used to say:
The Law of Nations and the Law of the United States Original Content One of the more vexing nObama arguments is their redefinition of Natural Born Citizen. The primary way they attempt to do this is to assert that the definition of “natural born citizen” in the Constitution should be determined by a book by a Swiss philosopher and jurist from the 18th century name Emmerich de Vattel writing in a book loosely called “The Law of Nations”. The approach inflates de Vattel’s influence. A mindless literalism appears among the nObama when they say that an 18th century Swiss jurist de Vattel’s work, Le Droit des Gens. ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle, appliques a la conduite & aux affaires des Nations & des Souverains, is written into the US Constitution because the phrase “The Law of Nations” appears therein (and that is a translation of a bit of Vattel’s French title). I found the following comment posted on Apuzzo’s blog.
[This is in response to your defenses of your beliefs that "the word 'natural' in the term natural born citizen is from the Natural Law".] Perhaps the root of our disagreement, or more specifically, the root reason why I have raised this point of disagreement is that I suspect, that in this discussion we are having concerning the meaning of the phrase “natural born Citizen of the United States”, Vattel’s text is a red herring. Here would be yet another example of why I would believe that to be the case. It has been stated that Vattel’s text was quite significant to the Framers. Also, it has been mentioned that Vattel’s text was read aloud in the Constitutional Convention. Yet, when one examines “Records of the Federal Convention of 1787″, by Max Farrand (1911), one does not find much evidence to support those statements. Farrand’s three volume work, which consists of roughly 2000 pages, is the most comprehensive source we have of what actually happened at the Constitutional Convention. In Farrand’s books, there are only four pages on which the word “Vattel” occurs and all of these instances pertain to three different accounts (by Madison, Yates, and King) of the same event in which a “Mr. Martin, the attorney general from Maryland”, spoke for roughly 3 hours on the subject of proportional representation. During that speech, it is reported that he read passages from Locke, Lord Somers, Dr. Priestly, and Vattel. Also, there were no occurrences of the following alternate spellings of Vattel: vatel, vatell, vatelle, vattell, vattelle, vittel, vitel, vitell, vitelle, vittell or vittelle; or Vattel’s or Vattels. I should also note that the phrase “natural law” was mentioned only once in all of Farrand’s three volume work (on page 452 of Volume 3, in “James Madison: Note to his speech on the right of suffrage”). While the phrase “law of nations” occurs at least 30 times, in all instances that I have examined, this phrase is being used as a generic term rather than one that refers to the specific system of laws that are Vattel’s “Law of Nations”. John Greschak
Reference to common law in the Federalist Papers:
FEDERALIST No. 37 Concerning the Difficulties of the Convention in Devising a Proper Form of Government From the Daily Advertiser. Friday, January 11, 1788. MADISON To the People of the State of New York: … The experience of ages, with the continued and combined labors of the most enlightened legislatures and jurists, has been equally unsuccessful in delineating the several objects and limits of different codes of laws and different tribunals of justice. The precise extent of the common law, and the statute law, the maritime law, the ecclesiastical law, the law of corporations, and other local laws and customs, remains still to be clearly and finally established in Great Britain, where accuracy in such subjects has been more industriously pursued than in any other part of the world. …
Here common law that the law of nations (lower case) are used in the came context:
FEDERALIST No. 42 The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered From the New York Packet. Tuesday, January 22, 1788. MADISON To the People of the State of New York: … The definition of piracies might, perhaps, without inconveniency, be left to the law of nations; though a legislative definition of them is found in most municipal codes. A definition of felonies on the high seas is evidently requisite. Felony is a term of loose signification, even in the common law of England; and of various import in the statute law of that kingdom. But neither the common nor the statute law of that, or of any other nation, ought to be a standard for the proceedings of this, unless previously made its own by legislative adoption. The meaning of the term, as defined in the codes of the several States, would be as impracticable as the former would be a dishonorable and illegitimate guide. It is not precisely the same in any two of the States; and varies in each with every revision of its criminal laws. For the sake of certainty and uniformity, therefore, the power of defining felonies in this case was in every respect necessary and proper. ,,, FEDERALIST No. 43 The Same Subject Continued (The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered) For the Independent Journal. Wednesday, January 23, 1788 MADISON To the People of the State of New York: THE FOURTH class comprises the following miscellaneous powers: 1. A power “to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing, for a limited time, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.” The utility of this power will scarcely be questioned. The copyright of authors has been solemnly adjudged, in Great Britain, to be a right of common law. The right to useful inventions seems with equal reason to belong to the inventors. The public good fully coincides in both cases with the claims of individuals. The States cannot separately make effectual provisions for either of the cases, and most of them have anticipated the decision of this point, by laws passed at the instance of Congress.
On the courts:
FEDERALIST No. 81 The Judiciary Continued, and the Distribution of the Judicial Authority From McLEAN’s Edition, New York. Wednesday, May 28, 1788 HAMILTON To the People of the State of New York:
Many citations here. Take the link to 81 preceding. Keep in mind the distinction between “common law” and British common law.
Wong Kim Ark case?
Okay. I’ll state a fact about it.
In only ONE place does it use the phrase/term “natural born citizen”.
Justice Grey [sic, Dr. C] : “Justice Grey [sic, Dr. C], in US v Wong Kim Ark (1898) http://
“In Minor v. Happersett, Chief Justice Waite, when construing, in behalf of the court, the very provision of the fourteenth amendment now in question, said: ‘The constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that.’ And he proceeded to resort to the common law as an aid in the construction of this provision.”
And as Grey [sic, Dr. C] was quoting the earlier case Minor vs Happersett… here is that portion,
Chief Justice Waite in Minor v. Happersett (1875) http:/ / www.
“The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first.”
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on July 10, 2012 at 4:09pm
” Letters of Delegates to Congress 1774-1789 Edited by Paul H. Smith, et al. (1976-93) ” , in “Volume 02” is Benjamin Franklin’s letter dated December 9, 1775 to Charles William Frederic Dumas.
“I am much obliged by the kind present you have made us of your edition of Vattel. It came to us in good season, when the circumstances of a rising state make it necessary frequently to consult the law of nations. Accordingly that copy, which I kept, (after depositing one in our own public library here, and sending the other to the College of Massachusetts Bay, as you directed,) has been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress, now sitting, who are much pleased with your notes and preface, and have entertained a high and just esteem for their author. Your manuscript “Idee sur le Gouvernement et la Royaute” is also well relished, and may, in time, have its effect. I thank you, likewise, for the other smaller pieces, which accompanied Vattel.”
Read Robert Trout’s piece.
continue at
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best wishes, malama pono, aloha.....