Legal Notice No. 2017-1027 Another Add to the Genocide Activities Ongoing List from Amelia Gora, a Royal person
2:34 AM (10 minutes ago)
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On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 2:34 AM, Amelia Gora <> wrote:
Honolulu Police DepartmentChief of Police, et. als.Greetings,Re: Another Add to the Genocide Activities Ongoing List from Amelia Gora, a Royal personPlease add Elizabeth K. Moreno to the Genocide Activities Ongoing List for the records.The file was created in 1998 and names have been entered over time.I had been instructed to inform the Police Department by the Supreme Court Judges Attorney(s).Alii bashing, slander, etc. has also been documented by her on Facebook which is viewed by hundreds of people in Hawaii and other Nations.The evidence is added onto the reference below.Thank you,Amelia Gora, a Royal person, one of Kamehameha's descendants, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc.e-mail: hawaiianhistory@gmail.comP.O. Box 861781Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786
also added more to this thread., be used for the Honolulu Police Department report - for Elizabeth K. Moreno new add for the Genocide Activities List:
Robert Ebanez is with Deldrene Herron and 37 others.
Supposed Hawaiian Freedom Fighter :
Robert W. Wilcox
Shows he was a traitor for the Hawaiian Kingdom yet we currently honor this man for the rebellion (probably a deception) and erected a statue of him in downtown Honolulu.
Hawaiian History has to be revisited throughout time to ascertain the true History of Hawaii.
It is similar to naming the Honolulu International Airport Daniel Inouye a Traitor to the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Robert Ebanez
1892 May 2 - out of the book 100 YEARS OF HEALING - The Legacy of a Kauai Missionary Doctor by Evelyn E. Cook (2003)
- Note that the following speech was not covered in the newspapers nor was it brought out in the trial for ROBERT W. WILCOX, et. als.:
page 105:
"highly educated part-Hawaiians, such as Robert W. Wilcox and John E. Bush, who, while strongly identifying with the Hawaiian people, nevertheless often opposed the Queen and considered the monarchy obsolete."
Robert Wilcox delivered the following speech on May 5, 1892, before an audience of about 200:
Monarchy is limited to descendants of royalty. Republic means the welfare of all. In an aristocratic republic the president is chosen from the nobility. In a democratic republic any commoner can become a president. The most popular man, receiving the greatest number of votes will become president. America and Switzerland are the leading republics of today.
Those who tell you that you are not fit to govern a republic, you should regard as your worst enemies.
Our greatest enemy is the Queen, because she keeps the Hawaiians down. (Applause)
Are we to be governed by Wilson (Marshal Charles B. Wilson, alleged lover of the Queen). I do not wish to be governed by dolls. I believe no woman ought to reign. They have no brains. They are generally weak."
R.W. Wilcox and others were arrested and charged with Treason:
The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, May 21, 1892, Image 4
Treason, Conspirator Robert Wilcox Documented Posted by Amelia Gora on October 1, 2017 at 2:43am in Politics ...
complete letter with references also posted at